st kevin s parish serving the english speaking roman


ST. KevinS PariSh SERVING THE ENGLISH SPEAKING ROMAN CATHOLICS OF CAPREOL & VALLEY EAST St. reol St. Ke Kevin vin Si Site i te in Va Val Th There rese & & Our r Lady y of Peac ace Si Site i te in Ca Capre Offic

  1. ST. Kevin’S PariSh SERVING THE ENGLISH SPEAKING ROMAN CATHOLICS OF CAPREOL & VALLEY EAST St. reol St. Ke Kevin vin Si Site i te in Va Val Th There rese & & Our r Lady y of Peac ace Si Site i te in Ca Capre Offic Office ad addres dress: s: 4610 St. Therese St., Val Therese, Ontario P3P 1S5 Ph: (705) 969-3663 Fax: 969-3262 or Off ffic ice Hou ours rs: Tu Tuesday sday to to Friday iday 9: 9:00 00 a. a.m to to 3: 3:00 00 p. p.m. m. Web Web page: page: Pastor ..........................….......................….…............. Fr. Jackson Arul Secretary ......................................................................… Mary Moylan Permanent Deacons ...................Rev. Mr. Steve Callaghan The he Pr Pres esen entation tation of the the Lo Lord Rev. Mr. Gord Jenkinson Febr Fe bruar ary 2 2, 20 2020 Rev. Mr. Marshall Meehan Diocesan Order of Women ............….Michelle Jenkinson Parish Pastoral Council Teresa Cloutier (SK) Romaine Chappell (OLP) Sue Godin (SK) Bert D'Appolonia (OLP) Gord Jenkinson (SK) Rachelle Carriere (OLP) Aline Radey (SK) Gerard Regimbal (OLP) Pat Hinds (SK) Marlynn Paul (OLP) Denise Waltenbury (SK) Jeannette Rainville (OLP) Parish Finance Committee Mike McGuire, Lynda Mantha, Jacques Mantha (SK) Mark Patterson, Bert D'Appolonia, Mario Mauro (OLP) Re Reconc onciliation on Screening Committee Fridays: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm at St. Kevin Site. Erv Mantler (SK) Nancy Dube (OLP) Bapti Baptism sms Coordinators of Ministries Please speak to Fr. Jackson following any Mass. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Marriage Anne Marie Duff - SK Site Lorraine Green - OLP Site Please contact Fr. Jackson at least Lectors eight months before your proposed date. Ed & Aline Zickar - SK Site Romaine Chappell - OLP Site Mini nistr stry to to the Si the Sick Altar Servers For communion to the sick and shut-in and for the Sacrament of the Sick, please Michelle Jenkinson - SK Site Elaine Nadon - OLP Site contact the parish office or speak to Children’s Liturgy Fr. Jackson following any Mass. Registration in the Parish Aline Radey (SK) Jen Smith - OLP Site Registration forms are available in the entranceway of both Churches. Diane Marcuccio (SK) Frances Pilon(SK) Pauline Gareau (SK) Teresa Cloutier (SK) Jean Fowler (SK) Prayer Line Baptism Confirmation RCIA Dina Farinon - SK Site 897-4608 Diane Marcuccio Gord Jenkinson Pat Partington Gloria Keegan - SK Site 969-3771 Helen Gustafson-OLP Site 858-1783 Jeannette Rainville Gaye Martel - OLP Site 858-2682

  2. Ma Mass Sc ss Sche hedule ule Monday, February 3rd to Sunday, February 9th Day Masses and Intentions Readings 2 Samuel 15.13-14, 30; Monday Monday 16.5-13a No Parish Mass 3rd 3rd Mark 5.1-20 2 Samuel 18.9-10, + For Jessie Ann Cameron 9:30 a.m. 14b, 24-26a, 30 - Tuesday Tuesday by Daniel & Candace Our Lady of 19.3++ 4th 4th Cameron Peace Mark 5.21-43 For the intentions of t.Agatha St.Agatha Wednesday Wednesd ay 9:30am the members of 2 Samuel 24.2, 9-17 St. Kevin’s CWL 5th 5th St. Kevin Mark 6.1-6 by St. Kevin’s CWL ons St.P t.Paul aul Mi Miki ki & & Com Compani panions 9:30 a.m. Thursday Thursda + For Marilyn St.Cyr 1 Kings 2.1-4, 10-12 Our Lady of by Ronald Belanger 6th 6th Mark 6.7-13 Peace For SSVP Conference (Friends,Patrons,Members, Sirach 47.2-11 Friday Friday 9:30 a.m. Volunteers & Staff) Mark 6.14-29 7th 7th St. Kevin by Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Fif Fifth th Sun Sunda day Saturda Saturday y 5:00 p.m. + For Adrian Pharand by Agnes Pharand in Ordinary T in Ordinar y Time me 8th 8th St. Kevin Isaiah 58.6-10++ For the Parish Community 9:30am 1 Corinthians 2.1-5 by Father Jackson Matthew 5.13-16 St. Kevin Sunday Sunday 9th 9th 11:30am + For Robert Rainville Our Lady of by Jeannette Rainville Peace

