class 3 multi arm bandit

Class 3: Multi-Arm Bandit Sutton and Barto, Chapter 2 Sutton slides - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Class 3: Multi-Arm Bandit Sutton and Barto, Chapter 2 Sutton slides and Silver 295, class 2 1 Multi-Arm Bandits Sutton and Barto, Chapter2 The simplest reinforcement learning problem The Exploration/Exploitation Dilemma Online

  1. Class 3: Multi-Arm Bandit Sutton and Barto, Chapter 2 Sutton slides and Silver 295, class 2 1

  2. Multi-Arm Bandits Sutton and Barto, Chapter2 The simplest reinforcement learning problem

  3. The Exploration/Exploitation Dilemma Online decision-making involves a fundamental choice: • Exploitation Make the best decision given current information • Exploration Gather more information The best long-term strategy may involve short-term sacrifices Gather enough information to make the best overall decisions 295, class 2 3

  4. Examples Restaurant Selection Exploitation Go to your favourite restaurant Exploration Try a new restaurant Online Banner Advertisements Exploitation Show the most successful advert Exploration Show a different advert Oil Drilling Exploitation Drill at the best known location Exploration Drill at a new location Game Playing Exploitation Play the move you believe is best Exploration Play an experimental move 295, class 2 4

  5. You are the algorithm! (bandit1)

  6. k -armed Bandit Problem The • On each of a sequence of time steps , t =1,2,3, …, you choose an action A t from k possibilities, and receive a real- valued reward R t true value s • These true values are unknown. The distribution is unknown • Nevertheless, you must maximize your total reward • Y ou must both try actions to learn their values (explore), and prefer those that appear best (exploit)

  7. The Exploration/Exploitation Dilemma

  8. Regret The action-value is the mean reward for action a , q* ( a ) = E [ r | a ] • The optimal value V ∗ is V ∗ = Q ( a ∗ ) = max q* ( a ) • a ∈A The regret is the opportunity loss for one step − Q ( a t )] l t = E [ V ∗ • The total regret is the total opportunity loss 295, class 2 8

  9. Multi-Armed Bandits Regret

  10. Multi-Armed Bandits Regret greedy ϵ -greedy Totalregret decaying ϵ -greedy 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 1819 Time-steps If an algorithm forever explores it will have linear total regret If an algorithm never explores it will have linear total regret Is it possible to achieve sublinear total regret?

  11. Complexity of regret 295, class 2 11

  12. Overview • Action-value methods – Epsilon-greedy strategy – Incremental implementation – Stationary vs. non-stationary environment – Optimistic initial values • UCB action selection • Gradient bandit algorithms • Associative search (contextual bandits) 295, class 2 12

  13. Basics • Maximize total reward collected – vs learn (optimal) policy (RL) • Episode is one step • Complex function of – True value – Uncertainty – Number of time steps – Stationary vs non-stationary? 295, class 2 13

  14. Action-Value Methods

  15.  -Greedy ActionSelection • In greedy action selection, you always exploit • In 𝜁 -greedy, you are usually greedy, but with probability 𝜁 you instead pick an action at random (possibly the greedy action again) • This is perhaps the simplest way to balance exploration and exploitation

  16. A simple bandit algorithm

  17. One Bandit T askfrom Figure 2.1: An example The 10-armedTestbed bandit problem from the 10-armed testbed. The true value q(a) of each of the ten actions was selected according to a normal distribution with mean zero 4 and unit variance, and then the actual rewards were selected 3 according to a mean q(a) q unit variance normal ⇤ (3) distribution, as suggested q ⇤ (5) 2 by these gray distributions. q ⇤ (9) 1 q ⇤ (4) q ⇤ (1) Reward 0 q q ⇤ (7) ⇤ (10) distribution q q ⇤ (2) ⇤ (8) -1 q ⇤ (6) -2 Run for 1000 steps Repeat the whole -3 thing 2000 times with different bandit tasks -4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Action

  18.  -Greedy Methods on the 10-ArmedTestbed

  19. Averaging ⟶ learning rule • T o simplify notation, let us focus on one action • We consider only its rewards, and its estimate after n+ 1 rewards: Q n = R 1 + R 2 + · · · + R n- 1 . n - 1 • How can we do this incrementally (without storing all the rewards)? • Could store a running sum and count (and divide), or equivalently:

  20. Derivation of incremental update

  21. Tracking a Non-stationary Problem

  22. Standard stochastic approximation convergence conditions

  23. Optimistic InitialValues • All methods so far depend on Q 1 ( a ) , i.e.,they are biased. Q 1 ( a ) = 0 So far we have used • Suppose we initialize the action values optimistically ( Q 1 ( a ) = 5 ), e.g., on the 10-armed testbed (with alpha = 0 . 1 ) 100% optimistic, greedy Q 1 = 5, E = 0 80% 0 realistic,  -greedy % 60% Q 1 = 0, E = 0.1 Optimal 0 action 40% 20% 0% 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Plays Steps

  24. Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) action selection • A clever way of reducing exploration over time • Focus on actions whose estimate has large degree of uncertainty • Estimate an upper bound on the true action values • Select the action with the largest (estimated) upper bound UCB c =2 E -greedy E = 0.1 Average reward Steps

  25. Complexity of UCB Algorithm Theorem The UCB algorithm achieves logarithmic asymptotic total regret lim L t ≤ 8 log t ∆ a t →∞ a | ∆ > 0 a

  26. Gradient-Bandit Algorithms • Let H t ( a ) be a learned preference for taking action a 100% α =0.1 80% with baseline α =0.4 % 60% α =0.1 Optimal action 40% without baseline α =0.4 20% 0% 0 250 500 750 1000 Steps

  27. Derivation of gradient-bandit algorithm

  28. Summary Comparison of BanditAlgorithms

  29. Conclusions • These are all simple methods • but they are complicated enough — we will build on them • we should understand them completely • there are still open questions • Our first algorithms that learn from evaluative feedback • and thus must balance exploration and exploitation • Our first algorithms that appear to have a goal — that learn to maximize reward by trial and error


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