t r aining sc hool nur se s on asthma pr otoc ol in nyc

T r aining Sc hool Nur se s on Asthma Pr otoc ol in NYC Jean - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

T r aining Sc hool Nur se s on Asthma Pr otoc ol in NYC Jean Sale-Shaw, MS, MPH, RN, Authors: AE-C Melissa Bernstein, MPH, CHES, Gail Adman RN, MPH CPH Shwetha Bhaskar, MS Anne Brennan, MS Calaine Hemans-Henry, MPH Helen Aguila, MD,

  1. T r aining Sc hool Nur se s on Asthma Pr otoc ol in NYC Jean Sale-Shaw, MS, MPH, RN, Authors: AE-C Melissa Bernstein, MPH, CHES, Gail Adman RN, MPH CPH Shwetha Bhaskar, MS Anne Brennan, MS Calaine Hemans-Henry, MPH Helen Aguila, MD, FCCP Marita Murrman, EdD, MS Maria Cunningham-Johnson, RN, Samantha Cinnick, MPH, MSN CHES, CPH

  2. This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UB6HP27878-01-00, Affordable Care Act (ACA) Public Health Training Centers for $705,000.00. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government. 2

  3. L e ar ning Obje c tive s • Describe the importance of school nurses in New York City public health practice. • Explain how evidence-based protocol training for school nurses was developed using distance based technology • Discuss preliminary results from training evaluation findings 3

  4. PHT C – NYC DOHMH Histor y There has been a PHTC at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health since • Current structure: 10 regional PHTCs (based on HRSA Regions) and one national coordinating center • 4 legislative objectives, including training development • Our content area is Health Disparities, Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health 4

  5. PHT C – NYC DOHMH Histor y Have worked in partnership with NYC DOHMH, the Bureau of Public Health Training for each PHTC In 2016, the Region 2 PHTC developed a relationship with the Office of School Health at NYC DOHMH 5

  6. He alth Pr oble m 6

  7. https://www.cdc.gov/asthma/most_recent_data.htm; last updated June 7, 2017

  8. Public Sc hool Childr e n (5- 14) with Asthma Source: EpiQuery 8

  9. Pe r c e ntage of Population Be low the Pove r ty T hr e shold Source: EpiQuery 9

  10. Asthma E me r ge nc y De par tme nt Visits, 2014 10

  11. Asthma Hospitalizations, 2014 11

  12. ASTHMA RELATED WALK-IN VISITS 2015 -2016 60000 55,406 Total 50000 walk-in visits 40000 Asthma related 30000 21,338 20000 Source: NYC 10000 Office of School Health 12 0

  13. Planning the T r ainings Target Audience: 1,530 Public School Nurses Who serve 1,100,000+ public school students in the five boroughs in NYC in 1,800+ schools 13

  14. Planning the T r ainings Based on learning objectives, broken down into four modules: 1. Overview of Asthma 2. Assessment of Asthma 3. Responding to an Asthma Episode in the Medical Room 4. Case Management of Students with Asthma 14

  15. De ve loping the T r ainings Team Roles and Responsibilities 1) Provide learning objectives Content Experts • Public Health Nurses 2) Create the outline • Staff Development Coordinators 3) Write the content • Assistant Commissioner, Public Health 4) Provide feedback on design Training elements • Pediatric Pulmonologist for NYC School Asthma Program • Clinical Coordinator, Citywide Asthma Initiative 15

  16. De ve loping the T r ainings Team Roles and Responsibilities 1) Technical development of the modules Instructional Designer • 20% Columbia University Instructional Designer a) Content Entry b) Look/feel c) Producing the activities of the module (eg. video, interactives, etc…) 2) Providing pedagogical feedback at each step Region 2 PHTC 1) Oversight of the project • 100% Center Coordinator 2) Providing feedback at each step a) pedagogical b) applicability to larger Region 2 target audience 16

  17. 17

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  23. Pr e liminar y E valuation Data NYC DOH LMS Evaluation Data Module Average pre- Average post- t-statistic Degrees of P-value test score (%) test score (%) Freedom 69% 88% -21.097 292 >.001 Overview of Asthma (n=293) Assessment of 74% 92% -18.087 264 >.001 Asthma (n=246) Responding to 68% 88% -16.954 246 >.001 an Asthma Episode (n=248) 81% 91% -11.133 224 >.001 Case Management of Students with Asthma (n=213)

  24. Ne xt ste ps: T ype 1 Diabe te s 24

  25. Disc ussion Que stions • Who is your target audience for public health training? • What populations/health topics are included in your public health training? • What is your experience using distance- based training in your organization? • How have you used public health networks to create training? • What feedback do you have on our training development process? 25

  26. Que stions? Samantha Cinnick, MPH, CHES, CPH sec2188@cumc.columbia.edu Melissa Bernstein, MPH, CHES melissa.f.bernstein@gmail.com Marita Murrman, EdD, MS mkm27@cumc.columbia.edu 26


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