technical work group meeting southeast connector update

Technical Work Group Meeting, Southeast Connector Update Photo by - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Technical Work Group Meeting, Southeast Connector Update Photo by Liam Frederick I-20, I-820 & US 287 February 21, 2019 TECHNICAL W WORK RK GR GROUP M MEETING NO. 3 . 3 | February 2 21, 2019 19 Age genda da 1 Introductions 2

  1. Technical Work Group Meeting, Southeast Connector Update Photo by Liam Frederick I-20, I-820 & US 287 February 21, 2019 TECHNICAL W WORK RK GR GROUP M MEETING NO. 3 . 3 | February 2 21, 2019 19

  2. Age genda da 1 Introductions 2 July 2018 Public Meeting 3 Past Activities 4 Current Status 5 Next Steps 6 Other Issues / Discussion Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 1

  3. 2. July 2. July 19, 9, 20 2018 Public Public Me Meeti ting 273 Attended  203 General Public  14 Elected Officials  56 Project Representatives 174 Written Comments  33 Received at Meeting  115 E-mailed  26 Mailed Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 2

  4. Com omments fr s from om Ju July ly P Publ blic Me Meeting NB B Entran ance R Ram amp f from M m Meado adowbrook – 88 Comments SB E SB Entran ance R Ram amp f from Br m Brentwood St Stair air – 49 Comments Crai Cr aig St Street Br Bridg idge A Access ss / / Ped d Br Bridg idge – 25 Comments Noise se W Wal all St Study dy – 51 Comments Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 3

  5. 3. Past ast Activ tivit itie ies  Com ompil iling Pu ing Public M Meeting ting Sum ummar ary  Held Additi itional nal Pu Public Outre utreac ach – Town Ha Hall Me Meeti tings with th State te Rep Colli llier – Comm mmunit ity Me Meeti ting wit with Council cilwoman man Biv Bivens – Vario ious s Cities – Lio ions and and Opt ptimist Cl Clubs  Focus S Stud tudy A Are rea a on on Northern n I-820 ne near ar Me Mead adowbrook – NB NB Entra ranc nce Ramp fro rom Mea eado dowbrook – SB Entrance ce Ramp from m Brentwood d Stair air – Craig aig Street Bridge idge Acces ccess / Pedest edestrian ian Bridg idge Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 4

  6. Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook Proposed Removal of Northbound I-820 Entrance Ramp from Meadowbrook Dr. I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. North WHY? Y? – Con ongesti tion a and Sa Safety – Conflicts with Exit to Brentwood Stair and I-30 Direct Connections causing heavily congested weaving movements and accidents – Distance between ramps near minimum spacing lengths described in roadway design guidelines Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 6 6

  7. Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook PROPOSED ED ADDITIO IONAL A ALTERN RNATIVES ES EVALUAT ATED – No No-Buil ild (Do Nothing) Alterna rnative – A1 A1: Removal of northbound entrance ramp from Meadowbrook Dr (as shown at Public Meeting) – A2 A2: Reconstruct northbound entrance ramp from Meadowbrook Dr and exit ramp to Brentwood Stair Rd – A3 A3: Construct braid ided r ramps ps (ramps that are bridged, one over the other) for northbound entrance from Meadowbrook Dr and exit to Brentwood Stair Rd – A4 A4: Construct northbound entrance ramp from Meadowbrook Dr and removal of the exit ramp to Brentwood Stair Rd Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 7

  8. Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – No No Build ld A Alt lternative North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pro ros: Cons: ns: • Access remains as today Distance between ramps near minimum • spacing lengths described in TxDOT and National Guidelines Heavily congested weaving movements • Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 8

  9. Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A1 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pro ros: Cons: ns: • Eliminates existing mainlane weaving from Traffic from Meadowbrook must pass through • Meadowbrook entrance ramp reducing a signal to access mainlanes congestion and improving safety • Design meets TxDOT and National Base Ba sed on on input fr from om T Town wn H Hall ll Me Meetings, s, Guidelines for ramp spacing criteria Not Reco commend nded f d for Fur urther E Evaluat ation Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 9

