supporting open science with supporting open science with

Supporting Open Science with Supporting Open Science with the EGI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Supporting Open Science with Supporting Open Science with the EGI Federated Cloud Experiences, success stories, lessons learnt lessons learnt Yin Chen Enol Fernandez Gergely Sipos Yin Chen, Enol Fernandez, Gergely Sipos EGI Foundation, NL

  1. Supporting Open Science with Supporting Open Science with the EGI Federated Cloud Experiences, success stories, lessons learnt lessons learnt Yin Chen Enol Fernandez Gergely Sipos Yin Chen, Enol Fernandez, Gergely Sipos EGI Foundation, NL This work by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

  2. EGI is a federation of over 300 computing and data centres spread across 56 countries in Europe and worldwide p EGI delivers advanced computing services to support scientists, multinational projects and research infrastructures multinational projects and research infrastructures 3/17/2017 2 EGI is supported by the EGI-Engage project, co-funded by the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 program under grant number 654142

  3. EGI’s mission is to create and deliver open solutions for science and research open solutions for science and research by federating digital capabilities, resources and expertise b between communities and i i d across national boundaries. across national boundaries. 3/17/2017 3

  4. EGI • 22 national e-Infrastructure providers 22 national e Infrastructure providers • Two EIROs: CERN and EMBL-EBI • EGI Foundation EGI F d ti www egi eu/about/egi foundation/ 3/17/2017 4

  5. International Partnerships Canada China Inst. of HEP Chinese Academy of Sciences USA India Centre for Development of p Advanced Comp. Africa and Arabia Council for Scientific and Asia Pacific Region Industrial Research South Africa Industrial Research, South Africa Academia Sinica Academia Sinica at Taiwan Latin America Latin America Ukraine Universidade Federal do Ukrainian National Rio de Janeiro Grid 3/17/2017 5

  6. EGI Service Catalogue Compute Cloud Compute : Run virtual machines on demand with complete control over resources Cloud Compute : Run virtual machines on demand with complete control over resources Cloud Container Compute : Run Docker containers in a lightweight virtualised environment High-Throughput Compute : Execute thousands of tasks to analyse large datasets Storage and Data Online Storage : Store, share and access your files and their metadata on a global scale Archive Storage : Back-ups for long term and future use in a secure environment Data Transfer : Transfer large sets of data from one place to another Training Training FitSM training : Learn how to manage IT services with a pragmatic and lightweight standard Training infrastructure : Dedicated computing and storage for training and education 3/17/2017 6

  7. ISO 9001 Certificate CERTIFICATE The Certification Body of TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH certifies that EGI Foundation / Science Park 140 1098 XG A 1098 XG Amsterdam t d Netherlands has established and applies a Quality Management System for The management system implemented to plan, implement, monitor and continually improve all business processes under responsibility and to deliver all business processes under responsibility and to deliver all services covered by the service catalogue of EGI Foundation . An audit was performed, Report No. 707067543 . Proof has been furnished that the requirements according to ISO 9001:2015 are fulfilled. The certificate is valid from 2017-03-07 until 2020-03-06 . Certificate Registration No.: 12 100 53643 TMS . Product Compliance Management Munich, 2017-03-08 3/17/2017 7

  8. EGI Federated Cloud Grid of clouds G id f l d • Unified user interfaces • Harmonised operational H i d ti l • behaviour Clouds and their Clouds and their • • interconnections are based on open standards, open p p technologies Infrastructure  Access online • AND technology  Deploy at your technology  Deploy at your site 3/17/2017 8

  9. Benefits, technologies g VM and block storage Object Storage (optional) CDMI Harmonised Uniform OpenNebula operation operation user interfaces user interfaces OpenStack O St k Cloud registry Information system Synnefo Virt. Machine marketpl. OpenStack Usage accounting Access control Access control OpenStack OpenNebula 3/17/2017 9

  10. EGI Federated Cloud 23 providers from 14 NGIs: 15 OpenStack • • 7 OpenNebula • 1 Synnefo ~ 6K cores in total FedCloud F2F 2016 3/17/2017 10

