Subm ission of Conventions and Recom m endations Obligation under ILO Constitution (Arts. 19(5)-(7) and 23(2)) ILO Memorandum on submission – Explains the obligation “Submission” = Sending… by the Government to the competent authority (e.g. Parliament) of the texts of Conventions and Recommendations with the Government’s proposals in order to receive decision/ advice of Parliament about action to be taken with respect to the instruments Aims Promote measures for ILS implementation For Conventions, promote their ratification Bring new ILS to the knowledge of the general public Stimulate tripartite dialogue concerning ILS at the national level 1
Action concerning subm ission ( 1 ) The texts must be submitted to the competent authority (e.g. Parliament) Within 12 months after the closing of the ILC 18 months in exceptional circumstances With government proposals • No obligation to propose ratification There should be an opportunity for debate at the competent authority 2
Action concerning subm ission ( 2 ) Once submitted, a report must be sent to the ILO (see pp. 7-8 of the ILO Memorandum) The competent authority to which ILO instruments are submitted (e.g. Parliament) Date of submission Contents of Government’s proposals to the competent authority (Copy of the Government’s report submitted to the competent authority to be attached, if possible) (If any) exceptional circumstances which prevented from submitting within the time limits The action taken by the competent authority, i.e. views or any conclusions of the debate at the competent authority Information on tripartite consultations during the process, and views expressed and recommendations made (C144 body or otherwise) Information as to whether a copy of the report on submission was sent to the social partners, and whether any comments were received. 3
For m ore inform ation Memorandum concerning the obligation to submit Conventions and Recommendations to the competent authorities http: / / global/ standards/ information-resources-and- publications/ WCMS_087324/ lang--en/ index.htm Chapter II, Handbook of procedures relating to international labour Conventions and Recommendations http: / / global/ standards/ information-resources-and- publications/ publications/ WCMS_192621/ lang--en/ index.htm 4
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