Y EAR - ROUND MIDDLE SCHOOL The Possibilities…
S TRATEGIC P LAN T IMELINE REVIEW 2011-12 2012-13 32 SWOT meetings 26 Task Force meetings (As of today) Community Phone survey Inclusion of parents in TF leadership District PAC meetings Enrollment presentation to Board Staff meetings Task Force page on website Strategic Planning link on website Visit to Bloomfield Hills Local service group presentations Year Round interest survey Several mailers and interest surveys Year Round Information meeting 7 Town Hall meetings Task Force Chair meeting OMNI Council presentation TF Board presentations (March-May) Community Leader breakfast Development of Guiding Principles 10 Focus Panels District PAC meetings Task Force Creation Staff meetings Published Strategic Plan Proposals Publish Strategic Plan Timeline
S TRATEGIC P LAN A DJUSTMENTS Adjustments that have already been made based on community voice: Community HS not moving in 13-14 Kids & Company not moving in 13-14 Kids & Company final location change West Complex Focus more developed Final Location of Virtual Program Development of 9 th Grade Program
G OALS FOR T ONIGHT Review year-round concept Share perspectives from staff, parents and students Review the middle school concept Share a vision for blending both ideas Answer Questions
Why Consider Year- Round Programming?
A DVANTAGES OF Y EAR -R OUND S CHOOL C ALENDAR Balanced school calendar-same # of school days with the option to attend more Flexible schedules-off peak vacation time Extending learning opportunities for all students Intervention available for struggling students Enrichment opportunities during intercession periods Increased student retention and decreased need for review (Decreases Summer Loss) Longer time in school prior to state assessments
T URRILL E LEMENTARY Y EAR -R OUND P ROGRAM Year-Round Calendar Truth and Myth Feedback Students Parents Staff Advantages Academic Family/Students Choice
I NTERSESSIONS An opportunity for learning during the “off weeks” Theme-based unique learning experience (assemblies, field trips, presentations, etc.) A modest weekly participation fee with qualified instructors A childcare option Free universal breakfast and busing provided Access to Free/Reduced Lunch for those who qualify
Y EAR R OUND S TAFF M EMBER P ERSPECTIVES Students are retaining more from the previous year due to the shorter summer break More frequent breaks to rejuvenate the students and staff I feel less stressed and therefore can give my students more We have barely been sick this year, shorter stretches and frequent breaks give their minds and bodies time to recuperate Breaks up traditional 3 month summer enhancing continuity and pacing of instruction Review went quickly and we went right into grade level learning My students are still engaged, love coming to school, and even complain when the breaks are more than a week “Teaching happens on the outside. Learning happens on the inside.”
Y EAR R OUND P ARENT P ERSPECTIVES Academic Benefits For At Risk Student Year Start of Year DRA Score End of Year DRA Score 10-11 16 28 11-12 20 40 12-13 38 *50 – end of tri 2 As a result of not falling as far behind and a shorter recovery time we now can concentrate on other areas of support Benefits of Year Round Calendar Benefits of Intersession
Year Round Student Perspectives
Year-Round Middle School Program
F UNDAMENTAL C ONCEPTS OF M IDDLE S CHOOL P ROGRAM Developmentally Responsive: An environment that recognizes the young adolescent learner as unique, with different needs than high school or elementary students Interdisciplinary Teaming: A set of teachers share a common group of students, providing opportunities for collaboration and support I-Connect: A program to establish positive relationships and a meaningful connection to the school for each student Exploratory Courses: A robust program that allows students to explore a variety of areas prior to High School
F UNDAMENTALS OF Y EAR R OUND M IDDLE S CHOOL P ROGRAM Team-Based: Students will share a common set of teachers for core subjects, (Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies) consistent with our practices on the traditional calendar Exploratory Courses: Students may have the opportunity to enroll in the same courses as those on the traditional calendar Advancement Opportunities: Students who need additional challenges will be able to find acceleration opportunities through advanced math courses and individual plans consistent with current practices Additional Support: Students with special needs, 504 plans, or other challenges will receive the support that they need to be successful Athletics / Clubs: All year-round students are still Bulldogs / Wolves and will be able to play sports, act in plays, play music, go to dances, and otherwise fully engage in all school-sponsored activities
TARGET: 120 STUDENTS Allows for students to experience different teachers throughout the school day Students will have the opportunity to interact with different peers during the day Economy of Scale Factors – More Students Means… More teachers More opportunities for support Stronger expertise in content areas More variation in interaction with peers *** Survey Results Will Determine Timeframe***
S TRUCTURE P OSSIBILITIES 6 th Grade- 120 students 4 Content Area Teachers – 4 Classrooms of students Full Team – 6 th Grade Only ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 th Grade-60 students 7 th Grade-60 students 4 Content Area Teachers – 4 Classrooms of students Full Team – ½ 6 th Grade / ½ 7 th Grade ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 th 60 students 7 th 30 students 8 th 30 students 4 Content Area Teachers – 4 Classrooms of students Full Team – ½ 6 th Grade / ¼ 7 th Grade / ¼ 8 th Grade
L OGISTICS “School within a School” “Team within a School” Sharing with Turrill Year-Round Program Busing Staff Members (particularly exploratory staff) Vacations / Intersessions Zemmer / Rolland-Warner / Both??? Location dependent upon interest, geography, and capacity Core Classes and Exploratory Classes Core to run on a year-round calendar Exploratory courses may be shared with traditional calendar (art, music, PE, etc.)
W HAT H APPENS N EXT ? Feb. 4 -14: Parent Interest Survey (due 2/14) Feb. 11: Year-Round Middle School Parent Information Meeting @ Zemmer 6:30pm March 13: Year-round MS Task Force Meeting 6:00pm @ Zemmer (look at survey results) March 26: Year-round MS Task Force Meeting 6:00pm @ RW April 11: Year-round MS Task Force recommendation to Board of Education @ ASC
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS Q: Will my child still be able to participate in extra- curricular activities? A: Yes, students will have access to all clubs and athletics. Q: Will there be intersession opportunities? A: Yes, we anticipate enough interest from families for these programs. Q: Will busing and breakfast be available? A: Yes.
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