North Central London Sustainability & Transformation Plan Update Health Scrutiny Committee 22 nd March 2017 Graham MacDougall Director of Commissioning
NCL STP Workstreams NCL STP Programme Senior Responsible Officer Programme Lead Urgent & Emergency Care Alison Blair, Chief officer, Islington CCG Liz McAndrew, NHS Enfield CCG Health & Care Closer to Alison Blair, Chief officer, Islington CCG Suzanne Novak, Home NHS Islington CCG Mental Health Paul Jenkins, CEO, Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation NHS Pippa Wady, Trust NHS Camden CCG Cancer Dr Kathy Pritchard-Jones, CMO, UCLH Cancer Collaborative Nick Kirby, UCLH Dr Clare Stephens, NCL Clinical Advisor Transforming Cancer Services Team Elective Care Richard Jennings, MD, NHS Whittington Hospital Caroline Clarke, CFO, NHS Royal Free Hospital Children & Young Person Sarah Price, CO, Haringey CCG Kathryn Collin, Children Commissioning Lead, Haringey CCG Maternity Sarah Price, CO, Haringey CCG Julie Juliff, Head of Maternity Commissioning, Haringey CCG Prevention Dr. Julie Billett, Director Camden & Islington Public Health Sarah Dougan, Camden & Islington Public Health Digital Neil Griffiths, Acting CEO, UCLH Cathy Kelly, Chief Clinical Information Officer, UCLH Estates Dawn Wakeling, Director of Adult Social Services, Barnet Council Dean Musk, Community Health Partnerships Productivity Tim Jaggard, Finance Director, UCLH Stephen Davis, CFO, NHS Moorfields Eye Hospital Workforce Maria Kane, CEO, Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health Trust Charles Allen, NCEL Health 2 Education England
Urgent & Emergency Care Key NCL STP Projects Integrated Urgent Care Ambulatory Emergency Care Enhanced Community Based admission avoidance Acute Frailty Pathway Last Phase of Life and Enhanced Care Home Support Simplified discharge UEC designation Other Local UEC delivery schemes: Primary care at the front door of the Emergency Department (UCLH, RFL and Barnet Hospital), Camden and Islington CCGs and Barnet CCG GP See, treat and direct in Emergency Department (NMUH), Enfield CCG Reducing non-elective admissions for Paediatrics, Enfield CCG Reduction in length of stay for patients with Dementia, Enfield CCG 3
Planned Care Key NCL STP Projects Focus on delivering best value in planned care services across NCL Reduce variation for inpatients attending hospital for a planned intervention Reducing variation in the number of outpatient appointments received by patients with a similar need Development of optimised pathways to inform patient safety, quality and outcomes Standardise approach across NCL for Procedures of Limited Clinical Effectiveness Key areas for development in 2017/18 will include: High Volume clinical specialties including: Muscoskeletal pathways, Dermatology, Gynaecology, ENT, Urology, Gastroenterology, Procedures of Limited Clinical Effectiveness – developing a standardised policy across NCL Clinical advice and Navigation to inform streamlining patient pathways, accessing advice and guidance, improving the patient experience 4
Mental Health Key NCL STP Projects include: Community resilience increasing awareness, including self-awareness, normalising mental health needs and reducing stigma Improving service navigation, Suicide prevention Employment support Development of primary care mental health teams Acute pathway – develop alternatives to admission i.e. crisis and home treatment teams Female PICU – create a female PICU service in NCL, to avoid out of area placement Mental Health Liaison – scale up to 24/7 (for all ages) Dementia – a dementia friendly NCL looking at prevention, early intervention, supporting people to remain at home longer CAMHS and perinatal mental health Develop specialist community perinatal mental health team Child House model to support abused children in NCL Crisis pathway Youth justice – develop a co-commissioning model in NCL 5
Health and Care Closer to Home Key NCL STP Projects Improve Access to Primary Care Patients will be able to access consultations with GPs or other primary care professionals in their local area for pre-bookable and unscheduled care appointments between 8am and 8pm 7 days a week Develop Care Closer to Home Integrated Networks (CHINs) CHINs may be virtual or physical, and will most likely cover a population of c.50-80,000 people. They will be home to a number of services including the voluntary and community sector to provide a more integrated and holistic, person-centred community model, including health and social care integrated multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs), care planning and care coordination for identified patients. Interventions focused on the strengths of residents, families and communities and support from specialist consultants to enable GPs and the teams to manage more care closer to home Quality Improvement Support Teams These GP-led teams will be tasked with improving quality in primary care and reducing unwarranted variation. They will play a central role within the CHINs, providing hands-on practical help for individual GP practices to ensure a consistent quality standard and offer to all patients, helping to roll out best practice, clinical innovation and new technology in a systematic and consistent way. This will include support to maximize case finding and proactive management of high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and diabetes. 6
NCL STP – Vision for Primary Care 7
NCL STP – Development of Care closer to home networks 8
NCL STP Progress update NCL STP delivery plans being developed further for submission to NHS England at the end of March 2017 NCL STP delivery plans (for each programme) will provide granular detail of how the objectives will be achieved and by when NCL STP communications and engagement workstream is being established to provide direction and oversight and work will be undertaken in partnership with communication and engagement leads across NCL organisations 9
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