t2k experiment neutrino detectors

T2K experiment : Neutrino Detectors Akihiro Minamino (Kyoto - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

T2K experiment : Neutrino Detectors Akihiro Minamino (Kyoto University) 10 th / Mar. / 2009 @ Workshop for Flavor physics 1 T2K Neutrino Detectors 280m Near Detectors On-axis Neutrino Monitor Off-axis Detector 295km Far

  1. T2K experiment : Neutrino Detectors Akihiro Minamino (Kyoto University) 10 th / Mar. / 2009 @ Workshop for Flavor physics 1

  2. T2K Neutrino Detectors � 280m Near Detectors � On-axis Neutrino Monitor � Off-axis Detector � 295km Far Detector � Super-Kamiokande Super-Kamiokande 280m Near Detectors J-PARC 280m 2

  3. 280m Near Detectors Neutrino Monitor pit On-Axis Off-Axis Neutrino Depth Detector 37m Monitor Characterize the neutrino beam at the origin 3

  4. Photosensor of Near Detectors � We have developed a special Multi Pixel Photon Counter for ND with Hamamatsu Photonics � Active area : 1.3 x 1.3 mm � Num. of pixels : 667 (50 x 50 μ m 2 each) � Operation voltage : 70 V (typical) 1.3 mm � PDE @ 550nm : > 15 % � Dark count : < 1.35 MHz @ 25 deg. (Gain = 7.5 x 10 5 ) � Operational in magnetic field (0.2 T) � Delivery of 63500 MPPCs for ND was completed in Feb. 2009! 4

  5. Testing of T2K MPPCs � 17500 MPPCs have been tested at Kyoto � Installed in INGRID (On-axis) and FGD (Off-axis) � Also at other testing stations (France, UK, Russia, USA, Poland) 12 X 10 5 12.0 Num. of events 400 10.0 Gain 8 Gain/10^5 8.0 300 15 ℃ V BD 6.0 1 p.e. 200 4 4.0 20 ℃ 2 p.e. 100 2.0 25 ℃ 0 0 0.0 2560 2680 2600 70.0 2640 69.0 71.0 68.5 69.0 69.5 70.0 70.5 71.0 71.5 Bias Voltage / V Bias voltage [V] ADC counts 5

  6. On-axis Neutrino Monitor (INGRID) INGRID Module (x 16) Scintillator plane ~ 7 ton (x228) 10 m 1.2 m MPPC (x 9592) 10 m ~ 110 ton � INGIRD INGIRD : 7 (Hori.) + 7 (Vert.) + 2 (Off-axis) modules � � Module Module : 9 Iron targets + 11 Scinti. planes + Veto planes � � Scintillator Scintillator plane plane : 24 ch x 2 layers � � Scintillator + WLS Fiber + MPPC 6

  7. On-axis Neutrino Monitor (INGRID) ν beam profile @ INGRID Simulation Num. of ν events p μ ν ν beam center ν μ p 10 m ν event (E ν < 3 GeV) 0 5 -5 “No backward Veto hit” & Horizontal vertex (m) “> 3 Layer hits” & “ θ μ >20 ° ” � Cover a wide range near the beam center ( ± 5 m) � Measure ν beam direction with 1 mrad accuracy → 1 mrad = 28cm @ INGRID (E μ peak shift : 13 MeV) 7

  8. On-axis Neutrino Monitor (INGRID) � Mechanical assembly of all the scintillator planes (x 228) was completed in Dec. 2009. Scintillator bars WLS Fibers 4 planes/day MPPCs 8 � All the channels (9592 ch) were tested using cosmic events. All OK. OK Damaged fiber 8

  9. On-axis Neutrino Monitor (INGRID) � Assembly of 1 st module was completed on Feb. 2009! � One module (out of 16) will be operated in the NM pit during the beam commissioning in Apr. 2009. � The other modules will be installed in the NM pit before summer, to be ready for ν beam from the end of 2009. 1 st cosmic event with 1 st module Feb. 10, 09 With INGRID DAQ system 9 On surface at J-PARC

  10. Off-axis Detector � Flux and E spectrum of Off-axis ν μ � Measured through CC-QE : ν μ + n → μ - + p � Extrapolated to SK � Estimation of background � BG for ν μ disappearance → CC-1 π : ν μ + N → μ - + N' + π ( Cross section) � BG for ν e appearance → NC-1 π 0 : ν μ + N → ν μ + N + π 0 (Cross section) → ν e in the beam (Flux and E spectrum) 10

  11. Off-axis Detector � P0D � High static π 0 measurement � Tracker (FGD+TPC) � Charged current measurement ( μ - , p, π - , π + , e - ) � FGD : π 0 measurement � SMRD � Large angle CC μ detection � Veto from outside � ECAL � π 0 measurement with FGD and P0D � Photon Veto 11

