healthier together

Healthier Together March 3 rd , 2017 Healthier Together Agenda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Healthier Together March 3 rd , 2017 Healthier Together Agenda Welcome & Introductions Community Health Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan Health Priorities Health Break Take Action/Small Group Activity Next

  1. Healthier Together March 3 rd , 2017

  2. Healthier Together Agenda • Welcome & Introductions • Community Health Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan • Health Priorities • Health Break • Take Action/Small Group Activity • Next Steps

  3. Introductions

  4. What is Healthier Together? • Healthier Together Pierce and St. Croix Counties is a community coalition working to create and maintain healthy communities and provide a strategic framework for local health improvement activities. • Our intention is to bring together a wide range of people from across the two-county region to identify and address health priorities.

  5. Community Health Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan

  6. Alcohol Abuse GOAL: Reduce alcohol abuse of residents of Pierce and St. Croix counties. STRATEGY #1: Decrease youth alcohol use through changes to policy, systems, environment and community support. STRATEGY #2: Decrease adult alcohol abuse through changes to policy, systems, environment and community support.

  7. Alcohol Abuse Objective 1: By 12/31/19 target at least two communities, one in both Pierce and St. Croix Counties, and increase enforcement of and/or change alcohol-related ordinances • Inventory existing ordinances and assess enforcement • Meet with law enforcement • Engage volunteers • Find champions in the community • Outreach to community leaders, schools, elected officials • Advance proposed policy changes

  8. Alcohol Abuse Objective 2: By 12/31/19 target at least two communities, one in both Pierce and St. Croix Counties, and implement specified activities to reduce underage access to alcohol. • Parents Who Host: public information campaign, media advocacy and outreach, law enforcement support • Meet with law enforcement to assess enforcement of existing ordinances and identify priorities and identify priorities for increased enforcement &/or policy change • Advance policy change recommendations • Work with school district to increase participation in YRBS (to get good data) • Work with colleges and high schools to increase non-alcohol related activities • Volunteers to share story of impact of youth alcohol use

  9. Alcohol Abuse Objective 3: By 12/31/17, expand Al-anon, Al-ateen meetings/sites. • Inventory existing meeting sites and times, identify gaps and priorities • Secure commitments from sites willing to host meetings • Identify meeting leaders for new sites • Launch and promote new meeting locations and times

  10. Mental Health GOAL: Improve mental health status of residents of Pierce and St. Croix counties. STRATEGY #1: Increase awareness about mental health issues and reduce the stigma of mental illness. STRATEGY #2: Increase access to mental health services.

  11. Mental Health By 12/31/19, implement Make it OK in all • communities (school districts) throughout Pierce and St. Croix Counties. By 12/31/19, increase community capacity • for early and appropriate response to mental health issues By 12/31/19, increase access to mental health • services in schools. By 12/31/19, create and disseminate a • comprehensive inventory of mental health services and resources for residents of Pierce and St. Croix Counties.

  12. Mental Health Make It OK is a community campaign to reduce stigma by starting conversations and increasing understanding about mental illness. • Resources • Website • Podcasts • Ambassador Trainings • Community Presentations • Community Events • Media Campaign

  13. Overweight/Obesity GOAL: Decrease the percentage of the population that’s overweight or obese in Pierce and St. Croix counties. STRATEGY #1: Decrease food insecurity and improve nutrition through changes to policy, systems, environment and community support. STRATEGY #2: Increase physical activity through changes to policy, systems, environment and community support.

  14. Food Insecurity Objective 1: By 12/31/19, develop and implement an infrastructure to (1) increase SNAP enrollment and (2) improve access to healthy foods through food pantries and other hunger prevention partners.

  15. Food Insecurity

  16. Food Insecurity • Focus areas • Working together more effectively • Raising awareness of food insecurity in our region • Increase access to healthy food through our food shelves, and • Increasing SNAP enrollment in our region

  17. Food Insecurity FMmo&

  18. Physical Activity Objective 2: By 12/31/19, increase the number of Active School Core 4+ strategies being implemented in elementary schools.

  19. Physical Activity • Community Opportunity Grant ‒ $50,000 over 2 years ‒ 10 elementary schools • Active Schools Core 4+ ‒ Before/After School ‒ Classrooms ‒ Recess ‒ Physical Education ‒ +Home/Community

  20. Physical Activity – Home/Community Bike to School Day - May 10, 2017 Invitation letter sent out to middle • schools in Pierce and St. Croix Counties to determine interest in holding event. Tool kit being revised to include local • physical activity opportunities for families and tips for schools to promote activity before, during and after school. Flashing reflectors to be ordered and • provided to all participants.

  21. Physical Activity – Home/Community St. Croix County Parks System Park Rx program in planning stages • Brainstorming avenues to promote the parks and • other free or low-expense family activity •

  22. Resources/Communication Objective 3: By 12/31/19, increase communication about overweight/obesity resources in Pierce and St. Croix Counties Website: • ‒ Gathering top 10 resources for each health priority to post on HT website Social Media: • ‒ Preparing Social Media posting guidelines for HT Facebook to promote current events related to priorities ‒ Planning themed monthly post for current events Brainstorming Longer Term Options for Resource Database •

  23. Health Break

  24. Take Action/ Small Group Activity

  25. Next Steps Alcohol Abuse: Monday, March 13 @ 11am, River Falls Area Hospital; Pierce County • Partnership for Youth at 11am and full meeting at 11:45am - 1:30pm Mental Health: Friday, March 3 @ 9:30am, Hudson Hospital & Clinic • Food Insecurity: Wednesday, March 29 @ 9:30am, John Coughlin Food & Resource • Center Physical Activity: TBD • Resources/Communication: TBD • Large Group: June 2017 • Contact Kelly Monson at with questions. Visit for more information and resources!


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