Charlotte County Utilities Strategic Plan 2010-2015 Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners January 11, 2011 1 1
Agenda • Introduction • Strategies Plan Model & Methodology • Strategic Focus Areas • Mission • Vision • Core Operating Values • CCU Strategic Goals (6) 2
Introduction • First strategic plan in 1993. • Plan to meet the challenges of today and manage the paradigm shift. • Plan addresses future challenges and changing priorities. 3
Introduction (cont’d) • The plan created in a manner that allowed input from a large audience of stakeholders. • It also outlines the specific goals, strategies, and objectives. 4
Strategic Planning Model A B C D E Where we are Where we want to be How we will do it How are we doing A ssessment B aseline C omponents D own to E valuate Specifics • History & • Situation – Past, • Mission & Vision • Performance • Review Progress Background Present and Future Measurements • QualServe Self • QualServe Peer • Core Operating • Initiatives and • Take Corrective Assessment Review Key Values Projects Actions Survey Findings • QualServe • Strengths & • Major Goals • Action Plans • Feedback & Preliminary Opportunities compare Revise plans • Specific Objectives Analysis to other Utilities 5
Strategic Plan Methodology • QualServe (AWWA) Peer Review Team conducted extensive interviews. • Results were compiled and development of preliminary analysis was completed. 6
Strategic Plan Methodology • Team completed plan that resulted in a tangible, measurable objectives and actions. • The plan will become the framework – Operating & Capital Improvement Budgets – Annual Goal Setting Priorities 7
County Strategic Focus Areas 1. Water Resources : Ensure quality and quantity of water resources when and where they are needed and provide a safe and reliable water supply. 2. Fiscal/Financial Planning : Continue to increase the effectiveness of local government and maintain a strong financial condition. 3. Efficient and Effective Government : Facilitate the organizations capacity to govern and manage effectively in the rapidly changing and challenging environment. 4. Quality of Life : Enhance community life by clean air and water, unfettered open spaces and bodies of water, conservation of wildlife and natural resources, and provide community amenities. 8
CCU’s Six (6) Strategic Goals 1. Water Resources 2. Wastewater/Reclaimed Water 3. New Business Opportunities 4. Stakeholder Communications 5. Human Resources 6. Fiscal/Financial Planning 9
Mission • To provide products and services of uncompromising value to our community by operating a public utility system that is economically sound, environmentally responsible, operationally reliable and customer responsive. 10
Vision • To ensure safe, reliable utility service at fair and reasonable rates. 11
Core Operating Values • Integrity – committed to serving with honesty. • Customer Service – committed to providing excellent service and to achieve real results that earn the public’s trust. • Partnership - committed to working cooperatively with our coworkers and others for the overall good of the community. • Innovation – committed to innovation and continual learning. • Stewardship – committed to good stewardship of our resources 12
Goal #1 Water Resources System Modeling AMR Technology Water Quality Develop New Water Budget Necessary Sources Promote and Employ Infrastructure & Water Conservation Maintenance 13
#1 Water Resources • Enhance community life and provide a safe and reliable water supply. • Manage growth and change consistent with the County’s comprehensive plan to maximize quality of life Strategies Objectives Performance Measures 1. Ensure water quality 1. Improve water quality 1. Number of customer and quantity. on a consistent basis. water quality complaints. 2. percentage of assets 2. Ensure future viability 2. Manage current mgmt program completed. of water infrastructure. assets to fullest extent. 3. Identify and develop 3. No. of alternative 3. Identify additional back up water supply. sources identified. sources within County. 14
#1 Water Resources (cont’d) Strategies Objectives Performance Measures 4. Number of customer 4. Expand customer base 4. Find additional water contacts made. to increase revenue. customers. 5. To ensure 5. Budget maintenance 5. Feet of pipe replaced infrastructure is replaced and improvements. or maintained. or maintained. 6. Promote and employ 6. Capacity analysis 6. Reduce the usage of conservation of water. of water plants. potable water. 15
