Publ Public ic Notices Notices
A A fina financi cially ly s str train ained 2 ne news wspa paper indus industry in in Ne New w Jersey With ithout public lic noti tice advert rtising th the newsp spaper in indust stry cou ould ld lo lose se more than han 200 200-300 job jobs. s. Many news wspape pers incl cludi ding many sma mall we weekly news wspa papers wi will shut do down wn. Wi Without a com commercial television station, many residents are de depe pende dent on newsp spapers for news. s. This is is is esp specia iall lly tru true of sm small ll weeklies th that t cove ver r town n ne news. With ithout a TV V sta station and th the clo losure of of so some me papers rs, th the sta state te of of news s coverage in in NJ will ill be gr greatly ly dim imin inis ished. The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
Cos Cost to to t to towns wns 3 Offic ice of of Legi gisla lative Se Serv rvices note oted in in 2011 th that t go government ta takeover of public lic noti tices “wou ould ld have an in indetermin inate cost” to to loc local go governments and sta state te agenci cies es. Web site site sy syste stems must st be se secure and se searchable le. This is will ill add to to th the cos ost for many town wns, espe pecially smaller ones. Pu Public lic notic tices are ess ssential public lic documents. Outs tsid ide partie rties alte lterin ing th them cou ould ld le lead to to la lawsu suit its. The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
Cos Cost to to t to towns wns, co 4 cont. The pote otential l for or high igher pers rsonnel l cost sts exi xist for or so some to towns. The pote otential l for or high igher IT cos osts exi xists. High Higher cos osts to to th the sta state for or unemployment benefits exi xists due to to newsp spaper la layoffs. It t could amou ount to to hundreds of th thou ousands of of dolla llars per r month. Priv Private party rty noti tices will ill add a sign signific icant burden on on to towns. The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
Cos Cost to to t to towns wns, co 5 cont. Th The cu current co cost to o town wns fo for legally requ quired d transpa parency via pu publ blic c noti tices is is very ry sma small. ll. Neither the legislature nor any ot other government bo body dy has don done an ade dequ quate analysis of of the new w cos costs to town wns and d state government resulting to the removal of f pu publ blic notices fr from om news wspa pape pers. . The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
All All Ne New J w Jersey public public notic notices 6 ar are alr already online online Sin Since 2003, , NJPA has s main intained a free websit site of all ll public lic notic tices www.NJpub ublicN cNotices .com, pr providi ding NJ ci citizens searchable acce ccess to bo both cu current and d arch chived d pu publ blic c not otices since ce November 2002. In the NJPA da databa base, pu publ blic notices are translatabl ble into numerous languages incl cludi ding Spa panish, Hindi di, Ar Arabi bic, Chinese, and d over 100 100 othe hers rs. Th The we webs bsite is co compl pletely ‘smart searchabl ble’ ’ by town wn, ca category of of pu publ blic c not otice and d da date, etc. c. Use Users may also lso sig sign up for or email il noti tifications base sed on on keywords th they pr provide de. The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
All Ne All New J w Jersey public public notic notices 7 ar are alr already online online, co cont. www.NJPub ublicN cNotices ces is is a se secure site site. A A pr printed d record d of f a pu publ blic c not otice in a news wspa pape per is an impor portant do docu cument in any governmental or legal pr proc oceedi dings. . It is evide dence a pu publ blic not otice has not ot be been altered d and d wa was pu publ blished d on the co correct da date. There is is no cost to to use sers or or to towns and countie ies for or th the on onlin line se service. New Jersey resi sidents curr rrently ly have on one pla lace to to go go for or all ll public lic noti tices inste in stead of havin ing g to to se search mu mult ltip iple to town and oth other go government websit sites. The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
Not all New J Not all Ne w Jersey r reside ident nts us use the the I Inte nternet 8 Accordin ing to to th the la late test U U.S. S. Ce Censu sus B Bureau, 1.8 milli illion New J Jers rsey residents do do not use the Internet. . Th That’s 22% % of f the state’s po popu pulation (see next pa page). The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
Not all New J Not all Ne w Jersey r reside ident nts us use 9 the the I Inte nterne net, co cont. (In thousands.) Total Population 3 years Individual accesses the Internet from # of NJ individuals who do not access the some location 2 and older Internet from some location Selected characteristics # # % # % New J Jerse rsey 8,428 6,588 78% 1,840 22% Source: U U.S. Census B Bureau, C Current P Popu pulati tion S n Survey, O Octo ctobe ber 2 2012. Internet Release date: January 2014. 1 "Some location" means Internet access that occurs either inside or outside the respondent's home. 2 At least one member of the individual's household reported using the Internet from home.
Public Notic Publi c Notice r rate ates ar are lo low 10 The sta statu tutorily con ontrolle led rate tes, for or what t amou ounts to to “go government transparency services,” ” have not ot incr creased d in 33 years. Accordin ing to to th the U.S. Bureau of of la labor sta stati tistics th the rate te of of in infla lation sin since 1983 is 143% 143%. In In othe her words a a 1983 1983 dollar ar is no now $2. $2.43. 43. For For New w Jersey news wspape pers, pu publ blic c notice rates are by fa far the lowe west rates they ch charge. The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
Government tr Go tran ansparency cy and the and the public public 11 Govern rnment has an obl bligation to to main inta tain its ts cr credi edita tabili lity and d good d sta tandi ding with th th the e pu publ blic. . On Online-only l leg egal pu publ blic n c noti otices ces w would be be subj bjec ect t to to ch change, e, del deleti etion a and d oth other er acti ctions by unscru crupu pulous indi dividu duals. Ne New opportu pportuniti ties es for or co corru rrupti tion would also result lt. In Indepen dependen ent t th thir ird-pa party ty o oper perati tion pr provided ed by newspa spaper er-media provides ess ssentia ial cr credi edibi bility to to th the e sy system tem of pu publ blic-no noti tificat ation. n. Takin king pu publ blic c noti tices ces out t of newspa spaper ers and d di disen senfranch chising 22% % of th the e sta tate te’s po popu pulation cr crea eates tes th the e oppo pposite e ef effect ect of maintaining govern rnmen ent t tr transparen ency. The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
Fact actors to to cons conside ider 12 A fina inancia ncially lly st straine ined ind indust ustry. Layoffs an and ne newsp spap aper closur closures. s. Dim iminishe inished ne news s co coverage ge. Cost st to towns. ns. Lack ck of a tho horough ugh co cost st ana naly lysis sis to determine ine the he total, l, act actua ual l costs ts to to govern rnment. All ll NJ J pub ublic lic no notice ices s are alr already online line. . Transla nslatable le. Conv nvenie nient nt for resid sidents s to have the ha hem in in local local print int, and nd all ll in in one ne pla lace ce at www.N .NJp Jpub ublicN licNotic . The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
Fact actors to to cons conside ider, co cont. 13 Le Legal adva dvantage of f having a pr printed d record of of a pu publ blic c not otice. 1.8 milli million resi sidents or r 22% of th the popula lation do o not t use se th the Inte ternet. Sustained, d, we well-regulated tr transparency is is vita ital l to to go good go government. The purpose of public notice is to prevent official actions from occurring in secret.
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