supplementary presentation

Supplementary Presentation Outscapes Horticultural Solutions & - PDF document

Request for Tender for Grounds Maintenance Services Landmark - Units Plan 2413 3-9 Bowen Drive and 41-47 Blackall Street Barton ACT 2600 Supplementary Presentation Outscapes Horticultural Solutions & Landmark A Proven Relationship

  1. Request for Tender for Grounds Maintenance Services Landmark - Units Plan 2413 3-9 Bowen Drive and 41-47 Blackall Street Barton ACT 2600 Supplementary Presentation

  2. Outscapes Horticultural Solutions & Landmark A Proven Relationship Outscapes Horticultural Solutions is pleased to submit this Supplementary Presentation to our Tender Application to continue to provide grounds maintenance services at Landmark. As many members of the Owners Corporation will know, Outscapes Horticultural Solutions has been the incumbent grounds maintenance services provider for the past 15 years (since the complex’s establishment). As such, we have a comprehensive understanding of how critical the gardens and grounds are to L andmark’s unique setting, and the importance that having premium quality grounds holds for both the Owners Corporation and residents. Over the past 15 years, Outscapes Horticultural Solutions has delivered a premium quality horticultural service, with a high level of commitment, professionalism and attention to detail. This service has included many instances of implementing major projects, including those that were on our own recommendation. On these projects, we worked seamlessly with other contractors to conduct the works as efficiently as possible, as well as providing immediate support to rectify any issues the project works caused to the grounds. Some examples of this include: • Re-landscaping the central oval in 2018, following our recommendation. • Conducting works to replace popup sprinklers with pressure regulated sprinklers in 2017, following our recommendation that doing so would reduce water consumption. • Upgrading the swan lawn garden bed including tree replacement program in 2015. • Supporting Bovis Lend Lease in completing the defect rectification project over four years, and the major external painting projects over 6-12 months, by quickly reinstating any plants or irrigation affected by the works. • Conducting works to remove the declining Cork Oaks between 43-45 Blackall Street, and tree replacement with Magnolia Grandiflora in 2007. Continuing our engagement will help the Owners Corporation eliminate the risk associated with changing contractor. Alongside our 15 years’ proven history of delivering c onsistent premium quality services at Landmark, the intimate knowledge we have over the grounds is unmatched. We know which plants work where, the impacts that the landscape has on watering requirements, and how to most efficiently operate the irrigation system over such a wide area.

  3. Knowledge of the Landmark Grounds As the incumbent provider of grounds maintenance services at Landmark for the past 15 years, Outscapes Horticultural Solutions has an unparalleled understanding of the services required by the Owners Corporation. We understand that Landmark is a unique complex in terms of both the size and quality of its grounds, and that maintaining this quality is of vital importance to Landmark residents. Having provided horticultural services at Landmark since its inception in 2004, we know the grounds and gardens intimately. Landmark is a unique property, with a size and complexity of gardens and lawns that is unmatched in the Canberra market. We recognise the importance of “taking ownership” of the grou nds, proactively identifying and correcting problems as soon as they arise, and taking pride in maintaining the highest quality apartment complex gardens in Canberra. Outscapes Horticultural Solutions recognises the value the grounds bring to the apartments within Landmark, for both investors and owner-occupiers alike. This means that we understand how critical our role is as the grounds maintenance services provider, whether through major projects or day-to- day maintenance. We have consistently demonstrated our commitment to going above and beyond for Landmark, delivering real value for the Owners Corporation, investors and residents. Given its size, Landmark is more than “just a garden” – it features many microclimates that need to be managed accordingly. We have built our knowledge of the grounds and the unique needs through the hands-on involvement of our senior staff for the past 15 years – knowledge that would be lost through a change of contractor. Our experience at Landmark, along with our proven ability to develop maintenance schedules to match, means that we are ideally placed to ensure the high quality of the grounds continues unabated.

  4. Senior Management Involvement Outscapes Horticultural Solutions ’ commitment to delivering horticultural services at Landmark by using senior, qualified horticulturalists has been key to maintaining exceptionally high quality over the past 15 years. Our service always involves a qualified Supervisor, Senior Manager or Director leading the works on site. This means that any issues can be identified and corrected immediately – something which would be missed if a more decentralised approach were taken. Our Director, Anthony Dalle, is proud of the long-term relationship that we have developed with Landmark, considering that Landmark was one of the first contracts that Outscapes Horticultural Solutions secured. Anthony is fully committed to ensuring that Landmark always remains at the forefront of our business. Anthony is actively involved in our service delivery to Landmark, and is not just a manager sitting in an office making sure that reports are lodged on time. To this day, he continues to visit the site regularly, both for weekly quality inspections and to undertake hands-on work at the grounds. This exemplifies our commitment to ensuring that the reputation for quality that we have built up remains as strong as ever. Continuing to improve and excel in our services is a core goal for Outscapes Horticultural Solutions, and we hope our relationship with Landmark, built on a shared commitment to quality, continues long into the future.

  5. Shared Commitment to Quality Outscapes Horticultural Solutions recognises that the quality of Landmark’s gardens is of extremely high importance to the Owners Corporation. Our robust quality management systems have enabled us to deliver the level of quality which the Owners Corporation has come to expect. Likewise, our systems will ensure this will continue into any future contract. We achieve quality through accountability, right up to the highest level of the company. All works delivered at Landmark are conducted with a senior, qualified staff member on site to supervise each site visit. Additionally, our Director, Anthony Dalle, visits the site each week to ensure quality is maintained. All staff conducting work on site complete a comprehensive journal entry of the works they undertake each visit, which is then sighted for confirmation by the Director after each visit. Our weekly toolbox meetings in which we discuss the scheduled work for the week allow us to be proactive in maintaining quality of work. These ensure all staff fully understand any changes to their usual tasks and how to achieve the expected quality standards, before they attend site. This also provides an opportunity to discuss any quality issues which may have been identified in the previous week’s inspections, including any changes to methodology to prevent a reoccurrence of the issue. Similarly, ensuring the safety of our team, residents, visitors and anyone who may be affected by our work is a key priority for Outscapes Horticultural Solutions, as is the protection of the environment. Our WHS and Environmental Management Systems provide a framework for staff to work within so that all tasks are performed safely, and that negative environmental impacts are reduced as much as possible or eliminated entirely. Staff actively monitor for risks and hazards, whether WHS or environmental, so that any issues are identified and corrected immediately.

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