Healthier Together March 3 rd , 2017
Healthier Together Agenda • Welcome & Introductions • Community Health Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan • Health Priorities • Health Break • Take Action/Small Group Activity • Next Steps
What is Healthier Together? • Healthier Together Pierce and St. Croix Counties is a community coalition working to create and maintain healthy communities and provide a strategic framework for local health improvement activities. • Our intention is to bring together a wide range of people from across the two-county region to identify and address health priorities.
Community Health Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan
Alcohol Abuse GOAL: Reduce alcohol abuse of residents of Pierce and St. Croix counties. STRATEGY #1: Decrease youth alcohol use through changes to policy, systems, environment and community support. STRATEGY #2: Decrease adult alcohol abuse through changes to policy, systems, environment and community support.
Alcohol Abuse Objective 1: By 12/31/19 target at least two communities, one in both Pierce and St. Croix Counties, and increase enforcement of and/or change alcohol-related ordinances • Inventory existing ordinances and assess enforcement • Meet with law enforcement • Engage volunteers • Find champions in the community • Outreach to community leaders, schools, elected officials • Advance proposed policy changes
Alcohol Abuse Objective 2: By 12/31/19 target at least two communities, one in both Pierce and St. Croix Counties, and implement specified activities to reduce underage access to alcohol. • Parents Who Host: public information campaign, media advocacy and outreach, law enforcement support • Meet with law enforcement to assess enforcement of existing ordinances and identify priorities and identify priorities for increased enforcement &/or policy change • Advance policy change recommendations • Work with school district to increase participation in YRBS (to get good data) • Work with colleges and high schools to increase non-alcohol related activities • Volunteers to share story of impact of youth alcohol use
Alcohol Abuse Objective 3: By 12/31/17, expand Al-anon, Al-ateen meetings/sites. • Inventory existing meeting sites and times, identify gaps and priorities • Secure commitments from sites willing to host meetings • Identify meeting leaders for new sites • Launch and promote new meeting locations and times
Mental Health GOAL: Improve mental health status of residents of Pierce and St. Croix counties. STRATEGY #1: Increase awareness about mental health issues and reduce the stigma of mental illness. STRATEGY #2: Increase access to mental health services.
Mental Health By 12/31/19, implement Make it OK in all • communities (school districts) throughout Pierce and St. Croix Counties. By 12/31/19, increase community capacity • for early and appropriate response to mental health issues By 12/31/19, increase access to mental health • services in schools. By 12/31/19, create and disseminate a • comprehensive inventory of mental health services and resources for residents of Pierce and St. Croix Counties.
Mental Health Make It OK is a community campaign to reduce stigma by starting conversations and increasing understanding about mental illness. • Resources • Website • Podcasts • Ambassador Trainings • Community Presentations • Community Events • Media Campaign
Overweight/Obesity GOAL: Decrease the percentage of the population that’s overweight or obese in Pierce and St. Croix counties. STRATEGY #1: Decrease food insecurity and improve nutrition through changes to policy, systems, environment and community support. STRATEGY #2: Increase physical activity through changes to policy, systems, environment and community support.
Food Insecurity Objective 1: By 12/31/19, develop and implement an infrastructure to (1) increase SNAP enrollment and (2) improve access to healthy foods through food pantries and other hunger prevention partners.
Food Insecurity
Food Insecurity • Focus areas • Working together more effectively • Raising awareness of food insecurity in our region • Increase access to healthy food through our food shelves, and • Increasing SNAP enrollment in our region
Food Insecurity FMmo&
Physical Activity Objective 2: By 12/31/19, increase the number of Active School Core 4+ strategies being implemented in elementary schools.
Physical Activity • Community Opportunity Grant ‒ $50,000 over 2 years ‒ 10 elementary schools • Active Schools Core 4+ ‒ Before/After School ‒ Classrooms ‒ Recess ‒ Physical Education ‒ +Home/Community
Physical Activity – Home/Community Bike to School Day - May 10, 2017 Invitation letter sent out to middle • schools in Pierce and St. Croix Counties to determine interest in holding event. Tool kit being revised to include local • physical activity opportunities for families and tips for schools to promote activity before, during and after school. Flashing reflectors to be ordered and • provided to all participants.
Physical Activity – Home/Community St. Croix County Parks System Park Rx program in planning stages • Brainstorming avenues to promote the parks and • other free or low-expense family activity •
Resources/Communication Objective 3: By 12/31/19, increase communication about overweight/obesity resources in Pierce and St. Croix Counties Website: • ‒ Gathering top 10 resources for each health priority to post on HT website Social Media: • ‒ Preparing Social Media posting guidelines for HT Facebook to promote current events related to priorities ‒ Planning themed monthly post for current events Brainstorming Longer Term Options for Resource Database •
Health Break
Take Action/ Small Group Activity
Next Steps Alcohol Abuse: Monday, March 13 @ 11am, River Falls Area Hospital; Pierce County • Partnership for Youth at 11am and full meeting at 11:45am - 1:30pm Mental Health: Friday, March 3 @ 9:30am, Hudson Hospital & Clinic • Food Insecurity: Wednesday, March 29 @ 9:30am, John Coughlin Food & Resource • Center Physical Activity: TBD • Resources/Communication: TBD • Large Group: June 2017 • Contact Kelly Monson at with questions. Visit for more information and resources!
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