DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Installation Boundary Mapping and the DoD Real Property Inventory Program 11 October 2007 SAME Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Jeff Swallow
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Real Property History � Real Property data reported to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) � Need to accurately report the DoD land interest for financial accountability � Audit reports state that DoD can not properly account for and report real property • Unreliable or unauditable valuations and asset information • Lack of integration of financial and property systems
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Real Property Need � What’s Missing? • Formal Guidance and Specific Implementation Protocols for geospatial capture of Real Property Assets • Integrated business processes for managing Property, Plant, & Equipment (PP&E) across DoD • Practical strategy to aggregate the data across multiple sources � Recognize DoD’s strengths and weaknesses • Site (and Asset) unique identification registry � Necessary Outcomes • Assignment of unique identifiers to all real property sites and assets • Enable linkage to personnel, property, and environmental systems • Reduced information asset management cost and increased productivity � Results – Real Property Inventory Requirements
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory RPUID Registry Concept RP DoD Metadata DoD Metadata DISDI DISDI RPUID RPUID ODS / Data ODS / Data & XML & XML View er View er Registry Registry Analyst Warehouse Warehouse Registries Registries (GIS) (GIS) User Interface FSM Enterprise Services Layer Component Geo-databases IFS FAD ACES Recap RP Federal iNFADs Reports Reports Congress WHS TMA DLA DoDEA Systems Systems Systems
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Real Property UID Hierarchy Installations Installations are composed of one or more are composed of one or more Sites. Sites. Installation Installation Sites are: Sites are: • • Managed by a single Service Managed by a single Service • A contiguous area of land • A contiguous area of land Site Unique Identification Project Focus Site Unique Identification Project Focus Sites Sites are composed of one or more are composed of one or more Land Land Site A Site A Site B Site B Site .. Site .. Parcels and/or Parcels and/or Facilities Facilities Asset Unique Identification Project Focus Asset Unique Identification Project Focus Facility(ies) Facility(ies) Land Land Facility(ies) Facility(ies) Land Land Parcel(s) Parcel(s) Parcel(s) Parcel(s) An individual Facility An individual Facility (e.g., building, (e.g., building, structure, linear structure) or structure, linear structure) or Land Land Parcel Parcel • • Over 571,000 facilities on over 29M Over 571,000 facilities on over 29M acres acres
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory FY06 RPI Pilot Project � Installation Boundary Mapping for Land Geospatial Data Model • Demonstrate an optimized and validated methodology of parcel compilation for DoD installations � Compilation per “ Real Property Inventory Requirements” , Jan 05 � Deliverables per “DoD RPI Site and Land Recommendations for the SDSFIE”, Sep 05 • May 2006 Pilot Study Report � Documents processes, metrics & “Lessons Learned” � Includes recommendations for future parcel creation efforts � Furnishes specific & practical protocols for building Parcels & RP Sites
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory ODUSD(I&E) Phase 1 Scorecard � Goals Accomplished : • Established new geo-data model for capturing RPI sites and land parcels DoD- wide • Validated geospatial data collection process and synchronization with Real Property Unique Identifier (RPUIR) registry • Established per-unit data collection costs � Process Confirmed Sites and Land Parcels • Mapped parcels using land descriptions Dover AFB, DE from legal deeds Site • Compiled sites in accordance with RPIR Boundaries Land Parcels rules (owned) Land Parcels • 18 installations in National Capital Region (non-owned) (NCR) and USACE Seattle District area • Data delivered May 06, distributed to Services Jun 06
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory RPIR Work Product Installation_Area [CIP 2007] RPI_Parcels [Andrews Pilot 2006] � New Level of Data Granularity � Attributes per RPIR Guidance � Interactions w PPE Spectrum
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Lessons Learned � Research • Identify responsible installation level POC • Obtain most recent tract register or parcel listing per installation when available • Initial site visit to where vesting documents are stored to determine level of effort for research • Perform additional research at state and local level • Determine boundary of site to acquire full imagery of site • Original Reservations – additional research needed to determine parcel boundaries labeled as prior acquisitions or original reservations on RESM • “Official” list of installation names and site determinations before compilation to ensure consistency with the DoD Site Registry
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Lessons Learned � Compilation • Compile adjacent installations among different services simultaneously (Ft Lewis – McChord AFB) • Compile all components of the site at same time (outgrants, disposals, parcels) • Use imagery along with vesting documents to resolve erosion and accretion • Use COGO supplemented with digitization when vesting document is incomplete � Geodatabase • Feature class created to handle non-polygonal tracts • Manage the RPI geodatabase versions using Microsoft Visio • Feature level metadata – need link to records in geodatabase as to the status of the parcel (complete, issues, etc.) • Review and revise topology rules • Update metadata guide to include all features
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory ODUSD(I&E)Phase Projects � Real Property Inventory Requirements (RPIR) Projects • 2005 OSD Pilot Phase I: Land Parcel Mapping Process development � 18 Installations in National Capital Area and Seattle USACE • 2006 OSD RP Land Parcel Mapping Phase II & Environmental Liability Reconciliation Pilot � 50 Installations across Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines • 2006-2007 USAF Land Parcel Mapping Project � 40 Air Force installations
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Phase II Approach � Compilation methodology through services • Army – Digitized existing Audited tract maps • Air Force and Navy – using existing deeds, legal documents, and tract maps gathered at the installation level to compile installation
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Personnel � RPI Personnel • Technical Manager - a licensed surveyor responsible for the RPI Land Parcel compilation • Survey/GIS Technician – Performs parcel COGO or digitization from deeds and tract maps • GIS Manager – responsible for data migration, QAQC and final data formatting
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Workflow
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Spatial Data Components � SDSFIE Compliant � Personal Geodatabase • RPI Land Parcel Area - Polygons representing the geographic extent of owned land parcels and less-than-fee surface rights • RPI Land Parcel Line – Linear components representing the land interest in which there is no area • RPI Sites - RPI site boundaries shall represent the geographic extent of all contiguous land parcels in which the DoD has legal interest. • RPI Disposals – Land reassigned to other DoD entities, transfer to another DoD or Non DoD entity, exchange, donation, loss by disaster, demolition, and sale • RPI Outgrants – Polygons representing the geographic extent of lands outgranted by DoD • Feature Level Metadata – Object table linked to the spatial tables, capturing how the data was created, what source documents used, and any issues encountered during compilation � Topology rules enforced
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Compilation Overview � Collect all legal documentation, existing data � Review/Scrub Legal Instruments � COGO Using ArcMap tools � Attribute Data � Create Feature Level Metadata � Review Data w/Technical Manager � Approve by Technical Manager � Metadata � QAQC � Review Draft Data w/Installation � Deliver Final data approved by RPO at Installation
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Compilation Roles � Research/Scrub/Review legal data � Digitize and Compile deeds Technical Manager � Complete attribution and Survey/GI Techs � Finalize Land Parcel decisions � Review compilation w/RPO � Create Site Summary Report � Create Sites GIS Manager � Perform topology checks � Perform spatial/attribution checks � Prepare data for final delivery
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Compilation Process � Determine Sites to Compile � Extract Sites for ACES roll up or site listings provided by services
DoD RPI Land Parcel Inventory Compilation Process � Document Preparation � Scrubbing • All available Project maps in PDF format (Tract map or latest final audit map) • Tract identifiers • Site Summary Report- Create a word document for summary report at startup. Document as much as possible explaining thoroughly any decisions or issues encountered as you progress with the process. � Objective - to be able to complete a one to one correlation between tract #’s shown on map and tract #’s shown on tract registry as to whether the tract is fee, less than fee, or disposed of.
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