ta taking a by byte of t of the teacher s s ap apple

Ta Taking a By Byte of t of the Teacher s s Ap Apple J. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ta Taking a By Byte of t of the Teacher s s Ap Apple J. Alison Bryant, Ph.D. play collective Transmediated Learning Just because you have curriculum goals across a property doesnt mean that you should be teaching the

  1. Ta Taking a By Byte of t of the Teacher’ s s Ap Apple J. Alison Bryant, Ph.D. � play collective

  2. Transmediated Learning � • Just because you have curriculum goals across a property doesn’t mean that you should be teaching the same thing on all platforms. � • Ideally transmedia “pushes” kids to the right content on the right platform, and kids can also “pull” the content they want on the platform they want. �

  3. Case Study in Transmedia Learning �

  4. Lesson 2: 
 The medium does not define the (learning) message �

  5. There are digital ways to 
 Learn, Practice, and Play � Interac0ve ¡ Videos ¡ Music ¡ Ac0vi0es ¡ Games ¡ Print ¡

  6. An ebook can be more than a book… � 1-5 scale, 5= Strongly Agree

  7. …but it still has to have the core literacy learning features �

  8. Offline is a medium too �

  9. Kids as makers � MaKey MaKey

  10. Lesson 3: 
 We don’t need no stinkin’ badges �

  11. Gamification is not a panacea � Extrinsi sic Intrinsi sic Mo Motivation Mo Motivation Gamification can help with short-term engagement, but is not a long-term solution �

  12. But game elements do have their place � • Games are a great way to informally assess without “testing” � • This is a generation who has grown up with “leveling up,” and the notion of meeting new challenges as you go along � – But this also means that it is a generation that assumes personalization � • Games are great at visually showing progress, and giving instant feedback � – Giving kids a “learning positioning system” (LPS) as they play helps them orient �

  13. And there is an expectation of gaming on certain platforms � The iPad has the highest gaming “conversion” rates, with learning tablets a close 2 nd . 72% � 68% � 60% � 55% � 54% � % of kids who play games on these mobile devices, if the household owns Source: PlayScience, Global Gaming Generations study – includes U.S., Mexico, Germany, China

  14. Lesson 4: 
 Kids do love to learn, but it needs to be byte-sized �

  15. Kids are natural learners and explorers �

  16. We have to keep time spent playing in mind as we develop � About 1/2 of preschoolers spend 11-20 minutes playing per session; 2/5 only spend 5-10 minutes � Source: Cooney Center. (2010). Learning: Is there an app for that?

  17. Kids make their own play 
 (no matter what you do) � “Make it theirs , not yours” – Lane Merrifield So empower them to PLAY �

  18. The Closed-Creativity Continuum � Closed � Creative � We don’t just want …but how do we assess interactive flash cards…. � fully open creative? �

  19. Lesson 6: 
 We’ve still got a long way to go with social- emotional learning �

  20. Communication is a key skill � Being able to chat doesn’t mean that kids are learning communication � And as we move to virtual learning, we need to spend time teaching virtual social skills � We still tend to develop intra-culturally, not with the global world kids live in digitally in mind �

  21. Lesson 7: 
 Parents and kids are different tech generations (and relate to digital learning differently) �

  22. Parents still place value on non-digital � Parents will pay 33% less for an ebook than a print book, but that is 40% more than what they are willing to pay for apps! �

  23. Parents want data 
 …but not too much data! � When parents have ..but when they get too data, they become much data they get more engaged in the overwhelmed and “turn learning process… � off” (or feel guilty). �

  24. Lesson 8: 
 We have to focus on the ecosystem of learning �

  25. We know that co-play enhances and reinforces learning � Siblings & Cousins � Parents & Kids � Grandparents & Kids �

  26. We have to keep teachers in the loop � Provide simple-to-use, multidimensional resources �

  27. Lesson 9: 
 Contextualized learning builds engagement �

  28. Case Study on Context: �

  29. Lesson 10: 
 We have a long way to go in understanding how to teach across platforms �

  30. We’ve got smaller tech “generations” �

  31. Platforms for play change by age � Younger ¡kids ¡lean ¡toward ¡tablet ¡use, ¡ whereas ¡older ¡kids ¡are ¡more ¡computer ¡ and ¡gaming ¡system ¡oriented. ¡ Source: PlayScience, Global Gaming Generations study – includes U.S., Mexico, Germany, China

  32. Enter the (Research) Matrix � Ages � Media/Mechanics �

  33. Let’s Play! � J. Alison Bryant alison@playcollective.com www.playcollective.com www.playsciencelab.com Sign up for LabNotes @ playsciencelab.com/ labnotes/


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