#1 Water Resources (cont’d) Strategies Objectives Performance Measures 7. Help keep rates the 7. Cost of water today 7. Reduce costs associated same for customers. vs the future years. with delivery of water. 8. Percent reduction 8. Develop a more efficient 8. Implement hydraulic in flushing. distribution system. model. 9. Percent meters using 9. To automate the meter 9. Identify technological advanced technology. reading for efficiency. advances in meter reading. 16
Goal #2 Wastewater/Reclaimed Reduce Electrical use Reduce Chemical Usage Increase WW Revenue 17
#2 Wastewater/Reclaimed Water • Maintain and enhance a safe and healthy community in which to live by providing clean air and water, open spaces, conservation and amenities. Strategies Objectives Performance Measures 1. Number of new 1. Expand the customer 1. Convert failed septic customers per year. base to increase revenue. system central sewer. 2. Use asset management 2. Track infrastructure 2. Budget maintenance to prioritize investments. repairs. and improvements. 3. percentage of 3. Identify ways to reduce 3. Reduce Kilowatt hours reduction of electrical electrical & chemical & chemical usage. and chemical use. costs. 18
Goal #3 New Business Opportunities New Business Opportunities Feasibility of Bottling CCU Water Increase Revenue in Biosolids and Grease Processes 19
#3 New Business Opportunities • Facilitate capacity to govern and manage effectively in a rapidly changing/challenging environment. Strategies Objectives Performance Measures 1. Biosolids, grease & 1. Cost of current 1. Identify potential reclaimed water processes reduced. uses to increase opportunities. revenue . 2. Expand reclaimed 2. Sell more reclaimed 2. Percent of increased customer base. water. revenue. 3. Use capacity 3. Identify feasibility of 3. Participate in a “green” available at Plants. bottling CCU water. recycling venture. 20
Goal #4 Stakeholder Communications Improve Internal and External Communications Community Outreach with Students Charlotte Harbor CRA Leadership Charlotte Touring Conduct Regular Employee MSBU Open House Burnt Store Facility Meetings 21
#4 Stakeholder Communications • Facilitate capacity to govern and manage effectively in a rapidly changing/challenging environment. Strategies Objectives Performance Measures 1. Contact community 1. Improve the external 1. No. of scheduled groups. communications. speaking engagements. 2. Enhance community 2. Solicit input from 2. Solicit membership for engagement. community. committees, as needed. 3. Scheduled monthly 3. Strong mgmt 3. Increase presence field visits. presence in field. in field. 22
#4 Stakeholder Communications Strategies Objectives Performance Measures 4. Improve communications 4. Find solution for 4. Established meeting with purchasing dept. best RFP’s and resolution. contract issues. 5. Number of meetings 5. Improve 5. Conduct leadership scheduled. communication on a & employee meetings. regular basis 23
Goal #5 Human Resources In-house and Local Employee Training Succession Planning Building Diverse Workforce CCU Workplace Safety FWPCOA Short School with Committee CCU Instructors 24
#5 Human Resources • Maintain a safe and healthy community in which to live. Strategies Objectives Performance Measures 1. Employee Education 1. Promote in-house 1. percentage of training completed locally. Program and local training. 2. Enhance the safety 2. Obtain input from 2. Safety Committee program to limit staff when new safety report to Director. workplace injuries. rules are anticipated. 3. Quarterly meeting 3. Develop organizational 3. Communicate with with all staff. culture that promotes and employees importance of accepts change. change. 25
#5 Human Resources (cont’d) Strategies Objectives Performance Measures 4. Review skill base pay 4. Recruit, develop and retain 4. To meet future needs matrix. diverse workforce. and growth. 5. Compare staffing 5. Determine skills for 5. Identify areas that ratios with other Utilities. existing and future org. need attention. 6. Increased 6. Dept. results of 6. Investigate flex hours and efficiencies, reduced investigation. ten hour workdays. costs. 26
Goal #6 Fiscal/Financial Planning Apply and Monitor Federal Grants Maintain Financial Stability of CCU Anaerobic Digester Grease from restaurants and the food industry into usable feedstock 27
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