sustainability reporting

SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING International Setting International - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING International Setting International Setting drs. Magali Geerts Prof. dr. Michal Dooms General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23 rd of June CONTEXT OF THE RESEARCH General Assembly of the MEDports

  1. SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING International Setting International Setting drs. Magali Geerts Prof. dr. Michaël Dooms General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23 rd of June

  2. CONTEXT OF THE RESEARCH General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23-06-20 | 2

  3. CONTEXT OF THE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL SETTING OF SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) “A sustainability report conveys disclosures on an organization’s impacts – be positive or negative – on the environment, society and the economy.” “ Sustainability reporting helps organizations to set goals, measure performance and manage change in order to make their operations more sustainable.” Ø Existing sustainability reports show significant differences at the level of indicators reported, boundary levels of reporting and stakeholder inclusion in the process Ø Practice remains mainly voluntary Ø Why do some port managing bodies report and others do not? General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23-06-20 | 3

  4. CONTEXT OF THE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL SETTING OF SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING OBJECTIVE: Gaining insights in the present situation of sustainability reporting from the point of view of port managing bodies to provide certain ways forward in order to promote the practice (and thus its advantages) in the industry. Survey consisting of 25-30 questions have been distributed (from May 2019 until October 2019) 1. Idea and feeling about sustainability (reporting) 2. Materiality analysis 3. Boundary-setting 4. Stakeholder engagement General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23-06-20 | 4

  5. OVERVIEW GENERAL FINDINGS General Assembly of the MEDports Association 30-06-20 | 5

  6. RESULTS INTERNATIONAL SAMPLE (N=97) VS. MEDITERRANEAN AREA (N=33) Does the PMB report on sustainability? Percentage INT Percentage MED Yes, certified sustainability report according to international 15,5% 18,2% standards (e.g. GRI) Yes, separate annual sustainability report, but not certified or 19,6% 21,2% following another international standard Yes, integrated in annual report 25,8% 27,3% Ad-hoc report 12,4% 6,1% No 26,8% 27,3% Integration sustainability initiatives 39% The PMB actively seeks external views regarding its sustainability efforts 41% The PMB has some internally driven environmental initiatives (e.g. use of recycled 67% 67% products, limiting the printing of papers, etc.) 21% The PMB yearly organizes a couple of events around the topic of sustainability 33% 42% Sustainability is one of the top three priorities in the strategic plan of the PMB 51% Personnel of the PMB are members of NGOs and/or other environmental related interest 9% groups 19% 45% The PMB actively seeks for opportunities to invest in sustainability 53% 58% The PMB has introduced environmental friendly initiatives (e.g. LNG, noise barrier, etc.) 62% 24% The PMB has a green charging scheme in place (e.g. ESI, Green Award, etc.) 32% 61% The PMB has an environmental/sustainability manager 69% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% MED INT General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23-06-20 | 6

  7. RESULTS INTERNATIONAL SAMPLE (N=97) VS. MEDITERRANEAN AREA (N=33) Priority SDGs 30% Partnerships for the goals 46% 06% Peace, justice and strong institutions 12% 27% Life on land 33% 39% Life below water 50% 55% Climate action 57% 30% Responsible consumption and production 33% 67% Sustainable cities and communities 70% 15% Reduced inequalities 19% 61% Industry, innovation and infrastructure 75% 42% Decent work and economic growth 60% 39% Affordable and clean energy 45% Clean water and sanitation 42% 52% Gender equality 33% 33% 12% Quality education 24% 18% Good health and well-being 40% 03% Zero hunger 04% 06% No poverty 08% 00% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% MED INT General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23-06-20 | 7

  8. POINTS OF ATTENTION – THE WAY FORWARD General Assembly of the MEDports Association 30-06-20 | 8

  9. POINTS OF ATTENTION THE WAY FORWARD Investments in trust Boundary-setting relationship building Port collaboration with stakeholders General Assembly of the MEDports Association 30-06-20 | 9

  10. A B C D GM Indirect / direct BOUNDARY-SETTING economic impact 67% 30% 24% 6% 12% Traffic volumes 58% 58% 18% 3% 6% Investment volume 76% 33% 24% 3% 9% R&D expenses 67% 24% 6% 0% 21% Modal Split 36% 27% 21% 9% 39% Operational performance 61% 36% 9% 3% 24% Direct / indirect employment 55% 42% 30% 12% 15% Safety / accident rate 67% 42% 12% 6% 6% Training 70% 30% 9% 6% 21% Main barriers for sustainability reporting (absolute counts) Job creation 64% 27% 33% 15% 15% 30 Energy consumption 67% 42% 21% 9% 9% CO2 emissions 61% 36% 24% 15% 12% Other port activity 25 7 related emissions (PM, Nox, Sox) 61% 33% 24% 12% 15% 20 Port waste 73% 52% 18% 9% 6% 5 Circular economy 55% 33% 12% 6% 33% 9 15 A = Port Managing Body organization • B = Port area//cluster (including • 21 5 industry//logistics and including the 10 16 hinterland interface) 7 C = Local//regional community • 5 5 D = Impact of upstream and downstream 2 • 1 supply chain activities taking place outside 2 3 3 4 the port borders and beyond the 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 local/regional community Lack of resources Data availability Selection meaningful Little interest from Little interest from Competitors do not No contribution to Risk of reputational indicators port users local communities publish such report competitive damage advantage First choice Second choice Third choice General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23-06-20 | 10

  11. RELATIONSHIP BUILDING 1 2 No or limited inclusion Full inclusion WITH THE STAKEHOLDERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -Knowledge - Educate, - Stakeholders - Stakeholders - Collaboration / - Minority - Majority about the explaining and may advise provide partnership representation of representation of decisions informing - Being heard conditional - Some or joint stakeholders in stakeholders in - One-way stakeholders before a decision support decision-making the decision- the decision- dialogue (e.g. - One-way - Two-way - Having an power making process making process briefing sessions, and/or two-way dialogue (e.g. influence on - Multi-way - Multi-way - Multi-way leaflets, dialogue (e.g. surveys, focus decisions dialogue (e.g. dialogue (e.g. dialogue (e.g. Main benefits/reasons for sustainability reporting (absolute counts) corporate verified groups, - Multi-way strategic board community 25 reports corporate social interviews, etc.) dialogue (e.g. alliances, joint representation) projects) reports, bargaining, ventures) 1 workshops) constructive 20 dialogue) 7 3 15 6 10 4 4 3 15 3 6 5 5 3 5 1 5 3 2 2 4 1 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 Transparency - Transparency - Transparency - Improvement Competitive Alignment with Compliance Enhanced Greater Improved risk Stronger social internally (staff externally (port externally of reputation advantage competitors with legal corporate awareness of management license to / board / users / (shareholder(s) framework culture sustainability operate management) customers / / investors) issues local communities / government) First choice Second choice Third choice General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23-06-20 | 11

  12. PORT COLLABORATION Port collaboration Individual approach Collective approach General Assembly of the MEDports Association 23-06-20 | 12

  13. Contact details: drs. Magali Geerts Prof. dr. Michaël Dooms


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