Th The tea e team Doctors Without Borders, known internationally by our name in French Médecins Sans Frontières, or more simply “ MSF MSF ”, is an independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people all over the world affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters, and exclusion from health care. MSF offers assistance to people based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation.
Why have we come to talk to you today?
The g he global lobal refugee crisis? efugee crisis? • The here e ar are e 70 70.8 .8 mill million ion for orcib cibly disp displac laced ed pe peop ople le ar arou ound nd the the wor orld ld • The hese se pe peop ople le ha have e fl fled ed e ext xtreme eme da dang nger ers, s, to to es esca cape pe rele elent ntless less bo bomb mbing ing, , in inva vadin ding g ar armies mies, , ga gang ng viole violenc nce, e, or or ot othe her r li life-th threa eate tening ning cir circu cumst mstan ance ces. s. • Those who have been uprooted from their homes often facing further struggles on their journey to find safety, including access to clean water, food, shelter, personal security, and health care. • Every year, millions of people are driven from their homes by war, political unrest, economic upheaval,
• In many cases, these people are forced to leave behind everything they know — including family members — often in a great hurry, in order to find relief and safety. Imagine confronting such a decision! • Imagine having only minutes to prepare for your journey. • What would you grab? Who would you take with you? Where would you go? How would you get there? • These are choices millions of people around the world have to make on a daily basis.
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