critical questions

Critical Questions 1. How does this plan benefit students, parents, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Barrington Public Schools December 5, 2013 Strategic Communication Plan Critical Questions 1. How does this plan benefit students, parents, the community and staff? 2. What methods should we use to communicate to/gain information from our

  1. Barrington Public Schools December 5, 2013 Strategic Communication Plan

  2. Critical Questions 1. How does this plan benefit students, parents, the community and staff? 2. What methods should we use to communicate to/gain information from our stakeholders? 3. How do we let our stakeholders know about our action plans and progress toward achievement of identified district goals?

  3. Partnerships for Student Success Goal 1: Broaden public understanding of quality teaching, learning and student achievement. Objectives: • Create a “One Clear Voice” • Develop public information materials • Communicate the successes of schools

  4. Partnerships for Student Success Goal 2: Focus the communication efforts on engaging stakeholders to take action to support students and the needs of our community Objectives: • Establish regular two-way communication • Build relationships with elected officials • Establish and maintain positive relationships with media • Establish regular two-way communication with parents • Increase opportunities for student voice • Develop public engagement/outreach strategies • Expand and improve the district web site/Aspen • Implement effective use of social media • Expand and improve school newsletters

  5. Efficient, transparent, forward-thinking communication Goal 1: Improve internal communications Objectives: • Facilitate of two-way communication • Develop communication protocols • Strengthen school building-level communication • Develop the role of employees as ambassadors • Provide professional development opportunities in effective communication for staff • Improve Support-Staff Communication

  6. Efficient, transparent, forward-thinking communication Goal 2: Annually review and update strategic communication plan Objectives: • Create communication plans for major district programs and initiatives • Conduct regular research and evaluation on communication efforts

  7. Next Steps 1. Determine priorities 2. Evaluate district capacity 3. Develop tools to monitor and track progress 4. Create processes for continuous evaluation

  8. Questions


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