the capa paci city enhance cement t pr progr gram

The Capa paci city Enhance cement t Pr Progr gram Building - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Capa paci city Enhance cement t Pr Progr gram Building Capacity for Quality Cancer Control and Pan-Canadian Guideline Collaboration Melissa ssa Brouwers, s, Ph PhD Na Nati tional Lead, d, CEP, CPAC 1" Discl sclosu

  1. The Capa paci city Enhance cement t Pr Progr gram Building Capacity for Quality Cancer Control and Pan-Canadian Guideline Collaboration Melissa ssa Brouwers, s, Ph PhD Na Nati tional Lead, d, CEP, CPAC 1"

  2. Discl sclosu sures s Aca cade demic c and d Pr Professi ssional • National Lead, Capacity Enhancement Program, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer • Associate Professor, McMaster University • Director, Program in Evidence-Based Care, Cancer Care Ontario • Principal Investigator, AGREE Research Enterprise Financi cial and d Indu dustr stry • None 2"

  3. CEP P Obj bjecti ctives s Impr prove th the qu quality of ca cance cer by cr creati ting g “e “evide dence ce” ” co communiti ties s by pr promoti ting g th the de developm pment, t, evaluati tion and d upta ptake of cl clinica cal pr practi ctice ce gu guide delines s • Resources on-line database of cancer control guidelines • Skills mentoring, training • Social Engagement exchange of knowledge and best practices 3"

  4. Why Guide delines? s? • universal • concrete project that leads to concrete useful deliverable • develop community receptive understand apply • can lead to change in behavior • can lead to improved patient outcomes • respect for science, methods, social engagement and context 4"

  5. Back ckgr ground d Two major co compo ponents: ts: • SAGE Directory of Cancer Guidelines • Training and Education Initiative – Workshops and webinars – Mentorship – Guideline development tools and resources 5"

  6. SAGE (sta SA ce) standa dards ds & gu guide delines s evide dence • Current and comprehensive searchable database • 2050+ English language cancer control guidelines • Appraised using AGREE ll 6"

  7. SAGE: Evaluati tion Tool AGREE II 6 domains 23 items 7-point response scale Brouwers et al. CMAJ. 2010 Jul 5. 1. Scope and purpose [Epub ahead of print] 2. Stakeholder involvement 3. Rigour of development 4. Clarity of presentation 5. Applicability 6. Editorial independence 7"

  8. SAGE: Jurisdi sdicti ction (2010-2012) (2010-2012) Stake.33 Jurisdic(on N Scope Involve Rigour Clarity Apply EI Canada 147 71 (28-97) 36 (8-72) 51 (4-89) 76 (39-92) 28 (8-73) 32 (0-72) USA 50 66 (22-97) 44 (2-72 ) 45 (10-80) 71 (30-92) 24 (4-67) 31 (0-69) Europe 54 59 (22-86) 38 (16-72) 32 (12-72) 66 (33-92) 21 (0-52) 21 (0-67) UK* 66 64 (39-89) 52 (19-89) 51 (12-89) 73 (53-94) 24 (6-63 ) 23 (0-63) 13 69 (44-92) 58 (31-83 ) 53 (30-72 ) 84 (69-89) 30 (6-60 ) Australia3 38 (0-67) /NZ Asia 7 58 (44-67) 39 (25-61) 32 (15-50) 75 (64-86) 23 (17-48) 21 (0-46) 5 Middle3 57 (33-78) 21 (14-25) 13 (8-19) 72 (61-78) 12 (6-17) 28 (4-42) East/33 Africa 23 58 (31-78) 35 (19-56) 30 (16-52) 64 (36-81) 20 (0-38) InterD 18 (0-46) na(onal 8"

