sql for the iot move the query to the data not the data

SQL for the IoT Move the query to the data, not the data to the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SQL for the IoT Move the query to the data, not the data to the query. Internals Why Do You Care? So you can better understand what your query is doing. So that you can appreciate how much work the database is saving you. So that

  1. SQL for the IoT

  2. Move the query to the data, not the data to the query.

  3. Internals

  4. Why Do You Care? ● So you can better understand what your query is doing. ● So that you can appreciate how much work the database is saving you. ● So that you can fix things when they go wrong. ● So that you can write better SQL that runs faster and uses less memory and disk space.

  5. About These Notes ● Nothing in these notes is required – to write applications that use SQL and/or SQLite – to query an SQL and/or SQLite database – to maintain or enhance SQL and/or SQLite-based software ● Everything in these notes is required in order to be an SQL and/or SQLite guru.

  6. Key Concept ● SQL is a peculiar programming language – Each SQL statement is a separate program – SQL describes what instead of how ● An RDBMS consists of... – Compiler to translate SQL into procedures – Virtual Machine to evaluate the procedures

  7. Example SELECT * FROM table1; Translates into: Open database file containing table1 Rewind the file while not at end-of-file read all columns out of current record return the columns to the caller advance file to the next record end-while close the file

  8. Imagine what this translates into: SELECT eqptid, enclosureid FROM eqpt WHERE typeid IN ( SELECT typeid FROM typespec WHERE attrid=( SELECT attrid FROM attribute WHERE name='detect_autoactuate' ) AND value=1 INTERSECT SELECT typeid FROM typespec WHERE attrid=( SELECT attrid FROM attribute WHERE name='algorithm' ) AND value IN ('sensor','wetbulb') )

  9. Or This.... SELECT h.url, h.title, f.url, (SELECT b.parent FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent != ?1 WHERE b.type = 1 AND b.fk = h.id ORDER BY b.lastModified DESC LIMIT 1) AS parent, (SELECT b.title FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent != ?1 WHERE b.type = 1 AND b.fk = h.id ORDER BY b.lastModified DESC LIMIT 1) AS bookmark, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(t.title, ',') FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent = ?1 WHERE b.type = 1 AND b.fk = h.id) AS tags, h.visit_count, h.typed, h.frecency FROM moz_places_temp h LEFT OUTER JOIN moz_favicons f ON f.id = h.favicon_id WHERE h.frecency <> 0 UNION ALL SELECT h.url, h.title, f.url, (SELECT b.parent FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent != ?1 WHERE b.type = 1 AND b.fk = h.id ORDER BY b.lastModified DESC LIMIT 1) AS parent, (SELECT b.title FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent != ?1 WHERE b.type = 1 AND b.fk = h.id ORDER BY b.lastModified DESC LIMIT 1) AS bookmark, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(t.title, ',') FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = b.parent AND t.parent = ?1 WHERE b.type = 1 AND b.fk = h.id) AS tags, h.visit_count, h.typed, h.frecency FROM moz_places h LEFT OUTER JOIN moz_favicons f ON f.id = h.favicon_id WHERE h.id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM moz_places_temp) AND h.frecency <> 0 ORDER BY 9 DESC

  10. The Whole Point Of SQL... ● A few lines of SQL generates the equivalent of hundreds or thousands of lines of procedural code. ● By adding an index, entirely new procedures are used without recoding. ● The SQL Query Optimizer is tasked with picking the algorithm – so that you, the developer, don't have to

  11. Ins and Outs of SQL Compile SQL Run the Prep'ed SQL Result into a program program Stmt Front Half Back Half

  12. Ins and Outs of SQL Compile SQL Run the Prep'ed SQL Result into a program program Stmt sqlite3_step() sqlite3_prepare_v2( sqlite3_stmt object )

  13. Ins and Outs of SQL Compile SQL Run the Prep'ed SQL Result into a program program Stmt sqlite3_step() sqlite3_prepare_v2( ) sqlite3_exec(){ sqlite3_prepare_v2(); while( sqlite3_step()!=DONE ){}; sqlite3_finalize(); }

  14. Architecture Of SQLite Parser Code Generator Virtual Machine B-Tree Pager OS Interface

  15. Compile SQL Run the Prep'ed SQL Result into a program program Stmt Parser Code Generator Virtual Machine B-Tree Pager OS Interface