  11. The typical user workflow Clouds in your Virtual Organisation (e.g. ( g g ) Application Portal, framework, PaaS, SaaS, etc.. Visual lookup VM VM VM OCCI or OpenStack calls (GUI/CMD/API) VM VM VM Programmatic OCCI or OpenStack calls (CMD/API) lookup (API) VM Storage VM VM VM VM VM VM VM Virtual/Software Appliances of your Virtual Organisation VM VM VM Appliances Marketplace (AppDB) 3/17/2017 11

  12. AppDB Cloud MarketPlace • Open Library of Virtual p y Appliances – Use on clouds or for personal download personal download – Re-use, share, associate contextualization • EGI endorsed VM EGI d d VM images, securely configured and tested g • Community curated sets of images – Automatic distribution of sets to cloud providers 3/17/2017 12

  13. Use cases: Chipster • BioInformatics application BioInformatics application for genomic analysis • A user-friendly analysis • A user-friendly analysis software for high- throughput data with over throughput data with over 350 analysis tools and a large collection of reference large collection of reference genomes • Users can save and share Users can save and share automatic analysis Research story: workflows and visualize data workflows, and visualize data h // hi fi/ interactively 3/17/2017 13

  14. Use cases: PeachNote • Search Engine and Analysis g y Platform for music scores. Music Ngram Viewer • Peachnote is relies on EGI • Peachnote is relies on EGI services to give their users access to a generous amount g of music data. – Visited by tens of thousands of users every day from all over the users every day from all over the world. • Uses both VMs for processing requests and Object Storage t d Obj t St for storing data. 3/17/2017 14

  15. Use case: ELIXIR (European Life Sciences Infrastructure for Biological Information) Infrastructure for Biological Information) • ELIXIR is building their Compute Platform g p – ELIXIR-CC seeks demonstration of ELIXIR workflows implemented in the EGI Federated Cloud • Federated Cloud ready: – VO configured and available at ELIXIR sites integrated into EGI: CESNET, EBI, IN2P3 ELIXIR i i d i EGI CESNET EBI IN2P3 – Users identified via ELIXIR AAI + CILogon for management of proxies (hidden to users by gateways) management of proxies (hidden to users by gateways) – OCCI, native OpenStack and Terraform for resource access • Now starting piloting phase of workflows into resources 3/17/2017 15

  16. What’s coming • Improved user experience p p – Certificate-less access with new EGI CheckIn – AppDB VMOps (see next slides) – IaaS orchestration guides IaaS orchestration guides – OCCI1.2 • Providers integration: g – New probes for improved reliability – VO-level monitoring – Federated authentication (OpenID Connect) via EGI CheckIn Federated authentication (OpenID Connect) via EGI CheckIn • Go beyond simple IaaS – Better orchestration support with ready to use configurations for Better orchestration support with ready to use configurations for common applications (Hadoop, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes) – PaaS and SaaS OpenStack Summit Barcelona 3/17/2017 16

  17. AppDB VMOps • User friendly web dashboard to manage VMs y g – Integration with AppDB MarketPlace – Contextualization/User Management – Attached Volumes management • Support for hybrid clouds via Infrastructure Manager – OpenStack, OpenNebula and Synnefo providers accessible O St k O N b l d S f id ibl via a single interface • Single-Sign-On with the rest of the AppDB sub- Single Sign On with the rest of the AppDB sub services – No need for X.509 certificate for final user • Currently under heavy testing – Beta access expected early April 3/17/2017 17

  18. AppDB VMOps 3/17/2017 18

  19. Next Steps: become a provider • Providers keep complete control over their resources p p – Agree SLA with communities with pledged or opportunistic resources • Set of software components to hook into EGI Federation – Minimal intrusion into provider’s operations by using public APIs of Cloud Management Frameworks • Virtual Appliance with all components (but AAI) for integration, Vi t l A li ith ll t (b t AAI) f i t ti just configure and run – Support for OpenStack from Juno onwards (including just pp p ( g j released Ocata) • Integration Manual at 3/17/2017 19


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