  3. WEEKLY OFFERINGS — January 19, 2020 Sunday Envelopes –—– $ 2061.00 Initial Offering ——––— $ 30.00 Loose ———————— $ 122.10 Christmas Env ———— $ 30.00 Heat/Utilities ————— $ 135.00 New Years Env ———— $ 10.00 Tota otal l = 23 2388.1 .10 WEEKLY OFFERINGS — January 26, 2020 Sunday Envelopes –—– $ 3491.00 Initial Offering ——––— $ 80.00 Loose ———————— $ 141.90 New Years Env ———— $ 15.00 Heat/Utilities ————— $ 120.00 Tota otal l = 38 3847.9 .90 Thank you for your generous offering. REMINDER TO PICK UP YOUR VOLUNTEER EVALUATION SHEETS Additional Volunteer Evaluation Sheets are now available in the foyers of OLP & St.Kevin’s. Please pick up & complete one form for each Ministry that you participate in. Deposit completed forms in the boxes provided in the foyers, by the end of February. Thank you in advance, for your input! Our Knights of Columbus Council #7368 would like to draw attention to a proposed change to our regular monthly meeting night, from the current first Tuesday, to the first Wednesday of the month. The vote will take place at the 7pm February 4 th meeting. Ballots will be available at the parish of- fice during regular office hours until Feb 4th, 3pm. Knights are nonetheless encouraged to attend the meeting if at all possible, rather than to use this ballot. General Meetings at St. Kevin’s at Our Lady of Peace Every 2 nd Tuesday of each Every 2 nd Thursday of each month CWL month at 1:00 p.m (New at 7:00 p.m. Time) . Council #3866: Every 3 rd Thursday Council #7368: Every 1 st Knights of of each month Tuesday of each month Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. Supper at 6:00 p.m. Meet- Columbus ings begin at 7:00 p.m. Need a Ride to Church? Please call Aline Radey at 705-547-0168 to make arrangements.

  4. Society of St.Vincent de Paul - St. Kevin’s Conference Our next General Meeting will be held on February 6, 2020 at 1 pm in the St. Kevin site Boardroom. Come see what we are all about. All are welcome! We are looking for a person capable of developing a Website for our Society. If you can help us or know of anyone who can help us, please call our office at 705-897-1461. St. Kevin’s CWL ~ Notice of Meeting Time Changes Our last CWL meeting resulted in some meeting time changes as follows: General Meetings: changed from 7pm to 1pm, staying at every second Tuesday. Executive meetings: are changed as well to every second Tuesday, but at 11:30am preceding the General meeting. These changes will start in February - next meetings are on February 11th . …………………………………………………………. Lucky CWL Member Jeannine Lobban won her free membership for the year 2020. Congratulations Jeannine! St. Kevin’s CWL ~ Midwinter Perogy Dinner At St. Kevin’s Parish Hall Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 6pm Menu: Perogies, Sausages, Baked Beans, Bun, Coleslaw, Strawberry Shortcake with Beverage Cost $15.00 Tickets will be sold at St.Kevin’s Masses the weekends of Feb 1/2, 8/9 & 15/16. For more info contact Carmen at 705 969 4739. News from the CWL, Our Lady of Peace, Capreol We are collecting items for men that can be donated to those in need this winter, such as socks/underwear, or men’s personal hygiene items. Note that all underwear must be new & in the package, while other clothing can be new or gently used. Also aftershave & razors cannot be donated, due to safety concerns. A box has been placed in the small room off of the foyer at Our Lady of Peace, to collect your donations. What Is Happening In our Parish?  Coulson Court Christian Fellowship , 38 Coulson Street, Capreol Wednesday February 5th, 1:30pm  Holy Hour, St. Kevin’s Friday, February 7th, following 9:30 Mass


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