Political Elements Developments regarding Research and Innovation in the ESS � EU 2020 – Digital Agenda – GDP and Beyond – Stiglitz, Sen, Fitoussi report Pascal Jacques � Forecasting critical events (financial markets, wars) Head of sector ESTAT B2 Methodology and research � Need of new indicators: environmental statistics/green economy, quality of life/well-being � Privacy protection � Communication 404 on revision of production method of EU statistics + ESS committee paper 2010/05/6 Blue-ETS Conference 22-3-2011 � Research activities NSI Organisational Challenges – FP7 – FP8 � Eurostat Initiatives � Make data more understandable and relevant – Sponsorship on Dissemination and on Standardisation � Publish high quality data – ESSnet � Reduce costs of production – VIP projects • Statistical matching � Reduce allocation of staff (0 growth) • Agricultural statistics and EU-SILC Validation � Reduce administrative burden • NAPS extension � Lower and lower response rate • ESS infrastructure for decentralised access to and Exchange of confidential data � Need to capture reality and changes of our � European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) information societies � Communication channel – CROS portal 22-2-2011 NTTS conference 23-3-2011 Blue-ETS conference FP7 (2007-2013) Activities FP8 (2014-2020) Preparation � Analysis of future research areas relevant to official statistics in � Research line in Official Statistics since 2007 FP8 – Research projects selected : RISQ, SAMPLE – Online Questionnaire • Number of respondents : 1504, Response rate: 71.68% – BLUE-ETS • Complemented with face to face interviews with key players (from – DWB (Data Without Boundaries) research and official statistics) � Others projects of interest � Discussions with DG RTD on future ESTAT involvement � Presentation of the first results of the study on future research needs in – AMELI, POINT, INNO S&T, SMILE, GEOLAND 2, OS at NTTS 2011 ESSprep… � Definition of a roadmap for developing research in STATISTICS with all � Research line on Coordination action on interested communities with the objective to implement the results in OS ‘Beyond GDP’ closed February 2011. � Propose research directions to the interested communities to get their � Future research line on Spatial statistics/Use of feedback and involvement in the future. � Improve networking between the different parties : NTTS is one step, spatial information for statistics. CROS is the communication channel. 23-3-2011 Blue-ETS conference 22-2-2011 NTTS conference
Issues raised Online questionnaire - General Information � Statistics as a data-intensive science � Necessity to put into place appropriate infrastructures (data infrastructures, services infrastructures, � Challenges linked to the changes in the environment � Quality related issues � Training and education Research topics Relevant technological changes � Big data � Linking administrative sources and data from � Cloud computing survey � Internet of things � Metadata, DDI, SDMX, � Web 3.0 � Treatment of measurement errors � Data Warehousing � New data collection (multi-mode) methods � Mobile applications � Confidentiality � Virtualization � Simulation techniques, Bayesian inference � Open software � Small area estimation � Service oriented architecture � Integration of multiple sources 22-2-2011 NTTS conference 22-2-2011 NTTS conference ESSnet? Research directions � From Data to Information, from Information to Knowledge… ‘A network of several ESS organisations aimed What about wisdom? at providing results that will be beneficial to the – New technologies for data analysis and presentation whole ESS’ � Better ways to communicate and involve users in statistics 1. Several partners. Results to non-participating o Storytelling for statistics countries. � Better ways to share and exchange data between NSIs, with researchers and with general public (data warehouses, web 2. Issues of European interest 3.0 technologies, etc.. 3. Compatible with 5 Year Programme � Using new data types, new ways of collecting data and 4. Cost-effective (avoid duplication) combining different data types (registers, web, text, video, mobile, gps/GI, etc). 5. Knowledge sharing, innovation, harmonisation � Semantics and ontologies for statistics 6. Sustainability � Standardisation/harmonisation of definitions, formats, 7. ESS organisations in partnership (NO methods and processes Universities) � Work on indicators 23-3-2011 BLUE_ETS conference 25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest
MEETS Methodology for modern business ESSnet statistics (Memobust): first action � 22 ESSnet projects have been launched since 2007 � FPA 3 years, first SGA 18 months started in December – 15 are running, 2010 – 7 are finished � Participating countries: NL (Leon Willenborg coordinator), – Around 16 M€ of community financing provided to 158 partners. PL, HU, NL, NO, SE, CH – 10 ESSnet contracts are under preparation in � Update the current 1997 handbook on business survey 2011 out of which 5 are new projects and 5 are methodology continuations of MEETS projects. � Put in a web format � Develop on some special topics: integrated design, data Year ESTAT M€) MEETS (M€) collection, estimation 2008 2.3 0 � Reuse and link other available information 2009 2.2 1.1 � Eurostat project officer Wim Kloek 2010 3.2 5.7 2011 2.3 5.9 14 Dissemination CROS portal MEETS Methodology for modern business statistics (Memobust): second action � Second SGA 18 months start July 2012 � Conclude on the special topics � Complete the revision of the handbook � Test the usability as training instrument � Make methodological standards explicit; refer to available tools � Propose maintenance plan 15 Next actions � Answer to the consultation on the Green Paper on major changes to EU research and innovation funding to make participation easier, increase scientific and economic impact and provide better value for money http://ec.europa.eu/research/csfri/index_en.cfm?pg=home � Have a look on CROS portal for forum and consultation of reseach directions in Statistics 22-2-2011 NTTS conference
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