  16. Compile SQL Run the Prep'ed SQL Result into a program program Stmt Parser Code Generator Virtual Machine B-Tree Pager OS Interface

  17. Compile SQL Run the Prep'ed SQL Result into a program program Stmt Parser Code Generator Virtual Machine B-Tree ● “Storage Engine” Pager ● Fast, transactional, ordered, key/value store OS Interface

  18. Architecture Of SQLite ● Byte code interpreter Parser ● Big switch statement Code Generator inside a for loop. Virtual Machine ● Other engines walk a B-Tree tree of structures Pager ● Similar to JVM or Parrot or P-Code OS Interface

  19. EXPLAIN SELECT price FROM tab WHERE fruit='Orange' addr opcode p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 comment ---- ------------- ---- ---- ---- ------------- -- ------------- 0 Init 0 12 0 00 Start at 12 1 OpenRead 0 2 0 3 00 root=2 iDb=0; tab 2 Explain 0 0 0 SCAN TABLE tab 00 3 Rewind 0 10 0 00 4 Column 0 0 1 00 r[1]=tab.Fruit 5 Ne 2 9 1 (BINARY) 69 if r[2]!=r[1] goto 9 6 Column 0 2 3 00 r[3]=tab.Price 7 RealAffinity 3 0 0 00 8 ResultRow 3 1 0 00 output=r[3] 9 Next 0 4 0 01 10 Close 0 0 0 00 11 Halt 0 0 0 00 12 Transaction 0 0 1 0 01 13 TableLock 0 2 0 tab 00 iDb=0 root=2 write=0 14 String8 0 2 0 Orange 00 r[2]='Orange' 15 Goto 0 1 0 00

  20. EXPLAIN SELECT price FROM tab WHERE fruit=?1 addr opcode p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 comment ---- ------------- ---- ---- ---- ------------- -- ------------- 0 Init 0 12 0 00 Start at 12 1 OpenRead 0 2 0 3 00 root=2 iDb=0; tab 2 Explain 0 0 0 SCAN TABLE tab 00 3 Rewind 0 10 0 00 4 Column 0 0 1 00 r[1]=tab.Fruit 5 Ne 2 9 1 (BINARY) 69 if r[2]!=r[1] goto 9 6 Column 0 2 3 00 r[3]=tab.Price 7 RealAffinity 3 0 0 00 8 ResultRow 3 1 0 00 output=r[3] 9 Next 0 4 0 01 10 Close 0 0 0 00 11 Halt 0 0 0 00 12 Transaction 0 0 1 0 01 13 TableLock 0 2 0 tab 00 iDb=0 root=2 write=0 14 Variable 1 2 0 ?1 00 r[2]=parameter(1,?1) 15 Goto 0 1 0 00

  21. Architecture Of SQLite ● Ordered key/value pairs Parser with unique keys Code Generator ● O(logN) insert, seek, Virtual Machine and delete B-Tree ● O(1) next and previous Pager OS Interface

  22. Architecture Of SQLite ● Atomic commit and Parser rollback Code Generator ● Uniform size pages Virtual Machine numbered from 1 B-Tree ● No interpretation of page content Pager ● Cache OS Interface

  23. Architecture Of SQLite ● Platform-specific Parser interface to the OS Code Generator ● Run-time changeable Virtual Machine ● Portability layer B-Tree Pager OS Interface

  24. Logical View of SQL Table Storage 64bit integer Arbitrary length data in “record” format key “rowid”

  25. Variable Length Integers 1xxxxxxx - high bit set. 7 bits of data 0xxxxxxx - high bit clear. 7 bits of data xxxxxxxx - 8 bits of data 0 to 127 128 to 16383 16384 to 2097151 2097152 to 268435455 268435456 to 34359738367 34359738368 to 4398046511103 4398046511104 to 562949953421311 562949953421312 to 72057594037927935 Less than 0 or greater than 72057594037927935 ✔ Small positive ROWIDs stored more efficiently

  26. B+tree Structure (used by SQL tables) Root page Integer key Pointer to lower page Leaf pages Binary content

  27. B+tree Structure (used by SQL tables) Some keys appear more Non-leaf pages hold only keys than once in the tree. Between 50 and 8000 keys/page depending on page size. Integer key Pointer to lower page ● Key + Data in leaves Binary ● Combined key+data is a “cell” content ● As few as one “cell” per page.

  28. Mapping B-trees Into Pages Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7

  29. To see how pages are used: ● make showdb ● ./showdb database.db pgidx


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