teacher administrator training day 2016 call for

Teacher & Administrator Training Day 2016 Call for Presentations - PDF document

Teacher & Administrator Training Day 2016 Call for Presentations Share Your Experiences, Insights, and Ideas With Colleagues! Deadline to Submit: May 1, 2016 EWU in the High School Annual Teacher & Administrator Training Day is the

  1. Teacher & Administrator Training Day 2016 Call for Presentations Share Your Experiences, Insights, and Ideas With Colleagues! Deadline to Submit: May 1, 2016 EWU in the High School Annual Teacher & Administrator Training Day is the definitive gathering of College in the High School partners working with Eastern Washington University seeking the best and promising practices designed to improve our partnership, improve faculty & instructor collegiality, improve student achievement, as well as the place for educators passionate about teaching and learning to gather for conviviality, collaboration, and connection. EWU in the High School is currently accepting presentation proposals that address important issues facing College in the High School classrooms as well as best practices and ideas. Listed below are some topics of interest from the 2015 post-training survey. Proposals are not limited to the topics on the list.  Increasing college readiness  Next generation learning models and the dual credit classroom  Open education resources  Assessing learning outcomes  Being an effective College in the High School instructor  Using CANVAS in the high school classroom  Blended classroom strategies  Building a college going culture in the high school classroom  Evaluating program effectiveness  Coping with stress  Increasing student success  Working with faculty coordinators/mentors  Research in the College in the High School classroom Benefits of Presenting  Share your expertise with your colleagues.  Receive recognition for and feedback about your practice or program.  Play an important role in EWU in the High School annual training.  Expand your professional portfolio.  Be part of a dynamic community and help transform the EWU in the High School Teacher & Administrator training day into a “must - attend” event.

  2. Teacher & Administrator Training Day 2016 Presentation Proposal Deadline to Submit: May 1, 2016 Presenter(s) Contact Information Lead Presenter: Name: Click here to enter text. Title: Click here to enter text. High School: Click here to enter text. Email: Click here to enter text. Co-Presenter: Name: Click here to enter text. Title: Click here to enter text. High School: Click here to enter text. Email: Click here to enter text. Title of Session (10 word maximum): Click here to enter text. Abstract of Session (100 words maximum). The session title and abstract will be printed in the training agenda. Be as descriptive as possible about what your session will involve so that the audience members can select the sessions which will be most beneficial to them. Click here to enter text. Rationale and Expected Outcomes (300 words maximum). Provide additional background and information that will allow reviewers to evaluate your session, such as: 1. The need for the proposed session 2. The unique aspects of the topic of your session 3. Expected session outcomes. Click here to enter text.

  3. Session Plan (100 words maximum). Describe how you will utilize active learning strategies to engage participants. See Ideas for Engaging Breakout Sessions (attached) for suggestions. Provide an outline for how you will allocate the 45 minutes to different activities and topics. Priority will be given to sessions that are not exclusively lecture-based. Click here to enter text. Equipment Request Please let us know what you will need for your presentation. We can provide laptop and digital projector. Please list any additional equipment you will need. Click here to enter text. Please provide a brief biography of the key presenter(s): Click here to enter text. Please list any additional background information that would help reviewers evaluate the proposal. Click here to enter text. Please email completed presentation proposals to Dr. Melinda Bowman (mbowman4@ewu.edu) no later than May 1, 2016. The review committee will send notification of approval by May 16, 2016. Please contact Dr. Bowman if you have any questions or concerns, 509-359-4867. Thank you for your time and effort in submitting a presentation proposal for the annual EWU in the High School Teacher & Administrator Training Day.

  4. Ideas for Engaging Breakout Sessions This list is not all inclusive. These are suggested strategies, but other ideas are welcome. Strategy Definition and Example Individual Participation Participants use digital response tools. Options include, but are not limited to, Poll Everywhere, Twitter, Polldaddy, and Google Forms. Online Engagement Example: The facilitator engages the audience by asking members to respond to various poll questions throughout the workshop. The facilitator uses scaffolding to guide participants through the material using their own knowledge and the information in the presentation. Guided Teaching Example: The facilitator distributes a participant guide. Participants answer questions in the guide in the context of their own experiences to build understanding of the topic. Panelists discuss best practices, share ideas, and answer questions related to a specific topic. Panel discussion Example: Audience members pose questions to the panelists. Partner Participation Participants turn to a partner and share questions, reactions, and ideas. Turn and Talk/Pair Example: At various points in the workshop, the facilitator asks participants to discuss with a partner sitting in close proximity. Pairs may Share share ideas or questions with the larger group as the facilitator reengages the entire audience. Participants make connections by meeting individuals and sharing ideas, discussing a topic, or answering questions. Each participant Connections should make connections with two or three other participants. Example: At the start of the session, participants take turns sharing one thing they know about the topic and one thing they would like to learn. At the end of the session, participants repeat the exercise sharing one thing they learned and one way it will impact their work. The facilitator presents for ten minutes. The participants have two minutes to discuss the information presented in pairs or small groups. Ten Two Strategy Example: The facilitator presents a case study for ten minutes. In small groups participants evaluate the study. Partners or small groups may share with the entire workshop, or the presenter may continue to deliver ten more minutes of instruction. Group Participation Participants move to different parts of the room in groups to answer a question or share knowledge. Walkabout/Four Example: The facilitator posts each of the four strategies discussed in the workshop on chart paper around the room. At the end of the Corners presentation, groups move to different places in the room to discuss the strategy listed at their location. Participants may add examples to the lists or pose questions to other groups. Each group should rotate to each location. The facilitator explains the strategy at the beginning of the presentation and asks each participant to take notes using the 3-2-1 strategy. At the conclusion of the presentation, participants share their notes in small groups. The items listed on the 3, 2, 1 may change. 3 – new concepts or ideas 2 - ways to implement the ideas 3 - 2 - 1 Format 1 - question that remains Example: The facilitator presents best practices, and each participant takes notes of: 3 – new ideas 2 – ways one or more ideas might work in their school(s) 1 – question about implementation Small groups work together to discuss an idea, share strategies, or solve a problem. The facilitator asks each group to share with the entire Buzz sessions audience. Example: The facilitator asks each group to consider a different problem. Groups discuss possible solutions for a set amount of time. Each group takes a turn presenting its problem and two possible solutions that implement best practices to the entire audience.


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