state of the art sanitation in brazil

State of the Art Sanitation in Brazil: evolution, challenges and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

State of the Art Sanitation in Brazil: evolution, challenges and perspectives History of Water Supply and Sanitation Since ancient times man has learned, by experience, that the dirty water, garbage and other waste could transmit diseases and

  1. State of the Art Sanitation in Brazil: evolution, challenges and perspectives

  2. History of Water Supply and Sanitation Since ancient times man has learned, by experience, that the dirty water, garbage and other waste could transmit diseases and began to take steps to have clean water and get rid of debris. Was born basic sanitation

  3. History of Water Supply and Sanitation • The development of sanitation is always related to the emergence and growth of cities such as Babylon in ancient Mesopotamia. • There has been news that there were sewage collectors in Nippur (Babylonian) since 3,750 BC • The first public water supply system, the aqueduct of Jerwan was built in Assyria in 691 BC

  4. History of Water Supply and Sanitation The Cloaca Maxima is one of the oldest sewer systems in the world, built in the late sixth century BC by the last kings of Rome, based on the Etruscan engineering, in order to drain the sewage and garbage to the river Tiber.

  5. Medieval Times to XIX Century • In medieval times, people used to shoot craps on the streets, sometimes reaching bystanders and only privileged people had access to private internal. • In the XIX century there were a gradual introduction of steam pumps and pipes of iron. • Hydraulic Engineers (1842), then proposed a radical reform of the health system, fully separating to drinking water from wastewater

  6. Industrial Development and population increase • With industrial development, from mid-century. XVIII, there was a great exodus and populations concentrated in cities. • Due to the growing concentration of human populations in urban centers, coupled with industrial expansion basic sanitation has become a public health issue • Search up preventive measures to minimize, maintain or correct possible hazards to the environment and healthcare.

  7. Access to Water Supply and Sanitation • It is noteworthy that, in every age and in all places, sanitation concentrated in urban areas and on meeting the privileged classes. • The democratization of sanitation access is recent phenomenon and restricted geographically.

  8. PERSPECTIVE: A EXHAUSTED PLANET ... • Mankind took almost 200,000 years to reach the mark of 1 billion and 500 million people • In just a century (the XX) the world population has quadrupled, reaching brand of 6 billion people in 2000. • Hence the immense strain on natural resources, the large production of waste and contaminated waters.

  9. Country Context: Brazil in numbers Area: 8,514,876,599 km² Population: 190.7 million (2010) 84% urban (160 million inhabitants) 55 million in metropolitan areas 26 states, 1 Federal District 5,565 municipalities 89% of the municipalities in Brazil have no more than 50,000 inhabitants Strong and stable economy The world 7 th GDP (2012) • GDP Brazil 2013 - R$ 4,838 billion (U$ 2066 billion) • GDP per capita - R$ 24.065 (US$ 10.284) But 85 th in HDI - 0,730 R$ = U$ 2,34

  10. Brazil Water Supply and Sanitation • In Brazil , the history of sanitation also merges with the formation of cities . • In the colonial period the water supply was made by collecting profusely and fountains in the villages which then formed and sanitation actions were restricted to drainage of land and installation of fountains in some cities • In the early nineteenth century , laws overseeing ports were created and avoided the entry of ships with sick people • At that time , the sanitary facilities of the houses were located in the back and evictions were collected in special barrels . When were filled , after several days of use , resulting smelly and infected , were carried by slaves , dubbed the " Tigers " and dumped in the current Republic Square or the waterfront , where they were washed . • In the year 1840 , in Rio de Janeiro , was founded a company to operate services of barrels of water transported by a fleet of two-wheeled carts , pulled by donkeys • With the rapid growth of the city of Rio de Janeiro were implementas improvements in water supply systems and the product has been marketed , no longer a natural right to become a commodity.

