an introduction to iot penetration testing

An Introduction to IoT Penetration Testing @libertyunix - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

An Introduction to IoT Penetration Testing @libertyunix The Agenda n IoT Attack Surface l OWASP IoT Top 10 l -1 Ring in IoT n Wireless Topics in IoT n IoT Pen Testing Tools & Examples n Q&A 2 Getting Started in IoT

  1. An Introduction to IoT Penetration Testing @libertyunix

  2. The Agenda n IoT Attack Surface l OWASP IoT Top 10 l -1 Ring in IoT n Wireless Topics in IoT n IoT Pen Testing Tools & Examples n Q&A 2

  3. Getting Started in IoT Penetration Testing 3

  4. OWASP IoT Top 10 4

  5. OWASP IoT Top 10 1. Weak, Guessable, or Hardcoded Passwords l Hard Code Everything 2. Insecure Network Services l Ecosystem services are vulnerable? 3. Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces l Account Lockout? l Credentials Exposed in Network Traffic 4. Lack of Secure Update Mechanism l More info in the clear & OTA 5

  6. OWASP IoT Top 10 Cont. 5. Insecure or Outdated Components l Supply Chain Risk Management 6. Insufficient Privacy Protection l GDPR for IoT? 7. Insecure Data Transfer & Storage l More info in the clear 6

  7. OWASP IoT Top 10 Cont. 8. Insufficient Security Configurability l Lack of Password Security Options l Security Monitoring & Logging? 9. Insecure Software/Firmware l Encryption Not Used to Fetch Updates l Update File not Encrypted l Update Not Verified before Upload 10. Poor Physical Security l USB l SPI l JTAG 7

  8. -1 Protection Ring in IoT* *Not an Official Term 8

  9. Software Defined Radio & FCC ID 9

  10. Amplitude l Vertical distance between crests 10

  11. Frequency, Cycles, and Hertz l The frequency determines how often a signal is seen l 1 cycle per second = 1 Hertz 11

  12. Modulation 12

  13. Digital Modulation Amplitude Doors, Bells, On Off Keying Shift Lights, Keys Keying(ASK) Frequency Digital Gaussian FSK BLE , ZWave Shift Modulation Keying(FSK) Offset Phase Shift Quadrature Zigbee Keying(PSK) PSK(OQPSK) 13

  14. IoT Networks 14

  15. IEEE 802.15.4 & ZigBee Customer Application API – “the software” Security ZigBee – Network, Security Alliance 32- / 64- / 128-bit encryption & Application Network layers Star / Mesh / Cluster-Tree IEEE 802.15.4 MAC IEEE – “the hardware” 802.15.4 PHY – Physical & Media 868MHz / 915MHz / 2.4GHz Access Control Stack layers Silicon App Source:

  16. Z-WAVE 16

  17. Z-WAVE Packet 17

  18. RFID LF - 125-134 kHz RFID HF - 13.56 MHz UHF - 433 MHz & 856-960 MHz 18

  19. Bluetooth Cross Compatibility 19

  20. BLE Application 20

  21. BLE - (Adaptive) Frequency Hopping n When in a data connection, a frequency hopping algorithm is used to cycle through the data channels n Access Addresses to avoid collisions 21

  22. BLE Stack 22

  23. GATT Example 23

  24. IoT Pen Testing Tools & Examples 24

  25. IoT Penetration Testing Physical Cloud & Mobile Wireless 25

  26. IoT Testing Roadmap Example • Technical IoT SME Discovery ID Attack • OWASP Surface IoT Top • Intelligence Technical Gathering Testing • Exploitation Vulnerability • ?? Ranking Reporting 26

  27. IoT Setup Laptop – USE LINUX § Preferably a dual boot or dedicated machine Hardware OS/Software § HackRF § Ubuntu LTS § BladeRF – Most common § Yardstick One § Kali Linux § Atmel RZ RAVEN – apt-get install kali-linux-all § Ubertooth One § Universal Radio Hacker § Proxmark3 Dev Kit § GNU Radio § Arduino Nano § Blue hydra § Every cable and adapter you § Bettercap can think of § KillerBee § PC Repair and Build Kit § Binwalk § Misc § Firmadyne § A patient wife § APKtool 27

  28. Access Control Systems 28

  29. CCTV System n The real time streaming protocol “RTSP” uses port 554 to connect via TCP n Locating cameras: l #nmap –p554 29

  30. Access Panel Discovery 30

  31. API Interaction 31

  32. API Interaction n There are three major fields analyzed : l EncodedNum, Card Format, and the Access Levels 32

  33. IoT On-Boarding 1. IoT Device Creates Wi-Fi Network 2. PC or Tablet joins open AP 3. IoT device is then registered to connect to the local Wi-Fi 33

  34. Fun with GNU Radio 34

  35. Zigbee “Smart” Home 35

  36. Sniffing BLE 36

  37. Sniffing BLE 37

  38. Exploring Services with Bettercap 38

  39. Extracting Sensitive Data 39

  40. Exploiting BLE 40

  41. Exploiting BLE 41

  42. Binwalk 42

  43. Firmadyne n An automated and scalable system for performing emulation and dynamic analysis of Linux-based embedded firmware n It includes the following components: l Modified kernels (MIPS,ARM) instrumentation of firmware execution l Ability to emulate a hardware NVRAM peripheral l An extractor to extract a filesystem and kernel l A small console application to spawn an additional shell for debugging 43

  44. Firmadyne 44

  45. Hard Coded Passwords 45

  46. APKTool 46

  47. Locating Keys 47

  48. Automotive Security 48

  49. Bypassing Rolling Codes 49

  50. Bypassing Rolling Codes 50

  51. Vapor Trail –Data Exfiltration Tool of Tomorrow 51

  52. 52 Q & A


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