tf noc tf noc about terena

TF NOC TF-NOC About TERENA TERENA offers a forum to collaborate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

15 February, 2011 Ljubljana, Slovenia Peter Szegedi, PDO szegedi@terena org TF NOC TF-NOC About TERENA TERENA offers a forum to collaborate innovate and TERENA offers a forum to collaborate,

  1. 15 February, 2011 Ljubljana, Slovenia Peter Szegedi, PDO szegedi@terena org TF NOC TF-NOC

  2. About TERENA › TERENA offers a forum to collaborate innovate and › TERENA offers a forum to collaborate, innovate and share knowledge in order to foster the development of Internet technology, infrastructure and services to be used by the research and education community. › TERENA is first and foremost a collaborative organisation. › Its core business is to bring together managers, technical specialists and other people in the research networking community with their counterparts from other countries in Europe, mobilising the expertise and experience of hundreds of professionals in the research and education networking area. Slide 2 Slide 2

  3. TERENA Com m unity › National members › National members › 39 NRENs › International members › CERN, ESA CERN ESA › Associate members › DANTE, NORDUnet, vendors... › Peers › Internet2, APAN, CLARA, Ubuntunet... , , , › Affiliated comminuties › EGI EUNIS GLIF Europeana › EGI, EUNIS, GLIF, Europeana... › research and education communities... Slide 3

  4. TERENA bodies › TERENA General Assembly (GA) › Members’ representatives › Members representatives › TERENA Executive Committee (TEC) › Janne Kanner – president d › TERENA Technical Committee (TTC) › Technical programme, coordination › Technical Advisory Council (TAC) ec ca d so y Cou c ( C) › Special Interest Areas, consultation › TERENA Secretariat › TERENA Secretariat › Operative body Slide 4

  5. TERENA Executive Com m ittee Slide 5

  6. TERENA Secretariat Slide 6

  7. Technical Program m e Special I nterest Areas i l › Netw ork Services and Technologies › Security › Middlew are › Media Services › Virtualisation and Cloud Services › Cam pus and End-to-End issue coordination › Grid collaborations › Grid collaborations Slide 7

  8. Activities › TERENA Compendium › Printed › On-line: http: / / activities/ compendium/ › TERENA Networking Conference › Seminars › Technical workshops › Trainings › Task Forces › Meetings M ti › Small projects › EC funded projects › Services › Services › TACAR, REFEDs, SCHAC, TI, TCS, eduroam... Slide 8

  9. TF-NOC TERENA Task Force started in Sep 2010 › to offer a forum for leading staff members of › to offer a forum for leading staff members of Network Operation Centres (NOCs). › It is facilitating know ledge exchange and collaboration in order to foster the development and p improvement of NOCs, primarily within the research and education community. › Today’s NOC functions are essential , costly, and critical in respect of NRENs’ main business, as well iti l i t f NREN ’ i b i ll as of regional, metropolitan and campus network providers and infrastructure development projects. › However there is extrem e diversity in terms of › However, there is extrem e diversity in terms of NOC organisation, structure, and roles across various domains. › I t is also hard to find inform ation about com m on practices related to day-to-day NOC operations. Slide 9

  10. TF-NOC W ork I tem s A) Taxonom y of NOC organisations, internal processes w orkflow s processes, w orkflow s Led by Stefan Listrom (NORDUnet) B) NOC front-end developm ent and im provem ent Led by Gareth Eason (HEAnet) C) NOC tools, interw orking/ interfacing issues, and autom ation Led by Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo (CESCA) D) Efficient com m unication/ collaboration tools and practices Led by Wiktor Procyk (PSNC) and Rachael Holt (HEAnet) (HEAnet) E) Facilitate the collection/ creation of best practice docum ents Led by Pieter Hanssens (BELNET) F) I nvestigate and liaise w ith other com m unities Led by Peter Szegedi (TERENA) Slide 10

  11. I nvestigate and liaise w ith other com m unities i i • Identify other communities (e.g., GN3, NANOG, Id tif th iti ( GN3 NANOG TERENA Task Forces, ITIL, TM-forum) working on TF- NOC related issues and investigate whether TF-NOC can benefit from their work. • Identify and investigate synergies between TF-NOC and other communities that can be exploited later on. • Identify how other communities approach similar issues that TF-NOC is working on (e.g., can we learn from the commercial companies?). • Present our work to related communities and invite them to present their work at TF NOC meetings them to present their work at TF-NOC meetings. • Investigate the possibility to invite equipment vendors and/ or tool developers in order to give presentations or demos at the TF-NOC meetings. demos at the TF NOC meetings. Slide 11

  12. TF-NOC com m unity Slide 12

  13. 2 3 NRENs in Europe Slide 13

  14. Regional/ research/ uni in Europe Slide 14

  15. W orldw ide... Slide 15

  16. How to w ork together? M Meetings: i • 3-4 times a year... • Agree on next meeting dates g g • 1-2 focused topic(s) for all meeting • Invite speakers... • What happens between meetings • What happens between meetings • Homework for all! • Active mailing list, wiki (Confuence Wiki)? • WI leaders’ responsibility Slide 16

  17. Peter Szegedi Peter Szegedi Thank you!


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