  11. Brazil Water Supply and Sanitation • In middle of the nineteenth century early twentieth century began the organization of basic sanitation services and the provinces deliver concessions to foreign companies, mainly British • In century XX, due to the dissatisfaction of the population with the poor quality of services provided by foreign companies, one begins to think of a plan to get all dirty water through pipes to a place where she could be treated. • Then there is the nationalization of the services and in this period you begin to link sanitation to its resources. • In 1912 we adopted the absolute separation system • Generalization of the use of concrete pipes • The drainage becomes a mandatory element of the urbanization projects.

  12. Brazil Water Supply and Sanitation • In the XX Century, years 50 and 60 was create companies of mixed economy. • Strong participation of Development Banks, wich provided the loan repayment through tariffs and demanded more autonomy companies. • In 1964 was created BNH – Housing National Bank which happens to be the manager of FGTS, main source of funds for the sector - in 1964 BNH was created. • In 1971 the military regime establishing PLANASA – National Sanitation Plan; • Autonomy and self-sufficiency through tariff-based funding in returnable resources. • Extreme concentration of decisions to requirements of state companies on municipal services • Radical separation of institutions that take care of health in Brazil of planning Sanitation.

  13. Federal Law of Water Supply and Sanitation In 2007 was enacted long awaited Law 11.445/2007 which establishes guidelines for sanitation and the provision of public services for urban sanitation and solid waste management

  14. Federal Law on Solid Waste • In 2010 was enacted Law No. 12,305 establishing the National Solid Waste. • Provides for environmentally sound prevention and reduction of waste generation and disposal of waste • Establishing the shared responsibility of waste generators: – manufacturers , importers , distributors , merchants , citizens and holders of municipal solid waste management in reverse logistics of waste and post- consumer packaging and post -consumer • Creates important goals that will contribute to the elimination of landfills and establishing planning instruments at national, state , micro-regional, intercity and metropolitan and municipal levels , in addition to imposing that individuals develop their plans for Solid Waste Management. • Also places Brazil in level playing field in the major developed countries concerning the legal framework and innovates with the inclusion of waste pickers and collectors of recyclable materials and reusable, so when in Reverse Logistics in Selective Collection.

  15. Principles of the Law of Solid Waste I - prevention and precaution ; II - the polluter pays and the protector receives ; III - a systemic view on solid waste management , which considers the environmental, social , cultural , economic, technological and public health variables ; IV - sustainable development ; V - the eco-efficiency by reconciling supply, competitive prices , qualified goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life and reducing the environmental impact and consumption of natural resources to a level at least equivalent the estimated capacity of the planet Earth ; VI - cooperation between the different spheres of government , the business sector and other segments of society ; VII - the shared responsibility for product life cycle; VIII - recognition of reusable and recyclable solid waste as an economic and social value as well , generating jobs and income and promoter of citizenship; IX - respect for local and regional diversity ; X - the right of society to information and social control ; XI - the reasonableness and proportionality .

  16. ABES – Mission and Vision VISION Promote activities technical-scientific, political-institutional, and of management, contributing to the development of the MISSION water supply and Be nationally recognized sanitation, intending to as the main entity of improve health, the reference in water environment and supply and sanitation people's quality of life. sectors.

  17. Sanitation is one of the most lagged segment of infrastructure Highways Ports Sanitation and Airports Energy Telecom Railways Development and competitiveness sector levels Less More Developed Developed Source: Dr. Mascarenhas Presentation – CNI (Estadão Forum, 09/13/2012)

  18. Total services levels of water and sewage in 2011 by region Water Sewer Treatment Midwest 87,3 47,5 44 South 88,2 36,2 34,6 Southeast 91,5 73,8 41,2 Brazil - Total Pop. North 71,2 21,3 30,1 Water - 82,4% Sewer - 48,10% 54,6 9,6 12,7 Northeast Treatment - 37% Sewage Source: SNIS 2011

  19. Urban services levels of water and sewage in 2011 by region Water Sewer Midwest 96 52 South 96,8 42 96,7 78,8 Southeast Brazil - Urban Pop. 89,4 28,4 North Water - 93,0% Sewer - 55,50% Treatment - 37% 67,9 11,8 Northeast Sewage Source: SNIS 2011

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