strong interest inventory

Strong Interest Inventory Larry Long, Ph.D. Counseling & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Strong Interest Inventory Larry Long, Ph.D. Counseling & Educational Support Services John Hollands theory Happiness in your career by finding a good match Strong Interest Inventory History Sample Description of the

  1. Strong Interest Inventory Larry Long, Ph.D. Counseling & Educational Support Services

  2. John Holland’s theory Happiness in your career by finding a good match

  3. Strong Interest Inventory  History  Sample  Description of the assessment

  4. Guess Your (1-6): General Occupational Themes  Social  Artistic  Enterprising  Conventional  Investigative  Realistic

  5. Social (S)  Interest: People, teamwork, helping, community service  Work activities: Teaching, caring for people, counseling, training employees  Potential skills: People skills, verbal ability, listening, showing, understanding  Values: Cooperation, generosity, service to others

  6. Artistic (A)  Interest: Self-expression, art appreciation, communication, culture  Work activities: Composing music, performing, writing, creative visual art  Potential skills: Creativity, musical ability, artistic expression  Values: Beauty, originality, independence, imagination

  7. Enterprising (E)  Interests: Business, politics, leadership, enterreneurship  Work activities: Selling, managing, persuading, marketing  Potential skills: Verbal ability, ability to motivate and direct others  Values: Risk taking, status, competition, influence

  8. Conventional (C)  Interests: Organization, data management, accounting, investing, information systems  Work activities: Setting up procedures and systems, organizing, keeping records, developing computer applications  Potential skills: Ability to work with numbers, data analysis, finances, attention to detail  Values: Accuracy, stability, efficiency

  9. Investigative (I)  Interests: Science, medicine, mathematics, research  Work activities: Performing lab work, solving abstract problems, conducting research  Potential skills: Mathematical ability, researching, writing, analyzing  Values: Independence, curiosity, learning

  10. Realistic (R)  Interests: Machines, computer networks, athletics, working outdoors  Work activities: Operating equipment, using tools, building, repairing, providing security  Potential skills: Mechanical ingenuity and dexterity, physical coordination  Values: Tradition, practicality, common sense

  11. Combine 2 or 3 letters

  12. Sample results

  13. Personal Style Scores (Example)

  14. Take-Aways  Your career preferences and what your job requires impacts your career satisfaction  Use your career preferences and personal style to guide your decisions  Look at non-vocational opportunities (e.g., leisure/hobbies)

  15. Follow-up options:  Students  Post-doc  Post-doc / employees


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