The next quasars and galaxies frontier: The bluetides simulation Tiziana DiMatteo (CMU ) Yu Feng (Berkeley), Rupert Croft (CMU ), Aklant Bhowmick, Kuan-Wei Hunag, (CMU) Simeon Bird (JHU), Steve Wilkins (Sussex),Ananth Tenneti (CMU ) Nick Battaglia (Princeton),Mark Straka (NCSA) http://bluetides-
The cosmic dawn - a largely unexplored frontier 300Myrs 800Myrs 1Billion yrs z =8 z = 7 z = 6
Z > 7 A few (tens) of compact, clumpy irregular galaxies two quasars
Z > 7 room for discovery
Z > 7 Predictions: The first 800 million years /
The challenge: first objects are rare and tiny..
A sketch of Cosmic History 300Myrs 800Myrs BT The Universe ( initial BW project) First Billion Yrs BTii (renewal/ current BW project)
BlueTides Simulation: NCSA BlueWaters 0.7 million cores 0.7 trillion particles full hydrodynamics Resolves galaxies and large-scale structure of the Universe
Hybrid TreePM (gravity ) N-Body Method Grav. Potential, Poisson eq à FFTW + Boltzmann Eq for collisionless DM SPH (Hydrodynamics – ideal fluid, baryons) Euler Continuity 3rd law of thermodynamics
Hybrid TreePM (gravity- dark matter ) Grav. Potential, Poisson eq à FFTW + Boltzmann Eq for collisionless DM system SPH (Hydrodynamics – ideal fluid, baryons) Cosmological expanding gas à a is the scale factor Euler Continuity 3rd law of thermodynamics
BlueTides Simulation: Technology
BlueTides Simulation: Science calibrated from rad. Hydro sims (Battaglia+13)
BlueTides 400 x volume of HubbleUltraDeepField,
Galaxy Luminosity Function in BlueTides consistent with Hubble Legacy Fields (star formation rate) Diff. Number density of galaxies Cosmic variance Galaxy luminosity bright Feng et al., 2015a
High-z qso Predictions from BlueTides: J J
Z > 6 QSOs 1.3x10 10 M ¤ @ z=6.3 2x10 9 M ¤ A few (Gpc) -3 @ z=7 ¢ (Mortlock+11) ¢ Wu+15, Nature
at Z > 6 2x10 9 M ¤ @ z=7 BH as massive ¢ (Mortlock+11) as most massive ¢ at z=0 (t> 13 billion yrs) McConnel&Ma13 Galaxy mass
1 QSO h``11111 ¡ z=6 qsos are this rare
…. And after 6 years Z = 7.54 J1342+0928 ALLWISE/Ukidss M BH =8x10 8 M ¤ Banados+17, Nature
BH Seeds Ma Small Grow Massive BHs Large
BH Seeds PopIII Small remnants Grow ü First stars (metal free) are massive M ★ ~O(100) M ¤ ü When they die they leave a remnant BHs of M BH,seed ~ M ★ ~ O(100) M ¤
BH Seeds Direct gas Large collapse Grow ü Deep potential well for gas infall and collapse require inflow rate > 0.1M ¤ ü Form a supermassive star, that accretes envelope forms M BH,seed ~ O(10 4-6 ) M ¤
1.E+09 Observed.. 1.E+08 BH Mass in Solar Masses 1.E+07 DC/supermassive 1.E+06 Star Seed 1.E+05 1.E+04 1.E+03 PopIII Seed 1.E+02 1.E+01 1.E+00 Myrs since the BigBang 100 500 1000
How/ where do MBHs seeds grow? BH-BH mergers Mayer et al . Gas Accretion Total mass density of BHs grows with time.
How/ where do MBHs seeds grow? Gas Accretion Total mass density of BHs grows with time. L BH = efficiency M acc c 2 BH Growth = Gas Supply = Energy liberated AGN feedback
Resolution demands to do BH growth in simulations R Sch =2GM BH /c 2 SMBHs R grav =2GM BH / σ 2 microparsec/parsec Stars (bulges) R Sch =2GM * / σ 2 /galaxies kiloparsec R Sch =2GM Halo / σ 2 DM halos? megaparsec
Uniform Cosmological Simulations with BHs ü rare regions Large Volumes ü galaxy scales High Resolution ü gas accretion Hydrodynamics + star formation … subgrid BH accretion feedback
BT only direct Simulation that probes high-z quasars
Example: 6x10 8 Msun First quasars beyond z=7 Most massive BHs at z=8, M ~ 10 8 M sun Fastest growing, massive black holes are not in disky galaxies !
The environment of the most massive BH: T compact, spheroidal host galaxy with strong radial inflows
BT: First Massive stu ff : tidal fields/IC HIGH TIDAL FIELD First billion solar mass BHs M BH =4x10 8 M sun ∂ i ∂ j disc Primordial ‘Milky Way’ LOW TIDAL FIELD galaxies spheroid Di Matteo+17
High-z qsos Strong enough inflow ✔ in rare region of low tidal fields rates can sustain critical growth rates (+)
10 9 M sun 1.E+09 1.E+08 BH Mass in Solar Masses 1.E+07 DC/supermassive 1.E+06 ✔ Star Seed 1.E+05 1.E+04 1.E+03 PopIII Seed 1.E+02 1.E+01 1.E+00 Myrs since the BigBang 100 500 1000
….current PRAC meets observations Z = 7.54 quasar J1342+0928 ALLWISE/Ukidss M BH =8x10 8 M ¤ Banados+17, Nature
…. In BlueTides Z = 7.54 quasar M BH =7x10 8 M ¤ M * = 3e10M ¤ Tenneti, TDM+18
Does the BH ever stop growing? Evidence for BH feedback/winds in z=6 quasars Maiolino et al. 2013
The outflow at z=7.5
Z=7.54 Quasar outflows
Quasar outflows Few 100 Solar Mass/yr
Does the BH ever stop growing? YES BT predicts z=7.54 quasar has strong outflows Ni+2018
Who is the host ? co-evolution of galaxies and BHs from high-z? Courtesy of M. Volonteri Who grows first? Galaxy or BH?
Giant BH, tiny dusty host galaxy for z=7.54 QSO BT predicts host for JWST observation: Webb telescope qso galaxy Tenneti+2018
The environment of the first quasar in Bluetides Synthetic JWST observation of the host galaxy Webb telescope
JWST FOV( ~100” ) …. In BlueTides M BH =7x10 8 M ¤ Z = 7.54 DARK MATTER Tenneti, TDM+18
Tiny host galaxy for the first giant quasar Bluetides z=7.54 M87: another host of billion quasar host solar mass black hole galaxy
BH ‘grows’ first co-evolution of galaxies and BHs from high-z Courtesy of M. Volonteri
Bluetides makes contact with data: first galaxies and quasars co-evolution of galaxies and BHs from high-z Courtesy of M. Volonteri
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