
ARM Advanced RISC Machines The ARM Instruction Set The ARM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ARM Advanced RISC Machines The ARM Instruction Set The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 1 Processor Modes * The ARM has six operating modes: User (unprivileged mode under which most tasks run) FIQ (entered when a high

  1. ARM Advanced RISC Machines The ARM Instruction Set The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 1

  2. Processor Modes * The ARM has six operating modes: • User (unprivileged mode under which most tasks run) • FIQ (entered when a high priority (fast) interrupt is raised) • IRQ (entered when a low priority (normal) interrupt is raised) • Supervisor (entered on reset and when a Software Interrupt instruction is executed) • Abort (used to handle memory access violations) • Undef (used to handle undefined instructions) * ARM Architecture Version 4 adds a seventh mode: • System (privileged mode using the same registers as user mode) The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 2

  3. The Registers * ARM has 37 registers in total, all of which are 32-bits long. • 1 dedicated program counter • 1 dedicated current program status register • 5 dedicated saved program status registers • 30 general purpose registers * However these are arranged into several banks, with the accessible bank being governed by the processor mode. Each mode can access • a particular set of r0-r12 registers • a particular r13 (the stack pointer) and r14 (link register) • r15 (the program counter) • cpsr (the current program status register) and privileged modes can also access • a particular spsr (saved program status register) The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 3

  4. Register Organisation General registers and Program Counter User32 / System FIQ32 Supervisor32 Abort32 IRQ32 Undefined32 r0 r0 r0 r0 r0 r0 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r3 r3 r3 r3 r3 r3 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r6 r6 r6 r6 r6 r6 r7 r7 r7 r7 r7 r7 r8 r8_fiq r8 r8 r8 r8 r9 r9_fiq r9 r9 r9 r9 r10 r10_fiq r10 r10 r10 r10 r11 r11_fiq r11 r11 r11 r11 r12 r12_fiq r12 r12 r12 r12 r13 (sp) r13_fiq r13_svc r13_abt r13_irq r13_undef r14 (lr) r14_fiq r14_svc r14_abt r14_irq r14_undef r15 (pc) r15 (pc) r15 (pc) r15 (pc) r15 (pc) r15 (pc) Program Status Registers cpsr cpsr cpsr cpsr cpsr cpsr sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq spsr_fiq spsr_svc spsr_abt sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq spsr_irq spsr_undef sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq sprsr_fiq The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 4

  5. Register Example: User to FIQ Mode Registers in use Registers in use User Mode FIQ Mode r0 r0 r1 r1 r2 r2 r3 r3 r4 r4 r5 r5 r6 r6 r7 r7 EXCEPTION r8_fiq r8 r8_fiq r8 r9 r9_fiq r9_fiq r9 r10 r10_fiq r10_fiq r10 r11_fiq r11 r11_fiq r11 r12_fiq r12 r12_fiq r12 r13 (sp) r13_fiq r13_fiq r13 (sp) r14 (lr) r14_fiq r14_fiq r14 (lr) r15 (pc) r15 (pc) Return address calculated from User mode PC value and stored in FIQ mode LR cpsr cpsr spsr_fiq spsr_fiq User mode CPSR copied to FIQ mode SPSR The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 5

  6. Accessing Registers using ARM Instructions * No breakdown of currently accessible registers. • All instructions can access r0-r14 directly. • Most instructions also allow use of the PC. * Specific instructions to allow access to CPSR and SPSR. * Note : When in a privileged mode, it is also possible to load / store the (banked out) user mode registers to or from memory. • See later for details. The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 6

  7. The Program Status Registers (CPSR and SPSRs) 28 4 0 31 8 N Z C V I F T Mode Copies of the ALU status flags (latched if the instruction has the "S" bit set). * Interrupt Disable bits. * Condition Code Flags I = 1, disables the IRQ. N = N egative result from ALU flag. F = 1, disables the FIQ. Z = Z ero result from ALU flag. C = ALU operation C arried out * T Bit (Architecture v4T only) V = ALU operation o V erflowed T = 0, Processor in ARM state T = 1, Processor in Thumb state * Mode Bits M [4:0] define the processor mode. The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 7

