reporting on unratified conventions and recom m endations

Reporting on unratified Conventions and Recom m endations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reporting on unratified Conventions and Recom m endations Constitutional obligation under Art. 19 of the ILO Constitution Each year on different subject Decided by the Governing Body Deal with multiple Conventions and

  1. Reporting on unratified Conventions and Recom m endations  Constitutional obligation under Art. 19 of the ILO Constitution  Each year on different subject  Decided by the Governing Body  Deal with multiple Conventions and Recommendations  Reports examined by the Committee of Experts (CEACR)  The result = “General Surveys” 1

  2. Report form  New report form every year available at: http: / / dyn/ normlex/ en/ f?p= NORMLEXPUB: 14002: 0: : NO: : :   Look under “Article 19 Report Forms”  Contents  Explanation of the obligation (Art. 19 of ILO Constitution)  Report questions • Organized by topics • Consult relevant Articles of Conv and Recomm to better understand the question  Texts of relevant Conv and Recomm  A report form may look large, but no worry – usually due to the texts of Conv and Recomm 2

  3. General surveys  Useful resource!  Detailed explanations on Conventions and Recommendations  Collection available on NORMLEX: • http: / / global/ standards/ information-resources-and- publications/ WCMS_164145/ lang--en/ index.htm 3


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