  12. FGD (Fine-Grained Detector) � Target Mass for tracker FGD1is completed! (Upstream) � Short track reconstruction � p/ π separation � Plastic layer + Plastic/Water layer � Upstream : 15XY scinti. Layers � Downstream : 7XY scinti. Layers 365mm + 6 water panels � Scinti. Layer 1cm 2300mm � Scinti. bar × 2 → 1cm x 1cm x 185cm � Scinti. + WLS + MPPC 12

  13. TPC (Time Projection Chamber) � Gas amplification device � Micromegas used to amplify electron signals � 24 Modules on each TPC (Module: 34x36 cm) Micromegas TPC0 is completed! Construction of TPC1 and TPC2 is going well. 13

  14. TPC 0, 1, 2 Tracker (TPC + FGD) m 1 � 3 TPCs + 2 FGDs � Measure Charged particle � Reconstruction (FGD → TPC) � Beam test @ TRIUMF FGD 0, 1 TPC FGD 50-400MeV/c e/ μ / π /p Performance consistent with expectation. 14

  15. ECAL � ECAL modules � Measure the EM component (e, γ ) from FGD and p0D, and Veto background particles coming from outside. � Measure the EM cluster position and energy � Component � Scinti. bar + WLS fiber + MPPC +“1.75 or 5 mm lead” DS-ECAL 1 st cosmic 15

  16. SMRD (Side Muon Range Detector) � Muon Range Detector � Catch the muon going out of the TPC acceptance � Momentum measurement by the range of muon Scinti. Hori. : 768 counters SMRD counter installed Vert. : 1060 counters + WLS fiber into yoke + MPPC Start in Feb. 2009 Continue till Aug. 16

  17. 295km Far Detector (Super-K) New electronics installed in the summer of 2008. DAQ has been quite stable since then. Detailed electronics check with calibration data has been finished. Super-K is ready for T2K. 17

  18. Summary � Near detector construction is in its highest peak. � Super-K is ready for the beam. � INGRID will be ready for the beam commissioning with one module in Apr. 2009. � Full INGRID and Off-axis detector will be ready to accept beam from the end of 2009. � Publish first physics results with 100kW x 10 7 s data in 2010. 18

  19. 19 Backup

  20. Off-axis beam method � Direction of Super-K is out of phase with the beam center by 2.5 deg. to select sub-GeV ν for oscillation maximum. Osc. Prob. ν beam profile at NM pit 振動確率@ @ Super-K Δ m 2 =3x10 -3 eV 2 Num. of ν events ν μ flux ν μ Φ x σ OA0 ° OA2 ° ν beam center OA2.5 ° 10 m OA3 ° 5 0 -5 0 0 1 2 3 4 Horizontal vertex (m) ν μ energy (GeV) 20

  21. On-axis Neutrino Monitor (INGRID) � Requirements on INGRID � Measure the direction of ν beam to an accuracy of 1 mrad → 1 mrad = 28cm @ NM pit (13 MeV peak shift) � Cover ± 5m around the beam center. → ν beam profile has a wide distribution at NM pit. � Detect ν (< 3 GeV) decayed from π (< 6 GeV) → 93% of ν flying to Super-K � Tens of ton of the target mass → 1 mrad accuracy during the beam commissioning 21

  22. ECAL � ECAL modules � Measure the EM component (e, γ ) from p0D and FGD, and Veto background particles coming from outside. � Measure the EM cluster position and energy � Perform Particle ID � Component � Scintillator bar � WLS fiber � MPPC � “1.75 or 5 mm lead” 22

  23. ECAL � DS-ECAL (Completed!) � Will be moved to CERN in April for a beam test. � Then to J-PARC at the end of June. � Barrel ECAL (+ P0D ECAL) � Construction will start in April. � Two module is aiming to install before Dec. 2009. � Full ECAL is completed in late summer 2010. 23

  24. SMRD (Side Muon Range Detector) � Muon Range Detector � Catch the muon going out of the TPC acceptance � Momentum measurement by the range of muon Horizontal : 768 counters Vertical : 1060 counters Scinti. + WLS fiber + MPPC 1 unit: 4 scnti. slab 24

  25. SMRD (Side Muon Range Detector) � Half of counters are at J-PARC and tested. � Remaining will arrive in Mar/Apr. � Installation work has started in Feb. � It will continue till Aug from bottom part. Mean: 40 p.e. Light yield with cosmic at SMRD counter installed into yoke center of (870mm) counter 25

  26. P0D ECAL (3.2 ton) P0Dules x 7 � Forward part of Off-axis detector 4mm lead x 7 � π 0 detector � NC interaction on water � CC π 0 production on water P0Dule white : scinti. mesh : water red: lead foil Water target (11 ton) ~3 ton water Scinti. + WLS + MPPC P0Dules x 26 26

  27. P0D � Side : ECAL & SMRD, Back : TPC/FGD � Measure the EM cluster position and energy � Veto coming from outside � Muon momentum → Perform Particle ID Water target Upstream ECAL Central ECAL Assembly almost completed! 27

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