Tampines ines North th Prim imary ary P1 1 Par arents ents Eng ngagement ement 1 M 1 Mar arch h 20 2019 19
A warm to Primary 1
Enrichment Programmes Activity 1. Learning Journeys • Bird Park Term 2 2. Junior Olympic Day Term 4
School Values School ol Valu lues es Expected cted Behaviours aviours Respect Greets everyone they meet Speaks politely I respect others and treat Gets along well with others them the way I want to be treated. Resilience Wants to try even when faced with problems I have the ability to take on Seeks help when faced with challenges and do not give difficulties up easily.
School Values Responsibility Pays attention in class Follows instruction Responsible for his/her own belongings I know and do what is Takes pride in singing the National expected of me. Anthem and recites the National pledge (NE) Integrity Tells the truth Admits mistakes I am honest and have the moral courage to stand up for what is right. Care Takes care of himself/ herself (his emotions, well-being, physical health etc) I take care of myself, my Takes care of classroom environment friends and my school.
School Expectations • Attendance • Punctuality – in school by 7.45 • School attire – personal grooming • Mobile Phone Usage • Student Discipline
Assessment Policy (Pri 1) • No weighted assessments for Primary 1 & 2 • Formative assessments (FA) will be used to support students’ learning progress • Feedback on students’ progress – written feedback, rubrics or checklists • Current practices to gather information about students’ learning through checkpoints (i.e. class discussions, activities, homework and bite-sized assessments) will continue • These checkpoints will no longer • count towards an overall result.
Formative Assessments @ P1 Formative Assessment English Mother Math Tongue Self & Peer Weekly Spelling Weekly Spelling Penmanship Assessment Heuristic Task Running Record & Qualitative feedback Formative Review Reading Aloud for Show & Tell CPDD Diagnostic Qualitative feedback Qualitative feedback Package (Foundation) for Speak on the Spot for Reading Aloud Qualitative feedback and Stimulus-based for writing (MLEA Conversations and Guided Writing) Bite-sized language Bite-sized language use tasks for use tasks Grammar, Grammar, Vocabulary or Vocabulary and Comprehension Comprehension
Subject Focus
English Language Aims of Primary English Syllabus A Strong Foundation And Rich Language for All Students will be effective and competent users of the English Language through development in the following areas: Listening, Reading Listen, Read Speak, Write Grammar and Viewing and View and Represent and Vocabulary (Receptive Skills) (Receptive Skills) (Productive Skills) (Knowledge about Language)
STELLAR Approach in teaching English STELLAR Vision: Children who love reading and have a strong foundation in the English Language
English Language MLEA (Modified Language Experience Approach) A shared experience that is related to the book they have read Shared experiences provide the context and content to practise the four language skills MLEA Experiences for Primary 1 • Making a sandwich • Making an ice cream sundae
English Language Key Programmes Reading - Silent Reading & D.E.A.R sessions - Learning Support Programme (LSP) - P1 Reading Programme Drama-In-Action Lessons Speak on the Spot English Week
English Language Developing Vocabulary • Read a wide genre of books. • Pick up new words and good phrases • Be a member of NLB! • E-book resources from NLB http://www.nlb.gov.sg/discovereads/
English Language Developing Oracy & Critical Thinking Skills • Use authentic materials (E.g. posters, brochures) and ask them to state and justify their preferences ~ Will you buy this item? Why/Why not?
Mathematics Aims of Primary Mathematics Syllabus Aims of Primary Mathematics Syllabus Laying a Strong Foundation • Acquire mathematical concepts and skills for everyday use and continuous learning in Mathematics; • Develop thinking, reasoning, communication, applicative and metacognitive skills through a mathematical approach to problem-solving; • Build confidence and foster interest in Mathematics.
Mathematics Basic Pre-Numeracy Skills • The Primary Mathematics syllabus assumes no formal learning of Mathematics. However, basic pre-numeracy skills such as matching, sorting and comparing are necessary in providing a good grounding for students to begin learning at Primary 1.
Mathematics Overview of P1 Maths Content Number and Measurement Statistics Algebra and Geometry Numbers up to 100 Shapes and Patterns Picture Graphs Addition and Length Subtraction Within 100 Multiplication Time Within 40 Division Within 20 Money
Mathematics Focus for P1 Maths • Build up a strong foundation in basic concepts and skills; • Foster opportunities for small wins and early successes; • Get a head-start in solving word problems.
Mathematics Teaching and Learning Approaches • Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) Approach 2 + 1 = 3 oncrete bstract ictorial use of manipulatives relate hands-on representing for hands-on experience to visual problems using learning experience representations mathematical such as diagrams notation and models
Mathematics Teaching and Learning Approaches • Polya’s 4 Steps Problem Solving 1 Understand 2 Plan • Read • Choose a strategy (heuristics) • Identify key information and goals 3 Do 4 Check • Carry out the Plan • Does my solution make sense? • Solve the Problem • Is my solution reasonable? • Can I solve it another way?
Tips for Parents
Ann nnual ual St Stud udent ent He Health lth De Declar laration tion • An annual exercise at start of a new school year • Your child will receive a Student Medical Record Form from his/her Form Teacher • Please provide the necessary information on your child’s medical condition to the best of your knowledge and attach medical documents from doctors/hospital where necessary • These information will be collated, updated and maintained by the school yearly. • Confidential
Supporting Your Child Paren rent-Child Child-Te Teacher acher Conferen nference - Communication between parents, teacher and the child - Child shares and reflects on his/her learning experiences in school Parents to affirm child’s effort and progress and - find out how you can support them 2019 PCTC Thursday, 30 May 2019 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Communication with teachers Modes of Communication Parents’ Gateway App Phone Call Student Handbook Email
Thank You
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