
Sutton Page 7 Local Committee Agenda Item 6 1 Agenda Item 6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sutton Page 7 Local Committee Agenda Item 6 1 Agenda Item 6 Advice Link Partnership Sutton - ALPS LB Sutton Contract Page 8 ALPS provided by: Citizens Advice Sutton Sutton Carers Centre Age UK Sutton 2 Citizens Advice Sutton contract

  1. Sutton Page 7 Local Committee Agenda Item 6 1

  2. Agenda Item 6 Advice Link Partnership Sutton - ALPS LB Sutton Contract Page 8 ALPS provided by: Citizens Advice Sutton Sutton Carers Centre Age UK Sutton 2

  3. Citizens Advice Sutton contract with LB Sutton Substantial ‘added value’ from services funded by other sources, including Sutton Library & Heritage Services and from contribution of volunteers Page 9 One phone number – 020 8254 2616 to access multiple services One website – for information Agenda Item 6 and contact Multiple locations providing information and access 3

  4. Agenda Item 6 Other partners British Sign Language Advice Page 10 Live well Sutton Uplift Advicelink partner agencies: Sutton Mental Health Foundation, Refugee Migrant Network Sutton Other local voluntary organisations 4

  5. Enquiry types Page 11 Agenda Item 6 5

  6. Agenda Item 6 Welfare Benefit enquiries Page 12 6

  7. Housing enquiries Page 13 Agenda Item 6 7

  8. Agenda Item 6 Debt enquiries Page 14 8

  9. Financial gains for clients Page 15 Agenda Item 6 9

  10. Agenda Item 6 Ethnicity Page 16 10

  11. Page 17 Agenda Item 6 11 Age

  12. Agenda Item 6 Faith and belief Page 18 12

  13. Accommodation type Page 19 Agenda Item 6 13

  14. Agenda Item 6 Relationship Status Page 20 14

  15. Case study (1) Enquiry Area Other (Grant) Client profile Client is 53 year old. She had been temporarily rehoused in Sutton following a fire in her previous accommodation. Page 21 Client had no insurance to cover the loss of household items. Client had four children staying with her. Problem Client was looking for help to obtain funds to replace essential furniture when she would move back to her home. How CAS helped Adviser assisted with application to a local grant making Agenda Item 6 charity. This was successful and Client was provided with funds for essential items. 15

  16. Agenda Item 6 Case study (2) Enquiry Area Debt Client profile Client is 58 year old. She was living with her with adult children in leasehold accommodation. Client has a mortgage. Page 22 Problem Client needed help with her debts, including one relating to arrears from her ground rent and also mortgage arrears. How CAS helped Client advised on forfeiture proceedings. Signposted Client to the Leasehold Advisory Service. Helped Client to produce a financial statement which showed a substantial shortfall each month. Adviser gave Client advice on dealing with priority and non-priority debts and the options for dealing with those debts. Adviser identified that client was entitled to help with housing costs through Universal Credit. 16

  17. Case study (3) Enquiry Area Benefit Client profile Client is 55 year old lady living in Council accommodation with husband and disabled daughter. Client is full time carer for her Page 23 daughter. Problem Client was referred to Citizens Advice through Sutton Carers Centre, initially for a benefits check. Client’s husband recently suffered a cardiac arrest that led to cognitive impairments. How CAS helped Adviser identified that Client could be entitled to PIP & ESA plus UC Housing Element. These resulted in potential benefit gains of around £27,500 for Client’s family. Client would also be entitled to Agenda Item 6 £300 every twelve months from the Carers Flexi Fund. 17

  18. Agenda Item 6 Page 24 020 8254 2616 18


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