  10. Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A2 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Cons: ns: 1345’ between entrance & exit ramps does not • meet minimum TxDOT and National Guidelines 865’ between exit ramp & direct connection Pro ros: • does not meet minimum TxDOT and National • Existing northbound ramps are Guidelines reconstructed to allow additional Traffic from the northbound I-820 on-ramp mainlanes capacity • from Meadowbrook wanting to continue northbound on I-820 must weave over 2 lanes in a distance of 1330’ Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 Reduced shoulders on existing mainlanes • 10

  11. Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A3 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Exam ample o of “ “Br Braid aided Ramps” East stbound I I-30 30 exit t to N Nola lan • Ryan Exp xpwy wy/B /Baird F Farm rm Rd Rd/ / AT&T &T W Way in Arlington Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 11 11

  12. Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A3 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Cons: Co Traffic from northbound I-820 on-ramp from • Meadowbrook wanting to continue northbound on I-820 must weave over 1 lane in 450’ Pros: Pr 1220' ramp spacing would not meet minimum • All direct movements remain available • National Guidelines Elevated ramp near neighborhood could • increase noise levels Potential displacements of residents • Reduced shoulders on mainlanes • Normandy Road cul-de-sac • Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 Grades on elevated ramp greater than 4% max 12 12 •

  13. Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A4 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pr Pros: Co Cons: • Ramp spacing would meet minimum TxDOT Lambeth Lane would be closed off from frontage • and National Guidelines road (cul-de-sac) • Weaving and congestion levels would Remove exit ramp to Brentwood Stair (traffic must • improve compared to the No-Build travel through signal at Meadowbrook) alternative by maintaining 4 mainlanes until Increase volume on the northbound exit ramp to • the John T. White exit ramp Meadowbrook Increase traffic volumes at the Meadowbrook • intersection Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 Reduced shoulders on mainlanes 13 •

  14. Sout outhbou ound E Ent ntrance R Ramp f from Brent ntwoo ood Stair Proposed Removal of Southbound I-820 Entrance Ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd. Craig St. Meadowbrook Dr. North WHY? Y? – Con ongesti tion a and Sa Safety – Conflicts with I-30 Direct Connections and Exit Ramp to Meadowbrook Dr causing heavily congested weaving movements – Distance between ramps near minimum spacing lengths described in roadway design guidelines Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 14

  15. Sout outhbou ound E Ent ntrance R Ramp f from Brent ntwoo ood Stair PROPOSED ED ADDITIO IONAL A ALTERN RNATIVES ES EVALUAT ATED – No No-Buil ild (Do Nothing) Alterna rnative – B1: Removal of southbound entrance ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd (as shown at Public Meeting) – B2: Construct braided r d ramps (ramps that are bridged, one over the other) for southbound entrance ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd and exit ramp to Meadowbrook Dr – B3: Removal of southbound entrance ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd but construct southbound bypass f front ntage r road l d lane under Meadowbrook Dr to access southbound I-820 entrance ramp – B4: Reconstruct southbound entrance ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd and exit ramp to Meadowbrook Dr Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 15

  16. Sout outhbou ound E Ent ntrance R Ramp f from Brent ntwoo ood Stair – No No Build ld A Alt lternative North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pro ros: Cons: ns: • Access remains as today Distance between ramps near minimum • spacing lengths described in TxDOT and National Guidelines Heavily congested weaving movements • Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 16

  17. Sout outhbou ound E Ent ntrance R Ramp f from Brent ntwoo ood Stair – Altern rnat ativ ive B B1 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pros: Pr Cons: Co • Eliminates existing mainlane weave from Traffic from Brentwood Stair must pass through a • Brentwood Stair entrance ramp reducing signal to enter mainlanes congestion and improving safety Distance between proposed southbound • • Meets TxDOT and National Guidelines for Meadowbrook exit and existing I-30 connections is ramp spacing criteria less than the distance between the existing • Relocated exit ramp to Meadowbrook southbound Meadowbrook exit and I-30 provides for additional storage or queueing of connections vehicles from intersection Based o on i input f from om T Town n Hall Meetings, N Not Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 17 Recommen ended ded for F r Further er Ev Eval aluation


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