supplementary course in physics formerly physics d autumn

Supplementary course in physics (formerly Physics D) Autumn 2009 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Supplementary course in physics (formerly Physics D) Autumn 2009 (presented by Dorthe Posselt on behalf of Nick Bailey) Supplementary course in physics Autumn 2009, Nick Bailey. p. 1 General description The course will develop

  1. Supplementary course in physics (formerly Physics D) Autumn 2009 (presented by Dorthe Posselt on behalf of Nick Bailey) Supplementary course in physics Autumn 2009, Nick Bailey. – p. 1

  2. General description The course will develop understanding of and the ability to use some of the methods and representations (including mathematical ones) used to describe physical phenomena and systems. The content corresponds partly to that of the A-level physics curriculum in the Danish Gymnasium: a subset of the topics, but at the same conceptual and technical level. It also provides good practice in mathematics and modelling. Supplementary course in physics Autumn 2009, Nick Bailey. – p. 2

  3. Specific aims Introduce classical physics. Strengthen the ability to describe systems in physical and mathematical terms. Strengthen the ability to individually analyze physical problems. Supplementary course in physics Autumn 2009, Nick Bailey. – p. 3

  4. Content Physics Classical mechanics (11 lecture-sessions): Forces, Newton’s laws, constant acceleration, harmonic motion, circular motion, gravitation, energy and momentum conservation. Introduction to thermodynamics (4 lecture-sessions): Kinetic theory, 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, the Carnot process, entropy. Introduction to electrodynamics (3 lecture-sessions): Electrostatic forces, Coulomb’s law, the electric field. Applied mathematics: Differentiation and integration. Simple vector calculus. Numerical solution of equations of motion (Matlab). Supplementary course in physics Autumn 2009, Nick Bailey. – p. 4

  5. Instructional format Lectures in the classroom (24 lecture-sessions) Exercises/problem-solving in groups in the classroom and at home. Student presentation of exercises in the classroom Handing in of written homework (once per week) Project work A problem from classical mechanics, solved using simulation in Matlab. Supplementary course in physics Autumn 2009, Nick Bailey. – p. 5

  6. Evaluation Emphasis on the ability to analyze physical problems solve the problem through the use of relevant physically theories and concepts and the necessary mathematics describe this solution clearly and precisely, including arguing for the applied theory. Approval of 9 out 12 written homeworks (contributes 1/2 of total) Participation in the simulation project and approval of the corresponding report (1/6) A midterm test and a final test (average score of the two counts as 1/3). Supplementary course in physics Autumn 2009, Nick Bailey. – p. 6

  7. Practical information Instructor: Nicholas (Nick) Bailey,, (building 27.2, room 084, phone 2254) Course webpage: Textbook: "Fundamentals of physics" Halliday, Resnick og Walker. (John Wiley & Sons, 8ed.) Classroom: Building 13.2, Plenum Schedule: Course block 2 (Tuesday afternoon/Friday morning) First session: Friday, September 11, 13.00. Supplementary course in physics Autumn 2009, Nick Bailey. – p. 7


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