th the abc bcs of of ics th threat act ctiv ivit ity y

Th The ABC BCs of of ICS Th Threat Act ctiv ivit ity y Grou - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Th The ABC BCs of of ICS Th Threat Act ctiv ivit ity y Grou oups Au August st 2 26, 2 2020 Sergio Caltagirone Dave Bittner VP Threat Intelligence Producer & Host Dragos The CyberWire Podcast Before we get started - The

  1. Th The ABC BCs of of ICS Th Threat Act ctiv ivit ity y Grou oups Au August st 2 26, 2 2020 Sergio Caltagirone Dave Bittner VP Threat Intelligence Producer & Host Dragos The CyberWire Podcast

  2. Before we get started… - The webinar is being recorded - The recording will be sent out in a few days - Please submit questions using the Q&A feature - All attendee phones are muted - Let’s meet our speakers!

  3. Meet Meet our our Spea peaker ers Sergio Caltagirone Dave Bittner VP Threat Intelligence Producer & Host Dragos The CyberWire Podcast

  4. Threat Group Names are Everywhere

  5. What does this mean?

  6. Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis Source:

  7. Diamond, Kill Chain, ATT&CK

  8. Activity Groups Source:

  9. Activity Group Lifecycle Analytic Problem Feature Redefinition Selection Analysis Creation Growth Source:

  10. Activity Groups Source:

  11. Behavior, Behavior, Behavior Detection Mitigation Detect classes of threats Mitigate whole classes of threats Detect behaviors, not things Define and control the physics Have 100s of detections, not millions Mitigate Strategically not Tactically

  12. Activity Group Families AGF 1 AG 1 AG 4 AG 2 AGF 2 AG 3 AG 5 Source:

  13. Attribution Activity Groups are not equivalent to attribution ICS threat environments are too complex for a simple attribution model Soft Attribution is not Hard Attribution

  14. Some Dragos Activity Groups

  15. Q& Q&A Sergio Caltagirone Dave Bittner VP Threat Intelligence Producer & Host Dragos The CyberWire Podcast

  16. Th Thank You! Sergio Caltagirone Dave Bittner VP Threat Intelligence Producer & Host Dragos The CyberWire Podcast


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