thank you for participating in the conversation regarding

Thank you for participating in the conversation regarding options to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Thank you for participating in the conversation regarding options to relieve high school overcrowding. The following slide presentation has been modified to include a numbering system. The numbers do not represent a preference, but allow residents

  1. Thank you for participating in the conversation regarding options to relieve high school overcrowding. The following slide presentation has been modified to include a numbering system. The numbers do not represent a preference, but allow residents to easily reference a specific idea presented. For the full presentation and report, please click on a link below: PR PRESENTATION BOAR BO ARD REPOR ORT VI VIEW MEETING M NG A public hearing on this topic is scheduled on Se September 11, 2018 at 7:00pm in the Board Room. Individuals are encouraged to participate. One may participate in person or in writing. Individuals may submit written testimony via USPS mail or emailed to . All testimony is part of the public record maintained by the Board Office. All testimony submitted for public hearings via email or regular mail will be uploaded as submitted to BoardDocs. Written testimony will not be edited before posting online—no personal information will be removed. It is recommended that written testimony submitted only include the constituent’s name. It is highly recommended that testimony sent via email be submitted as an attachment with only the constituent’s testimony and name included in the attachment. Only the attachment will be posted online. If testimony is submitted in the text of an email, the entire em email—in inclu ludin ing the con onstit ituent’s email il address—wi will be posted . To register to speak at the Public Hearing, cl click ck here . For questions, please contact the Board of Education office at 410-313-7194. This infor ormation on was updated ed on on 9/ 9/7/ 7/2018 2018 to o include ques estion ons and answer ers rec ecei eived ed by y res esiden ents on on ea each top opic.

  2. Options to Relieve High School Overcrowding A review of immediate, mid-term and long-term ideas Submitted by: Offices of School Construction and Planning REVISED (for numbering): August 24, 2018 REVISED (for FAQs): September 7, 2018

  3. Option 1 . JumpStart Trailing Siblings Option 2 . Boundary Adjustments (SY 2019/20) Option 3 . Open Enrollment . Rising 9 th Grade Temporary Reassignment Option 4 Option 5 . Rising 9 th Grade Permanent Reassignment . 9 th Grade Academy Option 6 Option 7 . Do Nothing

  4. Impact on Schools • Over 500 students registered • Up to 260 out-of-district Future of Program • Trailing siblings • After data analysis, consider Marriotts Ridge HS as an opportunity to provide relief to Centennial HS and Mount Hebron HS

  5. n: What is JumpStart? Question: Que Answer: Please click here [LINK] for program details. Question: Who can participate? An Answer: : Please click here [LINK] for program participation. To view frequently asked questions on this program click here [LINK]

  6. SY 2019/20 Adjustments • Guarantees immediate relief in implementation year • No capital cost • Minimal operating cost • Neighborhoods affected by boundary adjustments at Oakland Mills HS, Long Reach HS, or Howard HS (between now and SY 2023/24) likely to be changed again with opening of HS #13 • Policy review and updates to projection/scenario testing tools underway • Boundary review process not underway (regional meetings, Attendance Area Committee)

  7. Ques Qu estio ion: What are boundary adjustments? An Answ swer: Please click here [LINK] for standards relating to boundary adjustments. Ques Qu estio ion: Currently, are there any proposed plans to review? An Answ swer: No, the Superintendent has not proposed any specific areas for boundary adjustments. If the Board of Education directs the Superintendent to prepare specific boundary changes as part of the 2018 process, plans will be posted on the Office of School Planning webpage [LINK] ion: Why can’t the Board build HS 13 by 2020 now that the site is selected? Qu Ques estio swer: Planning for HS 13 began in spring 2018, following the Board’s decision on the building location. To construct a building, with site An Answ work takes a minimum of 36 months. This does not include the design and permit process. In total it can take up to 5 years. For more information on building construction, click here [LINK] Qu Ques estio ion: : Are there any HS #13 proposed attendance area plans to review? Answ An swer: The Superintendent has not proposed any specific areas for HS #13 boundary adjustments. The Board directed staff to provide a theoretical boundary for High School #13, which they did during the March 8, 2018 in the PowerPoint [LINK]. Qu Ques estio ion: Is there a public-facing redistricting tool so that I can create my own boundary for the Board to consider? Answ An swer: At this time, there is no public-facing tool. To view frequently asked questions on boundary changes click here [LINK]

