Welcome 4 th Grade Students and Parents
Lloyd Road School Main Office Staff Principal: Mr. Jerabek Assistant Principal: Mrs. Olsen Social Worker/Counselor: Mrs. Baker School Nurse: Mrs. Preuss Secretaries: Ms. Luciano & Ms. Gascot
Please Join the Lloyd Road School PTO! Mascot is the dolphin 2016-17 PTO Co-Presidents: -Mrs. Hunt -Mrs. Rotolo
School Begins! Tuesday, September 6 Full Day Drop off: 8:40 doors open Homeroom 8:50 Day ends: 3:05
Arrival and Dismissal
Path Walkers And Car Drop Off In Back Path walkers walk directly across & enter cafeteria at 8:40 Car drop off at entrance 15 at end of building 8:40-8:50
Dismissal- by parent pick up 1. Find a place to park 2. Meet your child at the designated front door exit (will be on the website & will be posted on each door) Main Door — #1 Playground Door — #18 Middle Door — #19 Caruso Bishop DuBrosky/Santoro Cottrell Brophy Bergrin Haughey Cosentino Grigoli Maniscalchi Eisenberg Kyvelos Moore Kliemisch Mammano Lasko Huhn/Reistrom Altman/Zwirko Generoso Herman/Weinstein Moran Nikolic Peterson Patterson Roche Sakowski Sloan Varricchio Winther
YMCA Before and after school care 7 AM drop off Up to 6PM pick up Call them directly for more information. 732-566-9266 201 Broad Street
Summer Construction Upstairs
Safety Visitors will be required to show photo identification to be checked in using the Vestibule visitor management system. The system will print out a visitor’s pass. Acceptable forms of identification include: Driver’s license, Military I.D. passport or other government issued photo identification.
Grade 4 Cluster Schedules 2016-2017 LRS Cluster Schedule Overview Cluster 4A Cluster 4B Cluster 4C Grigoli Sakowski Caruso Eisenberg Roche Cottrell Moore Lasko Sloan Reistrom/Huhn Herman/Weinstein Bergrin Nikolic Varricchio Zimmer Chalmers Patterson Perio d Times 1 9:00- 9:40 ELA/SS science ELA/SS math ELA/SS math 2 9:45 - 10:25 ELA/SS math ELA/SS math ELA/SS math 3 10:30 - 11:10 ELA/SS math ELA/SS science special special 4 11:15 - 11:55 Lunch Lunch special special ELA/SS science 5 12:00 - 12:40 ELA/SS math lunch lunch ELA/SS science 6 12:45- 1:25 ELA/SS math ELA/SS math lunch lunch 7 1:30 - 2:10 ELA/SS science ELA/SS math ELA/SS math 8 2:15 - 2:55 special special ELA/SS science ELA/SS math Cluster 5A Cluster 5B Cluster 5C Mammano Moran Winther Maniscalchi Haughey Kyvelos Du Brosky/Santoro Peterson Kliemisch Cosentino Gwizdz Brophy Zwirko/Altman Generoso Foti Perio Biagianti Longo Lazur d Times 1 9:00- 9:40 ELA/SS math special special ELA/SS science 2 9:45 - 10:25 ELA/SS math ELA/SS science special special 3 10:30 - 11:10 ELA/SS science ELA/SS math ELA/SS math 4 11:15 - 11:55 lunch lunch ELA/SS math ELA/SS math 5 12:00 - 12:40 ELA/SS math lunch lunch ELA/SS science 6 12:45- 1:25 ELA/SS math ELA/SS math lunch lunch 7 1:30 - 2:10 special special ELA/SS math ELA/SS math 8 2:15 - 2:55 ELA/SS science ELA/SS science ELA/SS math -20 minutes for lunch -20 minutes for recess - Switch classes midday -Go back to homeroom to dismiss -Departmental design for most class
40 minute periods
Instruction/Learning/Assessments - Content/instruction details shared at Back to School - Star Renaissance 3 times per year (in place of NWEA) PARCC (only 1 session this year between 4/25-5/19) - - DRA two times per year to assess reading levels - Curriculum based assessments - Grade books will be live through parent portal - No progress reports this year since portal is always open - Continued use of chrome books, keyboarding, Google applications. (1 to 1 goal for 2017-18) **Emphasis on building independence, responsibility, and organization in preparation for middle school.
Basic skills, Tier 1 Gifted and Talented and Tier 2 Enrichment Basic Skills *Extra help/interventions for identified students in ELA and/or Math. Either in or out of the classroom. Tier 1 Gifted & Talented *Top 5% of students based on points earned through various assessments in ELA and Math. There is 1 full class at each grade level. Tier 2 Gifted & Talented *Top 6-10% in point totals from various assessments in ELA and/or Math. Pulled out of ELA and/or Math 1 X week.
Students of the Month - 1 student from each homeroom is nominated by the teacher. - Eat with the Principal and Assistant Principal - Receives a certificate and some awards - Picture posted in the front lobby area all year - Occasional extra privileges
Code of Conduct Expectations Respectful, responsible and ready to learn is expected. It is natural conflicts and mistakes will happen so we try and use them as learning experiences. **Conflict resolution emphasis** 1. Handled in the classroom by the teacher 2. Possible school counselor consultation 3. Parent Contact 4. Office referral if needed *Any harassment, intimidation, or bullying concerns are looked into by our anti- bullying specialist (school counselor) who then works with the assistant principal or principal . Interruptions to class and disrespect of students and staff are taken seriously and not tolerated
I Read to the Principals • To celebrate writing achievement 1. Teachers sign students up who achieved at or near the highest writing score level (or who showed amazing effort and improvement) to share his/her writing with one of the principals. 2. Students earn a certificate, pencil and have their name announced in morning announcements.
Grade 5 performs in the spring concert. Grade 4 takes lessons.
- Student Council - Chess Due to limited space a - Environmental lottery system has to be used and restricted to - Art participation in one club. - Sports - STEM - Yearbook - Technology - Performing Arts (Grade 4 only*) - Chorus (Grade 5 & select ensemble*) - Instrumental Band (Grade 5 performs-Grade 4 begins)
Other helpful information School supplies: Some teachers or teaching teams may post them before opening day but others will send them home week 1. General lists are in the virtual backpack. Lockers: Available upstairs only (mostly Grade 5) but locks are not used so suggest to not bring valuable items. Cell phones: Can be brought to school as long as they are not seen or heard during the day. Student agendas: Provided to each student to record HW & can help with home/school communication. Student medicine: Reminder that both over the counter and prescription medicine has to be administered by the school nurse.
Other helpful information continued…. Lunch-Student ID numbers used to buy lunch instead of ID cards. (It is the same number as your computer log in) Safety Vestibule: In full operation. Strict visitor procedures will be posted on the website, in the virtual back pack and sent home. Virtual Backpack: All district schools are going as paperless as possible. Make sure updated emails and phone numbers are in the parent portal. Flyers, notices, etc. will be posted in the FLYERS section of the website.
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