gamification and libraries

Gamification and libraries. Andrew Walsh Dublin, November 2012 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lemons, badges, fun and games: Gamification and libraries. Andrew Walsh Dublin, November 2012 University of Huddersfield Academic Librarian University Teaching Fellow National Teaching Fellow @andywalsh999 From: Arizona State Universities

  1. Lemons, badges, fun and games: Gamification and libraries. Andrew Walsh Dublin, November 2012 University of Huddersfield Academic Librarian University Teaching Fellow National Teaching Fellow @andywalsh999

  2. From: Arizona State Universities Library


  4. From: Northampton University Library

  5. From : discovery-game-for-libraries-a

  6. Mobile library games… a few case studies. • QR codes & treasure hunt inductions – some fun ideas from Charles Darwin University. • Linda Barron used SCVNGR to create a tour for school parties at Queensland State Library. • Sarah Pavey used the QR codes for an adventure night at Box Hill school (interactive story telling). (Image from CDU)

  7. Why did we introduce Lemontree? Library usage makes a difference Correlation between e-resource use, book borrowing and student attainment. But none between library visits and student attainment…

  8. Lemontree

  9. Promotion

  10. User Feedback • Brilliant idea that has the potential to be a lot of fun. • I enjoy the introduction of the game element • Quirky and unique type of game • Very good, I like it. Encourages me to visit the library more often. • Very impressed with it. I've definitely visited the library more frequently since its implementation.

  11. Lemontree usage statistics. (4th November 2011 to 23rd April 2012) • No. of registered users 579 • No. of events sent to Lemontree 32,306 • Average events per user 74 Books borrowed:

  12. Player suggestions: • Good idea, definitely needs a few tweaks and extra features to improve it. • It's good but needs more to it. Maybe like a chat function similar to FB and for achievements to show what they are and how to achieve them • I think lemontree should be easier to access. By this I mean I currently have to log in to my library account and then go onto lemontree. It would be better if the two were integrated more fully. Or if lemontree was integrated into the curent unilearn sytem as an extra tab at the top.

  13. Thanks for listening… More stuff from me at: As well as my books ---> More stuff about Librarygame – I’m at or @andywalsh999 on Twitter

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