port lands flood protection and enabling infrastructure

Port Lands Flood Protection and Enabling Infrastructure Due - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Port Lands Flood Protection and Enabling Infrastructure Due Diligence Presentation 1/25/2017 Contents 1. 1. The he Por ort L Lands ds 2. 2. Don on R River F Flood ood Prot otection on 3. 3. The P e Pro rojec ect 4. 4. Why

  1. Port Lands Flood Protection and Enabling Infrastructure Due Diligence Presentation 1/25/2017

  2. Contents 1. 1. The he Por ort L Lands ds 2. 2. Don on R River F Flood ood Prot otection on 3. 3. The P e Pro rojec ect 4. 4. Why Undert ertake D e Due D ue Dili ligen ence 5. 5. Du Due Dil Dilig igence F Fin indin ings 6. 6. Pro rojec ect B Ben enef efits 7. 7. Timeli eline e and N Nex ext S Step eps

  3. The Port Lands

  4. The Port Lands

  5. Contents 1. 1. The he Por ort L Lands ds 2. 2. Don on R River F Flood ood Prot otection on 3. 3. The P e Pro rojec ect 4. 4. Why Undert ertake D e Due D ue Dili ligen ence 5. 5. Du Due Dil Dilig igence F Fin indin ings 6. 6. Pro rojec ect B Ben enef efits 7. 7. Timeli eline e and N Nex ext S Step eps

  6. Don River Flood Protection Flood Plain Flood Protected Flood Protection Landform

  7. Contents 1. 1. The he Por ort L Lands ds 2. 2. Don on R River F Flood ood Prot otection on 3. 3. The P e Pro rojec ect 4. 4. Why Undert ertake D e Due D ue Dili ligen ence 5. 5. Du Due Dil Dilig igence F Fin indin ings 6. 6. Pro rojec ect B Ben enef efits 7. 7. Timeli eline e and N Nex ext S Step eps

  8. The Project: The Port Lands Today

  9. The Project: The Port Lands Flood protection Project Uniqu que e and Unprec eced eden ented ed: River Mouth concept as flood protection • • No established regulatory approval process for creating a river in brownfield After er Flood ood Prot otec ection on: • New Don River mouth • Don Greenway (north of the Ship Channel) • Improved Keating Channel • Additional Infrastructure to drive development

  10. Project Scope: individual Components

  11. Contents 1. 1. The he Por ort L Lands ds 2. 2. Don on R River F Flood ood Prot otection on 3. 3. The P e Pro rojec ect 4. 4. Why Undert ertake D e Due D ue Dili ligen ence 5. 5. Du Due Dil Dilig igence F Fin indin ings 6. 6. Pro rojec ect B Ben enef efits 7. 7. Timeli eline e and N Nex ext S Step eps

  12. Why Due Diligence? Und nderstand nd the project’s u unk nkno nowns wns and nd pr prov ovide de as m muc uch assura urance e as pos possibl ble on on cost sts, s, r risk isks, s, and nd sched edule ule to red reduc uce e un uncert ertainty Develop the design concept for the project – beyond the EA design • • Define project scope • Detailed site-specific information on soils, etc. Environmental and regulatory approval requirements and processes • • Construction logistics Risk identification, assessment and quantification = contingency setting • • Implementation strategies and schedule Achiev eves es an ex excep eption onal lev evel el of of due e diligen gence e for for a larg arge pub ubli lic c inf nfrastruct uctur ure proj ojec ect

  13. Due Diligence: Deliverables Concep eptua ual d l des esigns prepared for key project components allowed for better understanding of • unknown conditions  Informed how the project will be constructed and implications for the cost, schedule and risk • Ref efined ed Pro rojec ect s scope e to better balance flood protection and development-enabling infrastructure in light of the new cost, schedule and risk information Upda pdated d const structio ion c cost st esti timate ate based on the concept design and refined project scope • • Updated ed pro rojec ect s sched edule ule that includes design, regulatory and environmental approvals and construction • Risk isk R Regist ister comprehensive list of potential risks and opportunities, • Probabil ilist istic ic r risk isk sim simulatio ion model developed using updated schedule, cost and risk register  Identified the probability of the project meeting its cost and schedule goals  Informed decision making on schedule, cost estimate and risks contingencies

  14. Contents 1. 1. The he Por ort L Lands ds 2. 2. Don on R River F Flood ood Prot otection on 3. 3. The P e Pro rojec ect 4. 4. Why Undert ertake D e Due D ue Dili ligen ence 5. 5. Du Due Dil Dilig igence F Fin indin ings 6. 6. Pro rojec ect B Ben enef efits 7. 7. Ques Questions

