student success

Student Success Presentation by Dr. Rita M. Cepeda, Chancellor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Community for Student Success Presentation by Dr. Rita M. Cepeda, Chancellor Professional Development Day All District January 25, 2013 Accreditation Standard II.A.3.C Student Learning Programs and Services A recognition of

  1. Building Community for Student Success Presentation by Dr. Rita M. Cepeda, Chancellor Professional Development Day All District January 25, 2013

  2.  Accreditation Standard II.A.3.C Student Learning Programs and Services “A recognition of what it means to be an ethical human being and effective citizen: qualities include an appreciation of ethical principles, civility and interpersonal skills; respect for cultural diversity; historical and aesthetic sensitivity; and the willingness to assume civic, political, and social responsibilities locally, nationally, and globally.”

  3.  Board of Trustees • 2012-2013 Annual Performance Goals for the Chancellor  Strategic Planning  Culture  1. Develop a philosophy and vision statement of culture and civility for the District including Board-Chancellor relationship. Include a plan, and timeline for training.  2. Work to develop and support a strong cabinet to develop the region’s leading educational institution.  Resources  Bond

  4.  Workshops, dialogues, and training opportunities on the topic of Civility at:  July Retreat for Constituency Groups’ Representatives  Chancellor’s Executive Team  District Council Meetings  MSCC Retreat  Civility Task Force Meetings

  5. Forming the Task Force Faculty Classified Students Administration

  6. Rita Cepeda (Chair)  Celia Cruz  Elaine Burns  Victor Garza  Sue Hager  Sam Ho  David Lo  Eileen Luna  Clem Lundie  Barbara Kavalier  Joseph King  Cam Martian  Lauren McKee  Jan Tomisaka  Eric Nguyen  Merylee Shelton  Shawn Sieu-Nguyen  Ingrid Thompson  Judy Rookstool (Consultant)  Charles Stevens  Ruth Villasenor  Alex Ward 

  7. Formulate a civility statement Set work plan, timelines and Select, modify, and prioritize means of reporting recommendations for action in the areas of to promote civility civility recommendations within the district Delineate related tasks and implementation

  8. statement on mentor program standards / statement of civility expectations training Signs defining respect and civility climate survey district professional public spaces organizations electronic site “best campus public meeting practices” spaces workshop per course syllabi student welcome academic year possible statements Contribution resources to student recognition faculty involvement web-based instructional service Service Learning District publications site

  9. Civility

  10. Kindness Respect

  11. 1. Conduct Climate Survey- Priority 3

  12.  2. Develop/provide an electronic site for collection of civility-related material- Priority 3

  13.  3. Sponsor one workshop per academic year for staff, and possibly for others in the community, on civility and civil discourse - Priori ority ty 2

  14.  4. Recognize contributions by staff and students to the campus and community- Priority 2

  15.  C. Publications - Priority 1  Review District publications for appropriate insertion of language that encourages civility .

  16.  D. Faculty and Staff - Priority ½  1. mentor program - Priority 1  2. training  3. recognize topic of civility and support program recommendations - Priority 1  4. “best campus practices” - Priority 2/3

  17.  E. Instruction – Priority 2/3  Suggest statements to include in course syllabi delineating expectations of civility, mutual respect, and civil conduct in the classroom to post on civility instructional eportfolio .

  18.  F . Student Affairs – Priority 1 Encourage student involvement

  19.  G. Public Space posting signs and art increase public meeting space

  20.  Group Discussion on Civility  A. The Ideal State of Civility  B. Challenges  C. Opportunities  D. Individual Commitment

  21. Building Community for Student Success


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