th thou ou

th thou ou wha hat?! t?! An Introduction to the language of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sa Saye yest st th thou ou wha hat?! t?! An Introduction to the language of Shakespeare Why Why dos dost t th thou ou hat hate me? e me? Greatest obstacle between Shakespeares plays and students is the unfamiliar

  1. Sa Saye yest st th thou ou wha hat?! t?! An Introduction to the language of Shakespeare

  2. Why Why dos dost t th thou ou hat hate me? e me? • Greatest obstacle between Shakespeare’s plays and students is the unfamiliar language • The language he used is referred to as Elizabethan English, after Queen Elizabeth I who ruled during his time • Different from modern-day English, it is a challenge for even the best readers!

  3. Ia Iambic mbic pen pentameter tameter ne’er doth go out of style! • Shakespeare wrote his poems and plays in the style of iambic pentameter. • This is a pattern of rhythm, or meter, in which most lines contain five unstressed syllables each followed by a stressed syllable • His plays were written in blank verse, or unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter

  4. Ia Iambic mbic Pe Pentam ntameter eter Example xample u / u / u / u / u / Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; u / u / u / u From Julius Caesar, Act I, scene ii / u / Canst nst th thou ou imagine magine writing iting an n en enti tire re He thinks too much, such men play ay in this s st style? e? are dangerous.

  5. Shortn’d wi wi ’ contractions • Shakespeare uses many contractions, particularly to maintain iambic pentameter • Examples: – wi ’=with – e’en =even – e’er =ever – ne’er=never – ‘tis=it is – ‘twas=it was

  6. Fea ear r no not, t, th thy y thee’s and nd thou’s • Thee and thou = you • Thy = your • Follows a pattern: Subject Object Possessiv Possessiv e e Adjectiv Pronoun e Singul You You Your Yours ar Plur Thou Thee Thy Thine al Ye Ye You Yours Yours

  7. Fea ear r no not, t, th thy y thee’s and nd thou’s Examples: • Thou (Subject): “Thou art my brother.” • Thee (Object): “Come, let me clutch thee.” • Thy (Possessive Adj.): “What is thy name?” • Thine (Possessive Noun) “To thine own self be true.”

  8. ‘Tis tr trick icky, y, th the c e con onju juga gati tion on of of th thy v y ver erbs bs • Verb conjugation also follows a pattern • More complicated than modern-day – 2 nd person singular adds – est (Thou Singular Plural givest) I speak ak We speak – 3 rd person singular ads – eth (He Thou u speake kest st Ye speak giveth) He/she/it /she/it speaket aketh They ey speak

  9. Ma Mark rk my y wo words, ds, th then en, , pr prithee thee, , tr translate anslate th them. em. 10 Frequently Encountered Words f ound in SHAKESP EARE

  10. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently “I will speak with you further anon.” Tra ranslat nslation? ion? “I will speak with you further shortly.” (AWI.iii.122)

  11. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • aught (n.) anything “Though you respect not aught, your servant doth.” ( TG V.iv.20) Tra ransl nslation ation? “Though you respect nothing, your servant does.”

  12. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • base (adj.) dishonorable, low, unworthy “…basest theft is that / Which cannot (E3 II.ii.80) cloak itself on poverty .” Tra ransl nslation ation? “The lowest type of theft is that which cannot be blamed on poverty.”

  13. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • hie (v.) go quickly, hurry “ Hie you home to dinner .” (CE I.ii.90) Tra ranslat nslation? ion? “Hurry home for dinner.”

  14. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • mark (v.) pay attention to, take notice of “ Marked you his lip and eyes? ” (Cor I.i.253) Tra ranslat nslation? ion? “Did you notice his lips and eyes?”

  15. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • meet (adj.) suitable, proper, right “ It is most meet we arm us ( H5 II.iv.15 ) 'gainst the foe.” Tra ranslat nslation? ion? “It is right for us to arm ourselves against our enemy.”

  16. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • marry (int.) indeed “ Marry, sir, I am helping you. ” ( AYL I.i.30 ) Tra ranslat nslation? ion? “Indeed, sir, I am helping you.”

  17. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • prithee (int.) please, I ask you (short for ”I pray thee.”) “ I prithee, lady, have a (AW III.ii.64) Tra rans nslat lation ion? better cheer.” “Please, lady, cheer up.”

  18. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • wont (v.) be accustomed, likely to “I have not from your eyes that gentleness / And show (JC I.ii.34) Tr Tran anslation? slation? of love as I was wont to “I don’t see that have.” gentleness and love in your eyes that I am accustomed to.”

