www.countyhealthrankings.org 1 WELCOME! In a moment, we will put up a poll asking you which option best describes how your community is working together … A. START: We understand we need to bring a variety of stakeholders together, but we’re not sure how to do that. B. ACT: We are part of a multi ‐ sector group that is starting to define how we’ll work together to improve community health. Not all partners are at the table, but we’re working on it. C. IMPROVE: We are part of a multi ‐ sector partnership that shares a common understanding of what needs to get done. There is clear leadership, we work well together, there’s a good amount of trust between us, and we share a common vision. TAKE ACTION: WORK TOGETHER Karen Odegaard Jennifer Van Den Elzen John Dye Community Engagement Specialist Program Manager Former Executive Editor University of Wisconsin Population Live54218 Green Bay Press ‐ Gazette Health Institute May 8, 2012 www.countyhealthrankings.org 3 GO TO WEBINAR ATTENDEE INTERFACE 1. Viewer Window 2. Control Panel 1
www.countyhealthrankings.org 4 WELCOME! In a moment, we will put up a poll asking you which option best describes how your community is working together … A. START: We understand we need to bring a variety of stakeholders together, but we’re not sure how to do that. B. ACT: We are part of a multi ‐ sector group that is starting to define how we’ll work together to improve community health. Not all partners are at the table, but we’re working on it. C. IMPROVE: We are part of a multi ‐ sector partnership that shares a common understanding of what needs to get done. There is clear leadership, we work well together, there’s a good amount of trust between us, and we share a common vision. www.countyhealthrankings.org 5 REFLECTION QUESTIONS Who is engaged in your work now? How are your partners helping create momentum for change in your community? www.countyhealthrankings.org 6 OUTLINE Welcome & Overview Communities in Action: Live54218 (Brown County, WI) Work Together Tools Wrap ‐ Up; Q & A 2
www.countyhealthrankings.org 7 GOALS ‣ Understand how non ‐ traditional partners can help you build momentum for change in your community ‣ Understand how creating a shared vision for environmental change can motivate and keep partners engaged ‣ Have tools to help you identify potential partners who need to be at the table Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: 7 Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 8 ESSENTIAL QUESTION How can working together in diverse partnerships create momentum for change? www.countyhealthrankings.org 9 Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 3
www.countyhealthrankings.org 10 Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 11 COMMUNITIES IN ACTION: LIVE 54218 Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 12 OUR HISTORY GREATER GREEN BAY: WHERE KIDS COUNT Live54218 began as a challenge from the Green Bay Press ‐ Gazette to readers across Brown County: How can we think boldly about changing our community? Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 4
www.countyhealthrankings.org 13 Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 14 THE STORY SO FAR THINK Green & White BOLD Gold Teams Paper LIVE54218 Jan. 2010 2010 Feb. 2011 Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 15 Vision To make Brown County, WI the healthiest community in the nation. Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 5
www.countyhealthrankings.org 16 LOOKING AT MORE THAN JUST THE INDIVIDUAL… Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 17 Mission To create environments in the community that support and promote all residents daily in consuming 5 fruits and vegetables, drinking 4 bottles of water, having less than 2 hours of screen time, participating in at least 1 hour of physical activity, and sleeping 8 hours a night . Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 18 FINDING OUR ROLE Countywide Countywide Education, Education, Obesity Obesity Marketing & Marketing & Prevention Prevention Community Community Network Network Outreach Outreach Monitoring & Monitoring & Evaliation Evaliation Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 6
www.countyhealthrankings.org 19 EARLY WINS Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 20 THE COMMUNITY HEALTH ACTION RESPONSE TEAM (CHART) Non ‐ Profit Organizations Chamber of Healthcare Commerce Systems Private Planning Making Brown Sector/Food Department Industry County, WI the Healthiest Oneida Tribe of Community in Media Indians the Nation! Health School Districts Departments/WIC YMCA Mayor Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 21 LESSONS LEARNED ‣ Meaningful Collaboration is Not Just a Buzz Word ‣ Media Advocacy and Community Outreach are Powerful ‣ Aim High Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 7
What does success look like? Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 23 www.countyhealthrankings.org 24 8
www.countyhealthrankings.org 25 COMMUNITIES IN ACTION: LIVE 54218 Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 26 ROADMAPS TO HEALTH ACTION CENTER Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 27 Who else needs to be at the table to help create momentum for change in your community? Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 9
www.countyhealthrankings.org 28 WORK TOGETHER ‣ Target your outreach with the Building a Contact List tool ‣ Get the most out of your partnership with the Prevention Institute’s Collaboration Multiplier Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 29 TAKE ACTION WEBINAR SERIES Action Step Webinar Dates Work Together: In ‐ depth May 22 Assess June 12 Assess: In ‐ depth June 26 Focus July 10 Focus: In ‐ depth July 24 Choose Aug. 14 Choose: In ‐ depth Aug. 28 Act Sept. 11 Act: In ‐ depth Sept. 25 Evaluate Oct. 9 Evaluate: In ‐ depth Oct. 23 Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 30 CONTACT INFORMATION Karen Odegaard Jan O’Neill Community Engagement Specialist Community Engagement Specialist karen.odegaard@match.wisc.edu jan.oneill@match.wisc.edu Phone: 608.265.6486 Phone: 608.265.6694 Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 10
www.countyhealthrankings.org 31 QUESTIONS Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 32 STAYING CONNECTED e ‐ Newsletter: chr@match.wisc.edu Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 www.countyhealthrankings.org 33 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‣ Wisconsin County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Team – Including Bridget Catlin, Julie Willems Van Dijk, David Kindig, Kirstin Siemering, Alison Bergum ‣ Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – Including Abbey Cofsky, Brenda Henry, Michelle Larkin, Jim Marks, Joe Marx ‣ Our Partners – Including Burness Communications, Community Catalyst, United Way Worldwide, ASTHO, NACCHO, NNPHI, Dartmouth Institute, CDC, NCHS Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 11
www.countyhealthrankings.org 34 ESSENTIAL QUESTION How can working together in diverse partnerships create momentum for change? www.countyhealthrankings.org 35 Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves. ‐ Lao Tzu Rankings & Roadmaps Communities in Action: Work Together Wrap ‐ up; Q&A Overview Live 54218 12
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