stat ate fund for prot otection and assistance of

Stat ate Fund for Prot otection and Assistance of (Statutory) ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Stat ate Fund for Prot otection and Assistance of (Statutory) ) Victims of Human Traf afficking Protection and Assistance of the Victims, , National Referral Mechanism reader: : Irakl kli Chko konia 201 2018 The Manda date of the

  1. Stat ate Fund for Prot otection and Assistance of (Statutory) ) Victims of Human Traf afficking Protection and Assistance of the Victims, , National Referral Mechanism reader: : Irakl kli Chko konia 201 2018

  2. The Manda date of the State Fund  The St Stat ate Fund for Pr Prote tecti ction an and Assista tance ce of of (St Stat atutory) Victi tims of of Human an Traf affick cking (here an and af afte ter – stat ate fund) is is a legal enti tity of of public law, under the Ministr try of of La Labour, Health th an and So Social Affairs of of Georgia;  Creat ated in in 2006 on on th the basis of of th the law of of Georgia on on “Combating Traf afficking in in Persons” ;  The Sta tate te Fund provides service ces for vict ctims (with th dependents ts) of of human an tr traffick cking, vict ctims of of Domestic violence ce an and/or violence ce agai ainst womenand/or sexual al violence ce.

  3. Who can apply for services of the State Fund? the indiv dividuals, , who have the status of victim of human traffickin king Victi tim (Statut utory) – an individual who has the status of victim according to the Criminal Procedure Code of Georgia. Victi tim - Identified as victim of human trafficking by the Permanent working Group according to the confidential identification questionnaire, provided by the special mobile group of the State Fund. • Same status granting procedures exist for the foreignerpotentialvictims

  4. Procedure for Granting the Status of Victim Mobile Permanent Group of the Information State Fund Group State Fund • Three Special Mobile Groups are established on the basis of the State Fund (1 in West Georgia, 2 in East Georgia), Each Special Mobile Group consists of two members: one lawyer and one psychologist. • During the interview with the alleged victim of trafficking, the Special Mobile Group members fill out the Confidential Identification Questionnaire, which is sent to the Permanent Working Group for review. Permanent Working Group meets for discussion and reviews the questionnaire within 48 hours from the referral and determines the status of referred person. • If status of victim of trafficking is granted, the Permanent Working Group issues the document in three copies. One copy to the Victim, one copy to the State Fund and one copy stays with the Permanent working group. Permanent Working Group provides victim with information about available state services (shelter, compensation, medical, psychological, legal support etc. ).

  5. The State Fund’s services for the victims of human trafficking: Psych chologica cal Support rt/re /rehabilitation; Legal Consultation , repre resentation; Shelter r and Cri risis center; r; Medica cal support rt; Support rt in soci cial reintegrat ration; One-time compensation; Service ces tailore red to needs of childre ren.

  6. Psychological assistanc nce e Includ udes: • Psychological cons nsul ultation n and rehabilitation; n; • Crisis inter ervent ention, n, emotional and psychological support; • Assistanc nce e in defini ning ng thei eir futur ure e perspec ectives es, recover ering cont ntrol over er thei eir lives es

  7. Med edical support t includes: s: Org rganization of emer mergen ency and non- emer mergenc ncy med edicals s serv rvices; s; Pro roviding ng basi sic med edicine nes s to the e resi siden ents s of the e shelt elter ers. s.

  8. Legal al assistance includes: Individual legal consultat ation; Representat ation in court and investigation authorities.

  9. Assistance e in social reintegr egration includes es: Researching information regarding available social assistance services and providing the data with residents of the State Fund’s shelters; Providing information regarding educational opportunities; Connecting with different agencies/experts and referring and coordinating services according to the needs of the residents; Employment assistance.

