Webinar, 7th March 2019 Sustainable Tourism: Monitoring & Managing visitors in Protected Areas Diego Albanese – Federparchi Italy
INTERREG CEETO – «Central Europe Eco-TOurism» Project Partners PP Country 1 Emilia Romagna Region (IT) 7 Federparchi (Europarc IT) 2 Europarc Federation (DE) 6 UNESCO Biosphere Reserve South-East Rügen (DE) 3 UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau (AT) 4 Sölktäler Nature Park (AT) 5 NIMFEA Environment and Nature Conserv. Assoc. 9 Public Institution Nature Park Medvednica (HR) 11 WWF Adria (HR) 8 Regional Development Center Koper (SI) 10 Public Institute Landscape Park Strinjan (SI) Coordinator Partner: Emilia Romagna Region Beginning: 1 st June 2017 Duration: 3 Years End: 31 th May 2020 Budget: 2,81 Million € TAKING COOPERATION FORWARD
INTERREG CEETO – «Central Europe Eco-TOurism» T2 T2 T1 T1 Testing Testing Diagnostic Diagnostic CEETO Project Workflow T3 T4 T4 Guidelines Network Network TAKING COOPERATION FORWARD
INTERREG CEETO – «Central Europe Eco-TOurism» T2 T2 T1 T1 Testing Testing Diagnostic Diagnostic CEETO Project Workflow T3 T4 T4 Guidelines Network Network “Handbook of successful and innovative practices for a sustainable tourism inside Protected Areas” TAKING COOPERATION FORWARD
How to choose a methodology? Identify a problem or an opportunity connected Why managers need to to tourist flow in your PA monitor? What is necessary to monitor in order to achive Monitor that purpose? flows Who should be monitored? Analyse Manage data Where and When the monitoring activity should be carried out? Plan TAKING COOPERATION FORWARD
Which methodologies exist? St. Gallen Car Person Telephone Method counting counting cells allows to analyse counting cars counting people obtain the strategic passing through passing through information on flows of visits established established the movements "check points" "check points that visitors make Interview Survey GPS Social it allows to have it allows to have to "follow" Media specific specific visitors inside the to know trends, information on information on Park preferences and visitors visitors behaviours of visitors Statistical Focus Video Bioacoustic models Group camera investigates sound production to obtain an to deepen a to gather and reception in estimate of theme or information animals, tourist flows particular about the including man when there are aspects of a number, flow and and detect their not all the topic behaviour of presence information visitors available TAKING COOPERATION FORWARD
Methodology fact sheets Elements of analysis: Strengths Weaknesses Complexity and costs Field of applicability Visitor profiling Data quality Possible combination with other methods Utility in planning sustainable tourism strategies of conservation measures Flexibility TAKING COOPERATION FORWARD
Overview of costs / benefits TAKING COOPERATION FORWARD
Web Site: www.interreg-central.eu DOWNLOAD TAKING COOPERATION FORWARD
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