Starting Strong for Community Health! Webinar: The ACA & Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) November 21, 2013
Speakers for today ’ s webinar: • Kathy Waligora – Manager, Health Reform Initiatives, EverThrive Illinois (formerly IMCHC) • Jennifer Wagner – Associate Director, Family & Community Services, Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) • Jacqui Ellinger – Deputy Administrator in the Division of Medical Programs, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) • Tracy Keen – Lead for ABE User Acceptance Testing, Division of Medical Programs, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS)
Agenda for today ’ s webinar 1. Policy Update 2. ’ s HelpHub 3. Two enrollment scenarios on ABE 4. Integrated Eligibility System (IES) and ABE: What is IES and how does it relate to ABE? 5. CountyCare and ABE: What is happening with CountyCare and when? 6. ABE and Care Coordination: What happens after I am enrolled in Medicaid? 7. Questions and Answers 8. Wrap up
Policy Update--Cancellations • Nongrandfathered plans that do not meet coverage requirements of the ACA are being discontinued for the 2014 plan year • President Obama is using administrative authority to propose a change which would allow these plans to continue through 2014 without adopting ACA requirements if consumers are informed of: – the exact ways in which their plan does not meet ACA standards – the availability of the marketplace and financial assistance to purchase coverage which does meet these standards • This rule only creates the option to accept this fix, state commissioners of insurance and individual insurance companies will decide whether to proceed. • The Illinois Department of Insurance is expected to announce their decision before Thanksgiving. • new-administration-proposal-help-consumers-facing-cancellatio
HelpHub • • An ACA assistance forum provided by Illinois Health Matters • Where enrollment and outreach specialists in Illinois can share their experiences helping consumers enroll into the ACA ’ s new health insurance options – sharing best practices, successes/challenges and lessons learned – Q&A, documents, stories
Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) • HFS ABE written guides: – http://www2.illinois.go v/hfs/SiteCollectionDocuments/G uideABECommPartners.pdf – ompletingABEApplication.pdf • HFS Introduction to ABE, recorded webinar: –
ABE • Two enrollment scenarios: – First scenario: • Undocumented single mother applying for All Kids for her two U.S. citizen children – Second scenario: • Medical and cash application for a three generation household: grandmother, son, and granddaughter/daughter
Integrated Eligibility System (IES) and ABE: • What is IES and how does it relate to ABE? – ABE is the public facing portal of IES • For now, ABE contains the online application for Medicaid, cash and SNAP – IES is the system that contains • Case records • Eligibility rules • Ability to verify data through federal and state data hubs – Caseworkers pull applications from ABE into IES to register them, verify information, and process them. – Caseworkers work directly in IES when taking an application over the phone (Call Center) or in the FCRC office.
CountyCare and ABE: • What is happening with CountyCare and when? – CountyCare as a managed care network continues in 2014. – CountyCare Assistors will continue taking applications for ACA Adult enrollment into CountyCare until the end of March 2014. – Starting in January 2014, ACA adults not enrolled by a Countycare Assistor will have the choice of enrolling in the CountyCare network or Illinois Health Connect (fee-for-service). Information will be provided by the client enrollment broker. – Once mandatory managed care rolls out in Cook County in 2014, clients will have the choice of managed care plans including the CountyCare network.
ABE and Care Coordination: • What happens after I am enrolled in Medicaid? • Care Coordination roll out chart (dated 10/30/13): – ments/CCRollOutPlan.pdf
Questions? Ask questions using the chat box feature If we are unable to answer your question during the webinar we will make sure to get an answer and email it to you. Contact Us: Next Webinar: Stay tuned! Register online
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