thanks to fes sdpi

Thanks to FES & SDPI Amar KJR Nayak, NCSCS-LBSNAA, India Key - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Thanks to FES & SDPI Amar KJR Nayak, NCSCS-LBSNAA, India Key Words (Pathways) to Sustainable Development Collaboration, Cooperation, Peace, Regional Integration, People centric inclusive Growth, Integrated Approach, Inter linkages & Inter

  1. Thanks to FES & SDPI Amar KJR Nayak, NCSCS-LBSNAA, India

  2. Key Words (Pathways) to Sustainable Development Collaboration, Cooperation, Peace, Regional Integration, People centric inclusive Growth, Integrated Approach, Inter linkages & Inter dependence, Electoral Democracy, Political Choice, Political Stability, Sustainable Development Goals, Planning, Fiscal Federalism, Climate Smart Agriculture, Food Security, Strong Governance, Drinking Water, Sanitation, Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Technology, Quality Education, Skills, Ecosystem Services, New Social Contract, Normative Vision, Political Economy, Balance, New Development Models, Partnerships, Slow Incremental Change, Trust, Large Think Tanks, Dignity 2030, FPOs, Green Development Fund, PPP, Trade Offs to Synergy, Long distance/term Projects, CSR, Country to Country Relationship, Enabling Environment, Paradigm Shift, Organizational Design, Institutional Architecture, Holistic Agenda, Human Capital, De-Monetization, Local Governance, Human Relationships, MSME, Competition Policy, Social Science, Critical Attitude, Indigenous Research, etc

  3. Pathways to Sustainable Development Future 3D Space Now District or Sub District Level Union Council (Pakistan)/ Ward(TZ)/ GN (Sri Lanka)/ Gewog (Bhutan)/ Parishad Council (Bangladesh) / Parish (UK)

  4. What are the core challenges of Implementation and how could we resolve them to ensure Sustainability?

  5. Transitional Challenges Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization: Scale, Specialization, Large Capital External Market & Intermediaries & Intensive Technology Culture of Agriculture, Health & Education Marginal & Small Producers / Resource Poor External Inputs Bio-diverse produce portfolio Integrated Agriculture & Economies of Scope

  6. Moral, Technical & Systems Perspective at different levels of economic activity Perspective Primary Economic Activity Secondary Economic Tertiary Economic Activity Activity    Moral Perspective: Small & marginal Industrialists Banks & Financiers   Primary Stakeholders Farmers Ancillary Industries Large Wholesalers,   Rural Youth Engineers Distributors & Retail   Resource Poor Industrial Workers Chains  MBAs/Professionals  Neo classical Economists Technical Perspective: Production Efficiency & Economies of Scope Economies of Scale Economies of Scale Nutritional Efficiency (Step Function of Scaling Process)    Systems Thinking & Open System Closed System Relationships are more   Sustainability : Interconnections Relationships are more linear in design   Institutional Architecture Interdependence linear as in a chain Relationships are   & their relationship Higher frequency of Relationships are contractual with interactions contractual in nature institutional buyers and   Bio-diverse and Institutional architecture need to be contractual networked relationship is a top-down design as well as personal with   Greater depth of Chain, contractual, arms retail buyers.  relationships that not length relationship is Institutional architecture only facilitate efficiency preoccupied with is a top-down design but sustainability achieving efficiency

  7. Economic Activities & Process of Transformation PRIMARY ACTIVITY SECONDARY ACTIVITY TERTIARY ACTIVITY AGRICULTURE INDUSTRIAL PROCESS MARKETING Baby Corn Processing Factory Baby Corn Processing Factory (step function of scaling)

  8. Language, Logic, & Values under the different Paradigms External Competition based Parameters External Cooperation based Industrial Market Economy Socio-Cultural Sustainable Ecosystem Clan Values: Values Universal Values: Take and Accumulate for self or a Service, Sacrifice & Love for Sustainable small group community Efficiency Logic Sustainability Market Competition Trust & Cooperation Private Property Rights, Contracts, Tools, Techniques & Common Property, Participation, Social Financial Capital Design Capital Scale , Intensive Technology Scope , Appropriate Technology Instrumental Rationality, Rationale & Emotional, Moral, Social, Psychological, Risks, ROI (Profit), Performance Indicators Challenges, Satisfaction, Economic indicators; GDP Sustainability indicators; Well being Top-Down Bottom-up Approaches Welfare State as per state Direct Community Welfare & regulations Self Reliant communities Rivalry & Competition Communitarian Spirit

