arm microcontroller course

ARM Microcontroller Course May 6, 2015 ARM Microcontroller Course - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction C Microcontroller ARM Microcontroller Course May 6, 2015 ARM Microcontroller Course Introduction C Microcontroller Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 C Data types Operators Events 3 Microcontroller ARM Microcontroller

  1. Introduction C Microcontroller ARM Microcontroller Course May 6, 2015 ARM Microcontroller Course

  2. Introduction C Microcontroller Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 C Data types Operators Events 3 Microcontroller ARM Microcontroller Course

  3. Introduction C Microcontroller The Course 4 Evenings ARM Microcontroller Course

  4. Introduction C Microcontroller The Course 4 Evenings Nucleo-F411RE board ARM Microcontroller Course

  5. Introduction C Microcontroller The Course 4 Evenings Nucleo-F411RE board Programming in C ARM Microcontroller Course

  6. Introduction C Microcontroller The Course 4 Evenings Nucleo-F411RE board Programming in C Manual and Datasheet ARM Microcontroller Course

  7. Introduction C Microcontroller The Course 4 Evenings Nucleo-F411RE board Programming in C Manual and Datasheet Build a Function Generator ARM Microcontroller Course

  8. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor ARM Microcontroller Course

  9. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor Memory ARM Microcontroller Course

  10. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor Memory Program Memory ARM Microcontroller Course

  11. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor Memory Program Memory RAM ARM Microcontroller Course

  12. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor Memory Program Memory RAM Peripherals ARM Microcontroller Course

  13. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor Memory Program Memory RAM Peripherals Clock Generator ARM Microcontroller Course

  14. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor Memory Program Memory RAM Peripherals Clock Generator Digital General Purpose I/O ARM Microcontroller Course

  15. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor Memory Program Memory RAM Peripherals Clock Generator Digital General Purpose I/O Analog I/O (eg. ADC, Comparator) ARM Microcontroller Course

  16. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor Memory Program Memory RAM Peripherals Clock Generator Digital General Purpose I/O Analog I/O (eg. ADC, Comparator) Timers ARM Microcontroller Course

  17. Introduction C Microcontroller What is a Microcontroller? Processor Memory Program Memory RAM Peripherals Clock Generator Digital General Purpose I/O Analog I/O (eg. ADC, Comparator) Timers Hardware Serial Communication (eg. UART, SPI, I 2 C) ARM Microcontroller Course

  18. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 C Data types Operators Events 3 Microcontroller ARM Microcontroller Course

  19. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Data types Integer types ( uint8_t , uint16_t , int32_t ,..) ARM Microcontroller Course

  20. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Data types Integer types ( uint8_t , uint16_t , int32_t ,..) Float types ( float , double ,..) ARM Microcontroller Course

  21. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Data types Integer types ( uint8_t , uint16_t , int32_t ,..) Float types ( float , double ,..) Enumerated types ( enum ) ARM Microcontroller Course

  22. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Data types Integer types ( uint8_t , uint16_t , int32_t ,..) Float types ( float , double ,..) Enumerated types ( enum ) Void ( void ) ARM Microcontroller Course

  23. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Data types Integer types ( uint8_t , uint16_t , int32_t ,..) Float types ( float , double ,..) Enumerated types ( enum ) Void ( void ) Derived types (pointers, arrays, structs, unions, function types,..) ARM Microcontroller Course

  24. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Operators Arithmetic + Adds two operands − Subtracts second operand from first ∗ Multiplies both operands / Divides numerator by de-numerator ++ Increases integer by 1 −− Decreases integer by 1 ARM Microcontroller Course

  25. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Operators Logical && Logical AND. Returns True when both operands are non-zero || Logical OR. Returns True when any of the operands is non-zero ! Logical NOT. Reverses the logical state of the operand. ARM Microcontroller Course

  26. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Operators Bitwise & Bitwise AND. Copies bit when it exists in both operands. | Bitwise OR. Copies bit when it exists in either operand. ˆ Bitwise XOR. Copies the bit if set in one operand, but not both. ∼ Flips the bits. << Binary Left Shift. Left operands value is moved left by right number of bits. >> Binary Right Shift. Left operands value is moved right by right number of bits. ARM Microcontroller Course

  27. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Operators Example uint8_t A = 0xEE; // equal to 0b11101110 uint8_t B = 5; // equal to 0b00000101 uint8_t C; // declare C C = A + B; // C = 0b11110011 C = A && B; // C = True = 0b00000001 C = A << 2; // C = 0b10111000 C = A & B; // C = 0b00000100 ARM Microcontroller Course

  28. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Polling and Interrupts Two approaches to checking a state Polling Check a value If changed, perform some action ARM Microcontroller Course

  29. Introduction Data types C Operators Microcontroller Events Polling and Interrupts Two approaches to checking a state Polling Check a value If changed, perform some action Interrupt When a change of a value happens, go immediately to ISR Perform Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) Resume code ARM Microcontroller Course

  30. Introduction C Microcontroller Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 C Data types Operators Events 3 Microcontroller ARM Microcontroller Course

  31. Introduction C Microcontroller Memory Register ARM Microcontroller Course

  32. Introduction C Microcontroller Memory Register Memory Space ARM Microcontroller Course

  33. Introduction C Microcontroller Memory Register Memory Space Memory Mapped Peripherals ARM Microcontroller Course

  34. Introduction C Microcontroller Memory Register Memory Space Memory Mapped Peripherals Register Name Description 0x0800 0000 Flash Memory Start Address 0x2000 0000 SRAM Start Address 0x4002 0400 GPIOB MODER GPIO Port B Mode register 0x4002 000C GPIOA PUPDR GPIO Port A Pullup register 0x4001 300C SPI1 DR SPI Data register ARM Microcontroller Course

  35. Introduction C Microcontroller Programming in Eclipse The procedure: 1 Read the manual ARM Microcontroller Course

  36. Introduction C Microcontroller Programming in Eclipse The procedure: 1 Read the manual 2 Start a project in Eclipse ARM Microcontroller Course

  37. Introduction C Microcontroller Programming in Eclipse The procedure: 1 Read the manual 2 Start a project in Eclipse 3 Write your code ARM Microcontroller Course

  38. Introduction C Microcontroller Programming in Eclipse The procedure: 1 Read the manual 2 Start a project in Eclipse 3 Write your code 4 Compile the code ARM Microcontroller Course

  39. Introduction C Microcontroller Programming in Eclipse The procedure: 1 Read the manual 2 Start a project in Eclipse 3 Write your code 4 Compile the code 5 Flash to Nucleo board with STLink ARM Microcontroller Course

  40. Introduction C Microcontroller Planning Today: Read the manual 1 1 Yes I know, that was on the previous slide as well. Do it! :-) ARM Microcontroller Course

  41. Introduction C Microcontroller Planning Today: Read the manual Get used to Eclipse ARM Microcontroller Course

  42. Introduction C Microcontroller Planning Today: Read the manual Get used to Eclipse Turn a LED on/off ARM Microcontroller Course

  43. Introduction C Microcontroller Planning Today: Read the manual Get used to Eclipse Turn a LED on/off ARM Microcontroller Course

  44. Introduction C Microcontroller Planning Today: Read the manual Get used to Eclipse Turn a LED on/off What’s yet to come: Timers Analog Peripherals SPI Build a Function Generator using DDS ARM Microcontroller Course

  45. Introduction C Microcontroller Material You can find all material on Make sure you download: The Manual The Usermanual of the Nucleo-F411RE The Reference Manual of the STM32F411RE ARM Microcontroller Course


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