������������������������ ���������������� Special S.G.F. Workshop: Special S.G.F. Workshop: The Smart Home Assignment The Smart Home Assignment �
���������� RECALL - November 9, 2010: Minister’s Action Item to the S.G.F.: “ Specific areas of Forum input sought by the Minister: 1. Recommendations and ideas to help government develop Ontario electricity consumer understanding of Smart Grid, Ontario electricity consumer understanding of Smart Grid, Smart Meters and Time of Use rates; 2. Recommendations and ideas for introducing the concept of Smart Homes and the associated enabling technologies to The Honourable Brad Duguid, Ontario residential electricity consumers, while minimizing Minister of Energy the risk that residential and in-home Smart Home enabling technologies do not meet minimum standards of operability and utility.” Draft minutes of the S.G.F. Nov. 9 th �
���������� Can we leverage the work we’ve done so far?... • The Smart Homes assignment intersects with several topics that the Forum has spent a considerable amount of time with this year… �
��������� !������������"�������� “Smart Home“ Issues Policies Specific Ontario Initiatives Related Technologies Interoperability Standards Potential & Other/Under Current Smart NIST-recognized Security Upcoming Review: Appliances Smart Grid FIT and Privacy OpenHAN HomePlug MicroFIT Opportunities AMI Fund Regulation of 3 rd DR Programs Building Codes Zigbee Party Providers Home Area Home Area OPA OPA Conservation Conservation IEEE 1547 Networks Conservation and Rates and Rate ITU G.9960 Programs Suite Tech Funds Structures SMI IPv6 IHDs IEC 15067-3 Consumer Ontario Home Energy Subsidies Savings Program OpenADR IEC 62056 Electric Ontario Solar Thermal Vehicles Innovation Heating Incentive ANSI C12 IEC 18012 Program (OSTHI) Storage Environmental Cool Savings Rebate Program ANSI CEA 709 Z-Wave and 852.1 ecoENERGY for Distributed Buildings and Houses Generation ISA SP100 IEEE P1901 Every Kilowatt Counts (EKC) SAE J1772, NEMA SG-AMI J2836 J2847 1-2009 #
$�������������"��� • Development of the high level smart grid principles including in the Customer Control Area: – ACCESS – VISIBILITY – CONTROL – PARTICIPATION IN RENEWABLE GENERATION – CUSTOMER CHOICE – EDUCATION %
$�������������"����&����'�( Associated General Smart Grid Principles: – Interoperability – Safety – Security – Privacy – Privacy Associated Adaptive Infrastructure Principles: – Flexibility – Forward Compatibility – Encourage Innovation – Maintain Pulse on Innovation )
$�������*����+������� Data Privacy: Including the Forum’s recognition of the Privacy Commissioner’s Smart Grid “Privacy by Design” Principles: “The Ontario Smart Grid Forum recognizes that the 7 Privacy by Design Foundational Principles developed by the Privacy by Design Foundational Principles developed by the Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner provide valuable guidance with respect to compliance with applicable privacy laws, protecting Ontario Consumers and should be considered as recommended best practice in the implementation of the Smart Grid in the province of Ontario.“ S.G.F. Recognition Statement – June 4, 20105 �
$�������*����+��������$��"���� Demand Response: • At its June 1 st meeting, the Working Group met to discuss demand response and behind- the-meter issues the-meter issues No. Of Demand Response Branch Problems by category Cost Security and Allocation, 1 Privacy, 4 D.R. Program Customer Outreach Design , 13 and Education, 6 Technology, 10 ,
$�������*����+�*�-���������*������� Current reach of The Smart Ontario Smart Metering Initiative Home . Diagram Source: EPRI
/0��������1�������� *�-���������*������� • The smart home involves the intensive usage of real-time smart meter data, local network capacity and close integration with LDC and (potentially) third party systems? • This in turn involve a complex set of cost and • This in turn involve a complex set of cost and cost allocation decisions beyond those made for the smart metering initiative. ��
2��*�-������3������������4 “The interface between the • To date, LDC’s, the OEB, Smart Grid and the the SME and other public Customer domain is of sector agencies have special importance. It will largely taken on the be the most visible part of be the most visible part of responsibility for consumer responsibility for consumer the Smart Grid to education about smart the Consumer” meters and TOU rates. NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards,, Release 1.0, page 41. For discussion: • Does this approach carry over to the smart homes concept, and if so, how? ��
$������������ �*����� • Within Ontario (as well as in other jurisdictions) the deployment of smart grid technologies behind the meter lies Security at an intersection point between Regulation of 3 rd various policy considerations. Party Providers • Many of these considerations have • Many of these considerations have Rates and Rate Structures factored into the development of the Policies Forum’s Smart Grid Principles – Consumer Subsidies particularly, in the area of Customer Control. Innovation • However, it remains to be seen how some of these general principles will Environmental manifest themselves in specific �� programs…
$��������������������*���������� FIT and MicroFIT • Many current Ontario programs and DR Programs initiatives are already having Conservation Programs individual impacts on technological SMI selection decisions behind the meter Ontario Home in businesses and residences. in businesses and residences. Current Energy Savings Program Program Ontario Solar Thermal Heating Incentive Program (OSTHI) Cool Savings Rebate Program Specific ecoENERGY for Ontario Buildings and Initiatives Houses Every Kilowatt Counts (EKC) Smart Grid Opportunities Potential & Fund Upcoming OPA �� Conservation and Tech Funds
*�������� High Level Smart Grid Principles Various aspect of the •Including principles from the Customer Control Category that are now part of the Minister’s Directive to the OEB Information Privacy Forum and Working •SGF recognition of Privacy By Design Principles Group’s work on these •Smart Meter Data Access Issue Demand Response Demand Response topics are of direct topics are of direct •Program Design •Subsidies and programs relevance to the smart •Cost allocation •Interoperability Standards homes concept and •Technology •Customer Education and Outreach therefore should factory Electric Vehicles Other aspects of Public Policy into the smart homes •Security •Regulation of 3 rd Party Providers visions. •Rates and Rate Structures •Consumer Subsidies �# •Innovation •Environmental
���"�����2""����0 • Use a similar approach to that used by the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a succinct roadmap for this particular topic... Vision Vision Goals and Related Smart Grid Principles Challenges Milestones – 5 Milestones – 10 Milestones – 20 �% years years years
���"�����2""����0 • Overlaid on this approach are three potential streams of Smart Home-related topics... “Develop and “Develop and “Recognize “Recognize “Provide and Implement and reward Protect ‘Plug and behaviour Information” Play‘ that benefits Technology” Ontario” • Can these three streams form the basis of today’s break-out sessions? �)
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������1�����5����0�" In today’s break-out sessions: – Each group will have a facilitator to prompt discussion, and record key points – Lunch break at 12:00 – Lunch break at 12:00 – Common questions for each breakout session, plus questions specific to each theme: “Develop and “Recognize and “Provide and Implement ‘Plug reward behaviour Protect and Play‘ that benefits Information” Technology” Ontario” �,
������1�����5����0�" Common questions for the three Common questions for the three breakout groups.... �.
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