  8. Condition Flags Logical Instruction Arithmetic Instruction Flag Negative No meaning Bit 31 of the result has been set (N=‘1’) Indicates a negative number in signed operations Zero Result is all zeroes Result of operation was zero (Z=‘1’) Carry After Shift operation Result was greater than 32 bits (C=‘1’) ‘1’ was left in carry flag oVerflow No meaning Result was greater than 31 bits (V=‘1’) Indicates a possible corruption of the sign bit in signed numbers The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 8

  9. The Program Counter (R15) * When the processor is executing in ARM state: • All instructions are 32 bits in length • All instructions must be word aligned • Therefore the PC value is stored in bits [31:2] with bits [1:0] equal to zero (as instruction cannot be halfword or byte aligned). * R14 is used as the subroutine link register (LR) and stores the return address when Branch with Link operations are performed, calculated from the PC. * Thus to return from a linked branch • MOV r15,r14 or • MOV pc,lr The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 9

  10. Exception Handling and the Vector Table * When an exception occurs, the core: Reset 0x00000000 • Copies CPSR into SPSR_<mode> Undefined Instruction 0x00000004 • Sets appropriate CPSR bits Software Interrupt 0x00000008 � If core implements ARM Architecture 4T and is Prefetch Abort 0x0000000C currently in Thumb state, then Data Abort 0x00000010 � ARM state is entered. Reserved 0x00000014 � Mode field bits IRQ 0x00000018 � Interrupt disable flags if appropriate. • Maps in appropriate banked registers FIQ 0x0000001C • Stores the “ return address ” in LR_<mode> • Sets PC to vector address * To return, exception handler needs to: • Restore CPSR from SPSR_<mode> • Restore PC from LR_<mode> The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 10

  11. The Instruction Pipeline * The ARM uses a pipeline in order to increase the speed of the flow of instructions to the processor. • Allows several operations to be undertaken simultaneously, rather than serially. ARM Instruction fetched from memory FETCH PC Decoding of registers used in instruction DECODE PC - 4 Register(s) read from Register Bank EXECUTE PC - 8 Shift and ALU operation Write register(s) back to Register Bank * Rather than pointing to the instruction being executed, the PC points to the instruction being fetched. The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 11

  12. Quiz #1 - Verbal * What registers are used to store the program counter and link register? * What is r13 often used to store? * Which mode, or modes has the fewest available number of registers available? How many and why? The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 12

  13. ARM Instruction Set Format 31 2827 1615 87 0 Instruction type Cond 0 0 I Opcode S Rn Rd Operand2 Data processing / PSR Transfer Cond 0 0 0 0 0 0 A S Rd Rn Rs 1 0 0 1 Rm Multiply Cond 0 0 0 0 1 U A S RdHi RdLo Rs 1 0 0 1 Rm Long Multiply (v3M / v4 only) Cond 0 0 0 1 0 B 0 0 Rn Rd 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Rm Swap Cond 0 1 I P U B W L Rn Rd Offset Load/Store Byte/Word Cond 1 0 0 P U S W L Rn Register List Load/Store Multiple Cond 0 0 0 P U 1 W L Rn Rd Offset1 1 S H 1 Offset2 Halfword transfer : Immediate offset (v4 only) Cond 0 0 0 P U 0 W L Rn Rd 0 0 0 0 1 S H 1 Rm Halfword transfer: Register offset (v4 only) Cond 1 0 1 L Offset Branch Cond 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Rn Branch Exchange (v4T only) Cond 1 1 0 P U N W L Rn CRd CPNum Offset Coprocessor data transfer Coprocessor data operation Cond 1 1 1 0 Op1 CRn CRd CPNum Op2 0 CRm Coprocessor register transfer Cond 1 1 1 0 Op1 L CRn Rd CPNum Op2 1 CRm Software interrupt Cond 1 1 1 1 SWI Number The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 13

  14. Conditional Execution * Most instruction sets only allow branches to be executed conditionally. * However by reusing the condition evaluation hardware, ARM effectively increases number of instructions. • All instructions contain a condition field which determines whether the CPU will execute them. • Non-executed instructions soak up 1 cycle. – Still have to complete cycle so as to allow fetching and decoding of following instructions. * This removes the need for many branches, which stall the pipeline (3 cycles to refill). • Allows very dense in-line code, without branches. • The Time penalty of not executing several conditional instructions is frequently less than overhead of the branch or subroutine call that would otherwise be needed. The ARM Instruction Set - ARM University Program - V1.0 14