  10. Crisis Cent nter er Service  Crisis center is a place of provisional accommodation of al alleged vict ctims (with th depe pendents) and vict ctims (with th dependents ts) of human trafficking providing psycho-social rehabilitation, legal and emergency medical assistance.  Since 2017 th three cr crisis ce cente ters in Tbilisi (with accommodation for alleged victims), in Kutaisi (without accommodation) and in Gori (without accommodation) installed under the State Fund also provide the al alleged victi tims (before having the official TIP status) and victims with full package of services, including psycho-social rehabilitation, legal and emergency medical assistance.  Also, it is planned to open Crisis Centers in Ozurgeti and in Marneuli municipalities.

  11. Shel elter ers Two shelters for victims of human trafficki king functions in Tbilisi and in Batumi, , under the authority of State Fund. .  A shelter in Batu tumi was open in 2006, another one in Tbilisi - in 2007.  Each shelter is designed to accommodate 10-12 beneficiaries and is tailored to the needs of minors.  The shelters and crisis centers are open for (statutory) victims of human trafficking regardless of their race, skin color, language, sex, religion, political or other opinions, national, ethnic and social affiliation, origin, property or social status, place of residence. The (statutory) victims of human trafficking can be placed at the shelters together with their dependen ents.

  12. At shelter ers victims are provided ed with the following free ee of charge e services es: • Secureplace of of residencewithdecentlivingcondit ditions; • Nutrition and clothes; • Psychological consultation/r /rehabilitation; • Medic dical assistance (includin ding treatment with free supply of of basicmedicines); • Legal assistance and representation in in court and investigation authorities; • Access to to information in in the language unde derstanda dable for the beneficiary; An An interpreter’s service, if if necessary;

  13. Shelter’s Staff Structure Head Social Lawyer er Psychologist Nurse Care-taker er Cleaner er Driver er Accoun untant Guard rd Worker er • Periodically capacity building trainings for shelter and head office staff .

  14. Services tailored to needs of children  All All ser ervices of of th the State te Fun und are adapte ted to to consider er th the need eeds of of the children en.  Rehabilita tati tion-rei einteg tegrati tion Planfor Minorsapproved ed;  LEP EPL Social Ser ervice Ag Agen ency involved ed when en child is is ref efer erred to to the shelter ter. ✓ Care-ta taker ers/nannies esin in the shel elte ters; ✓ Accessibility to to the formal educ ucati tion (school/kinder ergarten en); ✓ Sup upport in in non-formal educ ucation (arts ts and crafts ts classes es,mus usic etc tc).

  15. Shelter in Batumi

  16. Shelter in Tbilisi

  17. Statistics of beneficiaries 35 30 29 29 25 Victim 20 Statutory Victim 15 Dependents <18 10 8 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

  18. Statistics of beneficiaries by nationality 35 30 29 29 25 20 Georgian foreigner 15 10 9 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 2 0 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

  19. Stat atisitics cs of service ces (including de depende dents) 35 33 33 30 Shelter 25 25 25 Legal Assistance 20 Psychological 15 12 12 Assistance 10 10 10 Medical Assistance 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

  20. Hotl otline Service  Hotline for th the victi tims of of human an tr traffick cking is is funct ctioning at at th the Stat ate Fund;  Anyo yone can an ca call on on th the hotline: 116 116 006 006 an and get qu qualified consultat ationand informat ation about service ces of of the Sta tate Fund;  The hotline service ce is is an anonym ymous, 24 24/7, free of of ch char arge an and is is av availab able in in eight lan anguag ages (Georgian an, Russian an, English, Turkish, Azerbai aija janian an, Armenian, Arabic, Persian).

  21. State Fund Partners in Victim Protection and d Support Internat ational al Organ anizat ation for Migrati tion (IOM); ICMPD Inte ternat ational al Centr tre for Migrati tion Policy cyDevelopm pment; NGO Georgian Young Law awyers Associat ation; NGO GO Anti-Violence ce Network of of Georgia; NGO Wo Women for Future; NGO Women’s Informati tion Centr tre; NGO Tan anad adgoma.

  22. Sign Memorandu dums

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