  9. SAGE: Develope per (2010-2012) (2010-2012) Scope Rigour Clarity Apply EI GD N Stake3 Involve 63 AHS3 68"" 23"" 43"" 72"" 22"" 21"" Alberta (44-86) (14-42) (19-69) (50-83) (10-50) (0-58) 43 CCO3 8533 5533 7733 8233 29"" 5933 Ontario (75D92 ) (42D72) (35D89) (58D92 ) (15-56) (46D72 ) 42 NHS3 63" 50"" 56"" 72"" 4733 25"" UK (39-83) (19-86) (31-77) (53-89) (10D79) (4-58) 11 ASCO3 703 5533 6233 7533 3833 4433 USA (56D83) (44D72) (49D75) (64D86) (17D58) (33D69) 9 DACCC3 54" 46"" 36"" 68"" 27"" 13"" Dutch (22-72) (17-72) (12-59) (33-83) (6-52) (0-29) 8 SKCA3 38" 18"" 13"" 69"" 16"" 2"" Sask. (28-53) (8-28) (4-22) (39-80) (8-26) (0-8) 9"

  10. SAGE: Lesso ssons s Learned d • Many guidelines, broad range of quality within domains and across domains • Not surprisingly: – Resource-wealthy jurisdictions have highest quality documents – Resource-wealthy programs have highest quality documents • How can we facilitate a better evidence culture within Canada and across other jurisdictions? 10"

  11. Training g and d Edu duca cati tion • Training events and workshops • Webinars • Mentorship • Video Shorts • Guideline development tools and resources 11"

  12. Training g and d Edu duca cati tion EVENT NTS/WORKSHOPS PS – Canadi dian • Six in-person events (174 Canadians) • Introduction to advanced issues • Clinical trainees, clinicians, methodologists, managers 12"

  13. Training g and d Edu duca cati tion WEBINA NARS - Inte ternati tional • 18 webinars (499 attendees) • Covering all aspects of evidence synthesis and guideline development • Presentations and recordings online 13"

  14. Training g and d Edu duca cati tion MENT NTORSHIP P - Canadi dian • Training/mentorship with guideline clients • Teleconference, e-mail, in-person VIDEO Shorts ts - Inte ternati tional The CEPguidelines Channel (7000 views) What makes a high Knowledge Critical appraisal quality guideline? translation of evidence 14"

  15. Websi bsite te: ca cance ca/gu guide delines s Free Free Publ Pu blic c Free Free Acce ccessi ssibl ble Free Free 15"

  16. Websi bsite te: ca cance ca/gu guide delines s SAGE"" Directory" -"How"to"Use" -"Search" -"Reports" 16"

  17. Websi bsite te: ca cance ca/gu guide delines s Guideline"" Development" -"Fundamentals" -"Steps" 17"

  18. Websi bsite te: ca cance ca/gu guide delines s AGREE"II" -"Domains""" -"Examples" 18"

  19. Websi bsite te: ca cance ca/gu guide delines s Training"Events" -"Upcoming"events" -"Past"Events" -"Webinars" 19"

  20. Websi bsite te: ca cance ca/gu guide delines s About"Us" 20"

  21. Feedba dback ck and d Impa pact ct • Capacity Enhancement Program: – Pr Promote tes s th the uti tilizati tion of evidence in cancer care – Str trength gthens s loca cal ca capa paci city for guideline development through targeted training and access to information – Enhance ces s qu quality of ca care by enabling informed and objective decision making 21"

  22. Feedba dback ck and d Impa pact ct • Capacity Enhancement Program: – Redu duce ces s du dupl plica cati tion of guideline development and supports more effective use of resources – AGREE II scores faci cilita tate te co compa pariso son of guidelines, provides bench marks, facilitates improvement – Pr Promote tes s knowledge dge to to acti ction through training and support 22"

  23. Te Team Come visit • Karen Spithoff Caroline and • Caroline Zwaal Lava at the CPAC • Ellen Rawski • Lavannya Bahirathan booth in the • Sandy Hsu Global Village • Sharon Garden • Laurie Cocking 23"

  24. Thank You! Questi stions? s? Dankt Ihnen! Haben Sie Fragen? Спасибо ! Вопросы ? Dank U! Vragen? Merci! Questions? �� �� ��� � Grazie! Domande? Kiitos! Kysymyksiä? Dzi ę kujemy! Pytania? ¡Gracias! ¿Preguntas? Obrigado! Perguntas? ����� ! ��� � ����� ? 24"


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