status rapport

Status rapport Copenhagen 2009 Copenhagen 2009 Possibilities and - PDF document

WBFSH Seminar WBFSH Seminar November 4 November 4 Status rapport Copenhagen 2009 Copenhagen 2009 Possibilities and Limitations Presentation of DWB database and the Danish Presentation of DWB database and the Danish Pilot- Pilot

  1. WBFSH Seminar WBFSH Seminar November 4 November 4 Status rapport Copenhagen 2009 Copenhagen 2009 Possibilities and Limitations “Presentation of DWB database and the Danish Presentation of DWB database and the Danish “ Pilot- Pilot -project: project: “Registration of diseases Registration of diseases” ” “ By Steen Bo Larsen By Steen Bo Larsen Steen Bo Larsen Steen Bo Larsen Database Partners Database Partners n D.M.V D.M.V n Current: Current: n Reproduction Reproduction practitioner practitioner n Horse breeder Horse breeder n Danish Agricultural Danish Agricultural n President of The President of The Advisory Center Advisory Center Danish Equine Danish Equine n Danish Equine Danish Equine Veterinary Veterinary Veterinary Association Veterinary Association Associations Associations n Practice owner Practice owner The Danish Horse Database The Danish Horse Database The Danish Horse Database – The Danish Horse Database – in in numbers numbers Studbook registration for 24 Danish breeding societies - 350,000 registered horses Registration of all horses for competition with the Danish - 60,000 horses registered for competition – and over 2 million Equestrian Society results for these horses - 80,000 gradings, performance tests, elite predicates, etc. Data registered: - each year, app. 11,000 covering, 8,000 foals and 3,000 gradings are registered - Basic horse data (registration number, name, date of birth, breeding society, gender, etc.) - Pedigree data - Information on grading, performance tests, etc. - Breeding permits, coverings, foal registrations - Competition results from national and international competitions Heste Heste 1 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

  2. Internet access to the Horse Internet access to the Horse DWB Database DWB Database Database Database n Index Index WWW.HESTEDATA.DK Subscribers have access to data on all registered horses (basic data, grading information, competition results, offspring) Heste The Danish Cattle Database The Danish Cattle Database The Danish Cattle Database The Danish Cattle Database n Legislation Legislation n Milk recording Milk recording n Manual Manual n Disease surveillance Disease surveillance n Pedigree Pedigree n Protocol Protocol n Medication Medication n Index Index n Variables of interest Variables of interest n Veterinary practices Veterinary practices n Legislation Legislation n Key/CHR number Key/CHR number n Slaughterhouses Slaughterhouses n Veterinary diagnoses Veterinary diagnoses n Insemination data Insemination data n Antibiotics Antibiotics n Durability Durability n Owner/Farmer Owner/Farmer n Welfare Welfare n Milk recording Milk recording n Destruction plants Destruction plants n Lab results Lab results The Danish Equine Veterinary The Danish Equine Veterinary Association Association Diagnose Register Diagnose Register n Quality in Veterinary Quality in Veterinary n Procedures Procedures Specific horse id Specific horse id n Research Research n Evidence based medicine Evidence based medicine n Sharing of Case Records Sharing of Case Records n Transparency in Pre Purchase Transparency in Pre Purchase n Examination Examination Transparency regarding Transparency regarding n Doping Doping 2 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version

  3. Legislation Legislation Possibility Possibility n One central database One central database n National Horse National Horse n Cattle database look Cattle database look- - Register 1/7 2009 Register 1/7 2009 alike alike n Passport Passport n Medication Medication n Slaughter Slaughter n Transport Transport n Microchip Microchip Denmark Denmark Limitations Limitations n A small relative homogeneous country A small relative homogeneous country Obtainable Challenges Obtainable Challenges n n DWB monopoly in the sports horse DWB monopoly in the sports horse n Index Index n Durability Durability n (Standard breed) (Standard breed) n Pedigree Pedigree n Welfare Welfare n Novasoft Novasoft Monopoly (vet Monopoly (vet- -software) software) n n Diagnoses: Lame , Diagnoses: Lame , n Soft parameters Soft parameters n Vets wants to do things right Vets wants to do things right OCD, x- -ray etc. ray etc. OCD, x n n Sport Results Sport Results n The Danish Equine Veterinary Association The Danish Equine Veterinary Association n represents 90% of Danish horse vets represents 90% of Danish horse vets n The Danish Advisory Center has the know The Danish Advisory Center has the know- - n how (cattle database) how (cattle database) Welfare PHD project project Welfare PHD Ethics Ethics n n Analysis of interests Analysis of interests n Time consuming Time consuming Easy to ride Easy to ride n Sports results Sports results n n Vet Diagnose Register Vet Diagnose Register n Money demanding Money demanding Professional training Professional training n Remarks ( Remarks (Stuart Stuart´ s, , Teknical Teknical n Research Research n delegates, Judges) delegates, Judges) Owner remarks Owner remarks n Trainer remarks Trainer remarks n Vet remarks Vet remarks n Training methods Training methods n Stabling Stabling n Youth Youth n Blacksmith Blacksmith n Nutrition Nutrition n 3 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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