the chester community library the chester community

The Chester Community Library The Chester Community Library The - PDF document

3/6/2015 The Chester Community Library The Chester Community Library The Chester Community Library The Chester Community Library in North Quarter Park (NQP) in North Quarter Park (NQP) in North Quarter Park (NQP) in North Quarter Park (NQP)

  1. 3/6/2015 The Chester Community Library The Chester Community Library The Chester Community Library The Chester Community Library in North Quarter Park (NQP) in North Quarter Park (NQP) in North Quarter Park (NQP) in North Quarter Park (NQP) Funding Proposal for Schematic Design Phase Chester Town Meeting March 5, 2015 1

  2. 3/6/2015 2 2

  3. 3/6/2015 Why Are We Here? The Boards of Selectmen and Finance voted to send the Library Trustees’ request for $100,000 for a schematic design of a new community library at NQP to a town vote. Library Trustees seek town approval of funds to: 1. Confirm that NQP is a suitable building site for a new community library; and if so, 2. Develop schematic design for the new library that: a. meets town size and space requirements, b. is affordable to build and operate, and c. is in compliance with the 2009 Plan of Conservation and Development. 3 3

  4. 3/6/2015 Why Expand Chester Library? How Chester Library Compares to the 165 Libraries in CT Not ‘Americans with Current Library built in Disabilities Act’ 1907 compliant (Federal law) (population was ~1400) • One of only 7 libraries in CT • 3 rd oldest in CT not wheelchair accessible Library facilities No programming small and cramped space • Chester ranks 155th in • One of 19 towns in CT library space per with no library meeting capita space 4 4

  5. 3/6/2015 Expansion Initiative Synopsis 2009-2013 Efforts at Library Expansion Options 2012 study concluded current 2009 • Plan of Conservation and location was not a viable option Development • Community Library Needs • Limited in space - could only Assessment, incl. Town-wide add 2,000 sf on this small site Survey and Focus Groups • High per square foot (grant-funded) construction costs – $3 million 2010 Library Reconfiguration Effort • Entire lot outside “buildable” 2012 • Comprehensive architectural space; extensive ZBA required study to explore expanding current site • Concerns expressed by Church, • 2 plans presented to town which owns the land, and (aboveground, belowground) other neighbors Expansion of current building: a complex and high cost per sf solution that failed to meet town needs 5 5

  6. 3/6/2015 North Quarter Park Site $1,000,000 Grant Achieved! The Selectmen formed two committees in 2014: Committee Architect Charter NQP Master Richter and Develop a master plan for NQP consistent Planning Cegan with the 2009 Plan of Conservation and Committee Development Library Building Lerner Develop a conceptual space plan for a new Committee (LBC) Ladds community library, incorporating NQP Bartels Master Plan, Library Long Range Plan and State Guidelines Apply for state grant (compl. Aug. 2014) The State awarded Chester a $1 million grant for construction of a new community library at NQP (Nov. 2014)! 6 6

  7. 3/6/2015 Why North Quarter Park? • More cost effective • SF construction costs lower than library renovation • Town owned • Library sizing and siting flexibility • Integral to broader town community center • Recreational areas • Planned community center • Walkable … AND it enabled us to get a $1,000,000 grant! 7 7

  8. 3/6/2015 Comparisons to Local Libraries Comparisons to Local Libraries Comparisons to Local Libraries Comparisons to Local Libraries Physical Library Wealth Sq. Ft Per Collection Town Population Size in Sq. Rank* Capita Size Per Ft. Capita Chester 4,343 54 2,000 0.46 4.81 1.38 Deep River 4,589 82 6,323 8.2 Essex (minus 1.44 6,623 20 9,550 6.62 Ivoryton) 1.23 Haddam 8,363 68 10,314 6.01 1.13 Killingworth 6,490 49 7,329 4.90 2.71 Lyme 2,401 9 6,500 10.84 1.58 Old Lyme 7,592 17 11,992 6.25 * 165 Towns 8 8

  9. 3/6/2015 The $100,000 will answer… Is NQP Cost to Cost to feasible How Big? Build? Operate? location? • Geotech • We will build • Will balance the • Design will investigations consensus benefits to the enable a lean will confirm based on: town with the staffing plan cost to the and a safe and • If NQP is not • state taxpayer secure viable, recommend- environment expenditure ations • Funding via of the $100k state, town and • Building • peer bench- will halt private sources. envelope and marking The Library mechanical • town Trustees are systems will requirements already minimize total exploring lifecycle cost fundraising options 9 9

  10. 3/6/2015 Breakdown of the $100,000… Component Scope/Deliverables Budget Geotech investigations Test borings, foundation recommendations $7,200 Survey updates Spot elevations, update maps $2,750 Civil design Schematic drainage design, erosion control, $3,850 utilities, site preparation Architectural and Space planning, design studies, code review, $55,500 Engineering design schematic architectural, structural & MEPFP services design Landscape design Schematic site design, site preparation, grading, $15,400 services landscaping, play area relocation Cost estimating Construction & project cost estimates with $5,000 alternates Reimbursable expenses $2,500 Contingency $7,800 TOTAL $100,000 10 10

  11. 3/6/2015 The Design Process • Collaborative • Building Comm. will work with the Boards of Selectmen and Finance, NQP Committee, Main Street Collaborative Committee, other town committees, Library Trustees, Friends of the Library, library staff, architects and others • Inclusive • Building Comm. will seek input from all stakeholders (citizens, library patrons, neighbors) • Transparent Inclusive Transparent • All Bldg Comm. mtgs are open to the public; meeting agendas and minutes are posted on the Library website • Public information mtgs will be held 11 11

  12. 3/6/2015 Where does this phase get us? • Site plan with grading and • Town, state and drainage private sources proposals A • Property tax • Floorplans & impact elevations Financing schematic • Proposed plan design furnishings, materials and finishes • Building systems Cost estimate narratives for the • Construction costs project • Soft costs • Estimates for non- project costs 12 12

  13. 3/6/2015 Financial Considerations of a New Community Financial Considerations of a New Community Financial Considerations of a New Community Financial Considerations of a New Community Library for Chester Library for Chester Library for Chester Library for Chester 13 13

  14. 3/6/2015 Affordability of a new library • $1 million State Library grant is a big plus • Chester is in a very strong financial position • Interest rates for bonding are still near historic lows • Significant private fundraising initiatives are being planned • Other state grants will be sought for NQP projects While funding the new library and NQP improvements is a significant commitment, there may never be a better time to do it. 14 14

  15. 3/6/2015 Bond Servicing Costs and Effects on Homeowner Taxes Assume Home Assessment of $210,000 Bond Servicing - 20 years $2 mil $3 mil $4 mil $5 mil @ Interest Rate 2.50% Annual cost to Town $127,152 $190,728 $254,304 $317,880 Annual Tax on Homeowner $62 $93 $124 $155 @ Interest Rate 3.50% Annual cost to Town $139,176 $208,764 $278,352 $347,940 Annual Tax on Homeowner $68 $102 $136 $170 Note: Chester is now paying off the Town Hall bond at $145,000 per year, plus interest. This bond matures in Oct. 2017; after that, the net effect on taxes of a Library Bond would be the above “annual cost to town” minus $145,000 assuming no other bond issues were requested and approved. 15 15

  16. 3/6/2015 Reasons to vote “Yes” • The need is strong • Existing building was outgrown many years ago • The place is right • NQP is an ideal location for a community library • The time is right • Capitalize on state grant and strong financial condition • The benefit is compelling • A library in a renovated NQP will strengthen our community 16 16


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