  19. Oft t encountr’d wo words ds • wot (v.) learn, know, be told “ We English warriors (Cor I.i.253) wot not what it means. ” Tra ransl nslation ation? “We English warriors don’t’ know what it means.”

  20. El Elizab abethan ethan La Lang ngua uage ge Gl Glos ossary ary Adieu — farewell Sirr rrah — boy, usually of low rank Heavy--sad An An — if Hie — go quickly Soft — hush, wait a minute Anon — soon, at once Hither er — here Tarr rry — wait, linger Art — are Tax — criticize, accuse Tax Humor or — mood, frame of mind Aught — anything Knave — young boy, servant Thee, ee, thou — you Aye, , ay — yes Liege — king master, lord Thith ther er — there Base — low, dishonorable Maid — an unmarried woman Thy — your Befall all — happen, occur, take place Tidin ings gs — news Mark — pay attention to Couns nsel el — advice Marr rry — indeed, of course Tis — it is Coz — cousin, any close relative Meet — suitable, proper Verily rily — truly Discourse ourses — speaks Wench — girl, young serving woman Methin inks — I think Dispat atch — to send away or kill Nay — no Wherefor erefore--why Dost, , doth — do, does N’er— never Whith ther er — where, to where E’en— even, evening Nought — nothing Will — desire Ere – before Withal al — with, in addition, also Oft — often Fain — gladly, willingly Perc rchanc ance — perhaps, maybe Woe — misery Foe — enemy Pray ay — beg Wont — likely to, be accustomed to Good-den, en, do-den en — good evening Prith thee ee — please (I ask you) Woo — to romance a woman or man Good morr rrow ow — -good day Privy — informed Wot — know Hap, , haply ly — lucky, luckily Quoth th — said Would ld — wish Hast, hath — have, has Resolv olve — plan Yond, yonder — over there *Can be printed and used to help decipher meaning as you read

  21. ‘Tis tim ime e for th or thee ee to o pr prac actice. ice. Language PRACTIC E & ACTIVITI ES

  22. For or th thy y pr practice ctice • “Shall we now / Contaminate our fingers with base bribes?” (JC IV.iii.24) • “For such a guest is meet.” (Ham V.i.95, 119) • “I'll remember't anon.” (Cym III.v.132) • “ I wot well where he is .” (RJ III.ii.139) • “Mark how the tyrant writes.” (AYL IV.iii.40) • “ Prithee hie thee; he'll come anon.” (Oth IV.iii.47)

  23. Ar Art t th thy y res esponses ponses si simila milar? • “Shall we dirty our hands with such dishonorable bribes?” • “For such a guest is suitable.” • “I'll remember it shortly.” • “ I know well where he is .” • “Pay attention to how the tyrant writes.” • “Please go quickly; he'll be here

  24. All the world’s a stage. Thou hou sha halt t be e a pl a play ayer. er. Shakespearean Skit Activity: • Working in groups of three or four, choose one of the scenarios provided • Write a scene (minimum 20 lines) using modern-day English. • Translate your scene into Elizabethan language (use

  25. All the world’s a stage. Thou hou sha halt t be e a pl a play ayer. er. Skit Scenarios (choose one): • A young man visits the parent(s) of his future bride, asking for permission for her hand. The reaction is not what he expects. • Students are gossiping about a fellow student. What they don ’t’ realize is that he or she is in the next room hearing every word. • During a job interview, a young professional tries to impress his or her potential boss, only to embarrass him/herself terribly. • A fast-food customer tries to order everything but what is on the

  26. A B or not a B. B or not a B. Hie th thee ee fo for an an A! A! Skit Rubric Master Apprentice Novice (4-5) (2-3) (0-1) Content Skit clearly, accurately Skit adequately Skit may incorrectly and creatively portrays demonstrates a basic portray some of the an understanding of understanding of the language of the language of language of Shakespeare or may be Shakespeare. Shakespeare. too brief to demonstrate understanding. Organizatio Skit is well-written and Skit is mostly clear and Skit may be difficult to easy to follow, with a easy to follow. follow in spots or n clear beginning, middle overall. and ending. Presentatio Presenters are well- Presenters are mostly Presenters may lack prepared, enthusiastic engaging. Skit shows enthusiasm, seem n and engaging. Skit is some preparation. uninvolved or clearly rehearsed. unprepared. Skit could use more rehearsal. Collaborati Group works together Group works together, Group may show seamlessly, with all with all members discord or a lack of on members contributing contributing. involvement, or the evenly. group is carried by only one or two members.

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