  9. Pathway to Sustainable Development Action Research Organizational Design & Institutional Architecture for Sustainable Governance Design Principle, Strategy and Implementation

  10. Balancing opposing Paradigms Social Capital and Financial Capital

  11. Social Capital Social Wealth Trust & Cooperation Frequency of Interactions Depths of Engagement Positive Feedback from the Engagements

  12. Liberalization, Privatization A Transition System Design External Market & & Globalization: Scale, for recreating Sustainable Intermediaries Specialization, Large Capital Community System & Intensive Technology Culture of Agriculture, Health & Education Marginal & Small Producers / Resource Poor CES: Local People External Inputs Owned & Managed Bio-diverse produce portfolio Community Enterprise Integrated Agriculture & System at GP Level Economies of Scope


  14. Paradigms of Organizational Design Technically not feasible Practically Unsustainable Small Size Large Multiple Scope Few Low Technology High Dispersed Ow nership Concentrated Simple Management Complex Marginal Producer/Consumer Organization Design Variables Multinational/Global Enterprise Space & Nuclear, Military, Hydro-electricity, Solar Power Aircraf t, Information T echnology, Automobiles, Heavy Industries A griculture, Retail, Food Processing, Insurance, Banking, Service Providers, etc Source: Nayak, Amar KJR (2010), Optimizing Asymmetries for Sustainability: A Prism for Agriculture & Rural Development in India, DEAR, NABARD Seminar, Mumbai & XIMB Sustainability Seminar Series 1.0, Dec 2009

  15. District or Sub District Level Union Council (Pakistan)/ Ward(TZ)/ GN (Sri Lanka)/ Gewog (Bhutan)/ Parishad Council (Bangladesh) / Parish (UK)

  16. Institutional Architecture & Relationships Value Marketing Outlet District Level Marketing Added Retail MNCs In Urban/ Organizations Products Industrial Town Value added P1 P2 Block Level Product P3 Block to District Block Level Value Addition Block to FPO Value Addition of Specific Products of P1 P1 P3 (P1,P2, P3…P12) Interchange P1 Categories of different graded P2 P3 Block Level Block Level of the District Produce ( P1, P2, P3 ) Value Addition Value Addition among the Blocks P2 of P2 of P3 Value added GP / Cluster Level Product FPO to local market FPO-1 FPO-n FPO-2 Community Enterprise Local Value Addition Local Value Addition Local Value Addition System Surplus & Marketing of & Marketing of & Marketing of (FPO/PC/ PACS) Raw Produce some Items some items some Items Farmer to FPO FPO to Block

  17. Organizational Design & Institutional Relationship for Sustainable Community Systems Net Income Resource Convergence from NABARD. PR , (NRLM, OLM), Mobilize Community to build Trust & Cooperation CES Operated by Trained Coordinators, & Facilitators among Members and Agriculture, Cooperation , RD , District Admin with Family People in the Cluster technical & managerial support from Local Academic/Development Organizations External Institutional Champions Community Enterprise System from the Local Community Sell surplus from the basket of produce, Local & Urban Markets Village undertake Value Addition & Market (200 KM from CES) Provide Emergency, Consumption & Production (CES) Credit and Support Village Retail Outlets in remote villages Cluster (GP) Adopt Sustainable Agricultural Management Practices with NRM and Integrate other Production Activities across 365 days Converge Resources for Community Health, Education, Environment & Basic Rural Ecology Infrastructure Design Variables of CES Leverage Appropriate Ownership and internal Governance & Management Optimal Size Scope Technology Resource Generation by Producers/Farmers

  18. National Centre for Sustainable Community Systems

  19. Thank You


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