  8. Sending: Howard HS, Centennial HS, Within Policy 6010 definition Long Reach HS, Mt. Hebron HS 110% Utilization @ receiving school Receiving: Oakland Mills HS, Marriotts • Sending schools would remain above Ridge HS, Glenelg HS, Wilde Lake HS 115% • Approx. 900 seats (in addition to current JumpStart) *With JumpStart River Hill HS has no additional capacity for open enrollment • SY 2019/20 implementation • Potential (not guaranteed) relief Outside Policy 6010 definition • Family choice 115% Utilization @ receiving school • Students volunteer to open enroll • Similar potential resulting capacity utilization • No transportation provided at sending & receiving schools • Approx. 1,100 seats (in addition to current JumpStart)

  9. n: What is open enrollment? Question: Que An Answer: : Open enrollment is defined under Board Policy 9000. [LINK] Question : How is a school designated as “open?” Answer: An : The Board may identify schools that, because they have available space, are open to enrollment by a student not living in the schools' attendance areas. Parents may request a student’s reassignment to an open school according to established procedures. The request is subject to approval by the Superintendent/Designee. A student reassigned under this standard will be eligible for extracurricular activities, except the student will not be eligible for participation in interscholastic athletics for a period of one year effective the date of transfer. Transportation will be provided by the parent. Question : Que If the Board chooses this option, students from which schools would be eligible for reassignment? An Answer: : Howard HS, Centennial HS, Long Reach HS, Mt. Hebron HS n: Where can parents choose to send a student? Que Question: An Answer: : Schools that could receive reassigned students under this option are Oakland Mills HS, Marriotts Ridge HS, Glenelg HS, Wilde Lake HS; however, the Board must take action on which schools would have an “open school designation.”

  10. 4. Temporary Reassignment • SY 2019/20 implementation • Each incoming Howard HS 9 th grade class • Cohort transfers to Howard for 10 th – 12 th grades • Howard HS grade configuration: • 10 th -12 th grades • New cohort of students impacted annually For Howard HS, only (not voluntary) • Bonnie Branch MS, Ellicott Mills MS, Mayfield Woods MS feeds (approx. 300 students) to Marriotts Ridge HS • Elkridge Landing MS feed (approx. 200 students ) to Oakland Mills HS (Wilde Lake HS is an alternative) • Ends with opening of HS #13 (SY 2023/24) • Provides immediate relief for Howard HS with 500 students relocated • Uses existing capacity • No capital costs • Operating costs to relocate staff and provide bus routes *please note, this concept could be applied to the rising 9 th grade class at Centennial HS. The receiving school is suggested to be Glenelg HS.

  11. 5. Permanent Reassignment Howard HS grade configuration SY 2019/20 – 10 th , 11 th , 12 th • SY 2019/20 Howard HS incoming 9 th grade cohort SY 2020/21 – 9 th , 11 th , 12 th ( graduating class of SY 2022/23 ) SY 2021/22 – 9 th , 10 th , 12 th • Cohort remains at receiving school for the duration SY 2022/23 – 9 th , 10 th , 11 th (no • Howard HS grade configuration: graduating class) • Missing cohort moves through grades, no graduating class 2022/23. • One cohort impacted For Howard HS, only (not voluntary) • Bonnie Branch MS, Ellicott Mills MS, Mayfield Woods MS feeds (approx. 300 students) to Marriotts Ridge HS • Elkridge Landing MS feed (approx. 200 students ) to Oakland Mills HS (Wilde Lake HS is an alternative) • Ends with opening of HS #13 (SY 2023/24) • Provides immediate relief for Howard HS with 500 students relocated • Uses existing capacity • No capital costs • Operating costs to relocate staff and provide bus routes *please note, this concept could be applied to the rising 9 th grade class at Centennial HS. The receiving school is suggested to be Glenelg HS.

  12. Que Question: n: How will my child transition under this temporary assignment? : The option shown under this scenario involves Howard HS and/or Centennial HS and would affect rising ninth An Answer: graders in SY 2019/20, SY 2020/21, SY 2021/22 and SY 2021/22. Question : Would transportation be provided? An Answer: : Yes. Que Question: n: Would students be eligible for extra curricular activities? Answer: An : Specific details will be developed when Board direction is given on these options. Question: Que n: Can the rising ninth grade class stay at their respective middle schools rather than move and then the middle schools become 6-9 grades? Answer: An : There is no capacity at the middle schools listed in these options to take an additional cohort of students. Please see the middle school pre-measure chart prepared for the 2018 Feasibility Study, found on page 48 [LINK].


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