Technical Work Group Meeting, Southeast Connector Update Photo by Liam Frederick I-20, I-820 & US 287 February 21, 2019 TECHNICAL W WORK RK GR GROUP M MEETING NO. 3 . 3 | February 2 21, 2019 19
Age genda da 1 Introductions 2 July 2018 Public Meeting 3 Past Activities 4 Current Status 5 Next Steps 6 Other Issues / Discussion Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 1
2. July 2. July 19, 9, 20 2018 Public Public Me Meeti ting 273 Attended 203 General Public 14 Elected Officials 56 Project Representatives 174 Written Comments 33 Received at Meeting 115 E-mailed 26 Mailed Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 2
Com omments fr s from om Ju July ly P Publ blic Me Meeting NB B Entran ance R Ram amp f from M m Meado adowbrook – 88 Comments SB E SB Entran ance R Ram amp f from Br m Brentwood St Stair air – 49 Comments Crai Cr aig St Street Br Bridg idge A Access ss / / Ped d Br Bridg idge – 25 Comments Noise se W Wal all St Study dy – 51 Comments Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 3
3. Past ast Activ tivit itie ies Com ompil iling Pu ing Public M Meeting ting Sum ummar ary Held Additi itional nal Pu Public Outre utreac ach – Town Ha Hall Me Meeti tings with th State te Rep Colli llier – Comm mmunit ity Me Meeti ting wit with Council cilwoman man Biv Bivens – Vario ious s Cities – Lio ions and and Opt ptimist Cl Clubs Focus S Stud tudy A Are rea a on on Northern n I-820 ne near ar Me Mead adowbrook – NB NB Entra ranc nce Ramp fro rom Mea eado dowbrook – SB Entrance ce Ramp from m Brentwood d Stair air – Craig aig Street Bridge idge Acces ccess / Pedest edestrian ian Bridg idge Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 4
Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook Proposed Removal of Northbound I-820 Entrance Ramp from Meadowbrook Dr. I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. North WHY? Y? – Con ongesti tion a and Sa Safety – Conflicts with Exit to Brentwood Stair and I-30 Direct Connections causing heavily congested weaving movements and accidents – Distance between ramps near minimum spacing lengths described in roadway design guidelines Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 6 6
Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook PROPOSED ED ADDITIO IONAL A ALTERN RNATIVES ES EVALUAT ATED – No No-Buil ild (Do Nothing) Alterna rnative – A1 A1: Removal of northbound entrance ramp from Meadowbrook Dr (as shown at Public Meeting) – A2 A2: Reconstruct northbound entrance ramp from Meadowbrook Dr and exit ramp to Brentwood Stair Rd – A3 A3: Construct braid ided r ramps ps (ramps that are bridged, one over the other) for northbound entrance from Meadowbrook Dr and exit to Brentwood Stair Rd – A4 A4: Construct northbound entrance ramp from Meadowbrook Dr and removal of the exit ramp to Brentwood Stair Rd Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 7
Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – No No Build ld A Alt lternative North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pro ros: Cons: ns: • Access remains as today Distance between ramps near minimum • spacing lengths described in TxDOT and National Guidelines Heavily congested weaving movements • Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 8
Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A1 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pro ros: Cons: ns: • Eliminates existing mainlane weaving from Traffic from Meadowbrook must pass through • Meadowbrook entrance ramp reducing a signal to access mainlanes congestion and improving safety • Design meets TxDOT and National Base Ba sed on on input fr from om T Town wn H Hall ll Me Meetings, s, Guidelines for ramp spacing criteria Not Reco commend nded f d for Fur urther E Evaluat ation Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 9
Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A2 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Cons: ns: 1345’ between entrance & exit ramps does not • meet minimum TxDOT and National Guidelines 865’ between exit ramp & direct connection Pro ros: • does not meet minimum TxDOT and National • Existing northbound ramps are Guidelines reconstructed to allow additional Traffic from the northbound I-820 on-ramp mainlanes capacity • from Meadowbrook wanting to continue northbound on I-820 must weave over 2 lanes in a distance of 1330’ Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 Reduced shoulders on existing mainlanes • 10
Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A3 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Exam ample o of “ “Br Braid aided Ramps” East stbound I I-30 30 exit t to N Nola lan • Ryan Exp xpwy wy/B /Baird F Farm rm Rd Rd/ / AT&T &T W Way in Arlington Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 11 11
Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A3 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Cons: Co Traffic from northbound I-820 on-ramp from • Meadowbrook wanting to continue northbound on I-820 must weave over 1 lane in 450’ Pros: Pr 1220' ramp spacing would not meet minimum • All direct movements remain available • National Guidelines Elevated ramp near neighborhood could • increase noise levels Potential displacements of residents • Reduced shoulders on mainlanes • Normandy Road cul-de-sac • Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 Grades on elevated ramp greater than 4% max 12 12 •
Northbou ound E Ent ntranc nce R Ramp f from om M Meadowbrook ook – Altern rnative A e A4 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pr Pros: Co Cons: • Ramp spacing would meet minimum TxDOT Lambeth Lane would be closed off from frontage • and National Guidelines road (cul-de-sac) • Weaving and congestion levels would Remove exit ramp to Brentwood Stair (traffic must • improve compared to the No-Build travel through signal at Meadowbrook) alternative by maintaining 4 mainlanes until Increase volume on the northbound exit ramp to • the John T. White exit ramp Meadowbrook Increase traffic volumes at the Meadowbrook • intersection Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 Reduced shoulders on mainlanes 13 •
Sout outhbou ound E Ent ntrance R Ramp f from Brent ntwoo ood Stair Proposed Removal of Southbound I-820 Entrance Ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd. Craig St. Meadowbrook Dr. North WHY? Y? – Con ongesti tion a and Sa Safety – Conflicts with I-30 Direct Connections and Exit Ramp to Meadowbrook Dr causing heavily congested weaving movements – Distance between ramps near minimum spacing lengths described in roadway design guidelines Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 14
Sout outhbou ound E Ent ntrance R Ramp f from Brent ntwoo ood Stair PROPOSED ED ADDITIO IONAL A ALTERN RNATIVES ES EVALUAT ATED – No No-Buil ild (Do Nothing) Alterna rnative – B1: Removal of southbound entrance ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd (as shown at Public Meeting) – B2: Construct braided r d ramps (ramps that are bridged, one over the other) for southbound entrance ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd and exit ramp to Meadowbrook Dr – B3: Removal of southbound entrance ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd but construct southbound bypass f front ntage r road l d lane under Meadowbrook Dr to access southbound I-820 entrance ramp – B4: Reconstruct southbound entrance ramp from Brentwood Stair Rd and exit ramp to Meadowbrook Dr Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 15
Sout outhbou ound E Ent ntrance R Ramp f from Brent ntwoo ood Stair – No No Build ld A Alt lternative North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pro ros: Cons: ns: • Access remains as today Distance between ramps near minimum • spacing lengths described in TxDOT and National Guidelines Heavily congested weaving movements • Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 16
Sout outhbou ound E Ent ntrance R Ramp f from Brent ntwoo ood Stair – Altern rnat ativ ive B B1 North I-30 Meadowbrook Dr. Pros: Pr Cons: Co • Eliminates existing mainlane weave from Traffic from Brentwood Stair must pass through a • Brentwood Stair entrance ramp reducing signal to enter mainlanes congestion and improving safety Distance between proposed southbound • • Meets TxDOT and National Guidelines for Meadowbrook exit and existing I-30 connections is ramp spacing criteria less than the distance between the existing • Relocated exit ramp to Meadowbrook southbound Meadowbrook exit and I-30 provides for additional storage or queueing of connections vehicles from intersection Based o on i input f from om T Town n Hall Meetings, N Not Technical Work Group Meeting No. 3 February 21, 2019 17 Recommen ended ded for F r Further er Ev Eval aluation
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