  15. Due Diligence: Key Findings Cost Estimate: $1.25 billion Probability of completion within $1.25 billion: 90% Major Risks/Cost Drivers: • Site Conditions: flowing sand, compressible peat • No established regulatory approval process for creating a river in brownfield Contingency: 30% Timeline: Seven-year construction period

  16. Due Diligence: Key Findings

  17. Due Diligence Findings: Soil and Water Contamination Profile

  18. Due Diligence Findings: Excavation and Fill Sequencing, Stage 1

  19. Due Diligence Findings: Excavation and Fill Sequencing, Stage 2

  20. Due Diligence Findings: Excavation and Fill Sequencing, Stage 3

  21. Due Diligence Findings: Excavation and Fill Sequencing, Stage 4

  22. Due Diligence Findings: Site Grading 1.0m

  23. Due Diligence Findings: Interim Road Network and Building Removal/Relocation

  24. Due Diligence Findings: Flood Protection Components

  25. Due Diligence Findings: Wetland Habitat and Park Components

  26. Due Diligence Findings: Bridges and Roads New Cherry Street Commissioners Street Don Roadway

  27. Due Diligence Findings: New and Replacement Services

  28. Due Diligence Findings: Project Scope and Cost Estimate Original Cost Estimate ($YoE): $975 million 1. Key finding that shaped revised cost estimate Site Conditions: flowing sand, compressible peat = • additional soil excavation, soil/groundwater treatment Escalation/Inflation • 2. Re-evaluated Project Scope • Three new components identified • Three components deferred Scope reductions • Current Cost Estimate ($YoE): $1.25 billion Includes: • Contingency Design Allowance • • Indirect Contractor Costs • Soft costs (legal, approvals, engineering) Non-recoverable HST • Due Diligence Report, Page 83

  29. Project Approvals and Construction Timeline Due Diligence Report, Page 101

  30. Due Diligence Key Findings: Construction Coordination 4 6

  31. Due Diligence Key Findings: Peer Review • Unprecedented Project • Important to Peer Review Independent review by qualified organizations • • Examine Report’s adequacy and accuracy The Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment A global construction services provider specializing in water and marine-based projects.

  32. Contents 1. 1. The he Por ort L Lands ds 2. 2. Don on R River F Flood ood Prot otection on 3. 3. The P e Pro rojec ect 4. 4. Why Undert ertake D e Due D ue Dili ligen ence 5. 5. Du Due Dil Dilig igence F Fin indin ings 6. 6. Pro rojec ect B Ben enef efits 7. 7. Timeli eline e and N Nex ext S Step eps

  33. Project Benefits: Economic Impact and Jobs Source: Economic Impacts of Planned Investments, urbanMetrics, 2016

  34. Unlocking Future Development: Port Lands and First Gulf/Unilever Site

  35. Sustainable, Livable & Beautiful Communities

  36. Sustainable, Livable & Beautiful Communities

  37. Sustainable, Livable & Beautiful Communities

  38. Sustainable, Livable & Beautiful Communities

  39. Sustainable, Livable & Beautiful Communities

  40. Sustainable, Livable & Beautiful Communities

  41. Contents 1. 1. The he Por ort L Lands ds 2. 2. Don on R River F Flood ood Prot otection on 3. 3. The P e Pro rojec ect 4. 4. Why Undert ertake D e Due D ue Dili ligen ence 5. 5. Du Due Dil Dilig igence F Fin indin ings 6. 6. Pro rojec ect B Ben enef efits 7. 7. Timeli eline e and N Nex ext S Step eps

  42. Next Steps The Project: Funding: City of Toronto Council has directed staff to identify funding its one-third share through the 2017-2026 capital budget process. The Government of Canada and Province of Ontario have not yet committed funding . Start Date: The Project is not yet fully funded and, as a result, there is no official start date for construction at this time, with the exception of the Essroc Quay Lakefilling Project Essroc Quay Lakefilling: Funding: Committed Start Date: Detailed Design Starts February 2017 Construction Starts August 2017 Consultation: Stakeholder engagement in early 2017 Port Lands Framework Plan, Villiers Island Precinct Plan, and Transportation and Servicing Master Plan: Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto have continued to refine the plans since the public and stakeholder consultation in Fall 2015 Stakeholder update will follow in early 2017


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