tfg biological variation database

TFG-Biological variation database Terms of Reference: To use a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TFG-Biological variation database Terms of Reference: To use a critical appraisal check list to evaluate literature on biological variation. To evaluate the literature on biological variation and extract essential information from the papers as

  1. TFG-Biological variation database Terms of Reference: To use a critical appraisal check list to evaluate literature on biological variation. To evaluate the literature on biological variation and extract essential information from the papers as well as summarising the information. 
 Deliverable: To generate a database on the EFLM website with essential information about the biological variation and derived performance specifications for different measurands as well as the evidence behind. To write papers dealing with these concepts.

  2. Biological Variation Database BVD - a cooperation • Analytical Quality Commission of the Spanish Society of Clinical Chemistry • Task and Finish Group BVD

  3. TFG – members (16) Sverre Sandberg (NO) - chair Pilar Fernández-Calle (ES) Bill Bartlett (UK) Anna Carobene (IT) Aasne Karine Aarsand (NO) Abdurrahman Coşkun (TU) Thomas Helge Røraas (NO) Mauro Panteghini (IT) Carmen Ricos (ES) (Karin Robijns (NL)) Maria-Carmen A. Perich (ES) Per Hyltoft Petersen (DK) Niels Jonker (NL) Callum Fraser (UK) Federica Braga (IT), Jorge Díaz-Garzón (ES)

  4. Analytical Quality Commission (10) • Virtudes Alvarez • Carmen Biosca • Beatriz Boned • Fernando Cava • Mª Vicenta Domenech • Mª Pilar Fernández Fernández • Elisabet Gonzalez • Joana Minchinella • Margarita Simón • Jose Vicente García-Lario

  5. 1st meeting in conjunction with the Strategic conference. - Develope a practical check list to evaluate papers on biological variation - Evaluate 25 biological variation papers with this check list - Next meeting in Barcelona, beginning of March

  6. Barcelona meeting -

  7. 2nd meeting in Barcelona.  Refining and discussing the check list  Papers were categoirzed as A, B, C and D depending on their methodological quality, with category A papers indicating high-quality and D poor quality.  The checklist now contains 14 items, and 22 items will be extracted from each paper and presented in the database.  Establishing groups for different measurands

  8. WGs within TFG

  9. 3rd meeting in Paris 1. Report from the different WGs and discussion - results, main difficulties etc) 2. Revision of the critical check list / Excel sheet 3. The database on the EFLM website 4. The way forward

  10. Tuesday

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