pre season workshop 2019


PRE-SEASON WORKSHOP 2019 SPECIAL AND PERMIT MARKETS P RESENTER : SIYANDA NGEMA DATE: 02 APRIL 2019 D IRECTORATE : I NSPECTION S ERVICES Table of Content: - Special Markets - Permit and Other Markets - Challenges and Way Forward -


  2. Table of Content: - Special Markets - Permit and Other Markets - Challenges and Way Forward - 2019/2020 Tariffs - Contact Details 2

  3. JAPAN  Visiting Japanese official in April 2018 verified records and audited systems.  Raised the concern of mealy bugs and red scale interceptions in Japan. Consignments were fumigated in Japan.  Request for effective management of orchards.  Possibility of co-loading with China consignments when using break bulk vessels.  Late submission of phytosanitary certificates – agents have to wait for exporters to confirm weights.  Pack houses duplicating sample accompanying documents – more time spent by the DAFF to separate during inspections

  4. JAPAN CONT….  Exporters inter trading with each other before DAFF inspections resulting in confusion of who the actual exporter is – queries after invoicing is done.  Navelates markings have been approved as from 2018  Japanese inspector arrived in SA on the 01 st April 2019  Japanese inspector to visit inspection points in PE and Cape Town 4

  5. KOREA  LETTER RECEIVED FROM NPPO OF KOREA RAISING FOLLOWING CONCERNS:  Under declaration of the net weight on the phytosanitary certificate  Way forward - The net weight on the phyto’s must be the same or higher as stipulated on the consignee labels on the cartons. Any phytosanitary certificate presented to DAFF with lower weights shall be rejected.  Delays in issuance of phytosanitary certificates  This is due to some exporters packing for multiple consignees in a container – no traceable system to see in which containers fruit was packed – hence delays in issuing phytos. Proposal to use codes for each consignee to be depicted on the mother label of the pallet . Phytosanitary certificates that are presented after the 5 days dispensation/grace for submission shall be rejected.  Consignments still being intercepted for markings  Due to this more time is spent at the port checking every pallet - results in delay in inspections. Pack houses to ensure stricter compliance to gain confidence with Korea.

  6. KOREA CONT….  Late or non-arrival of containers for loading as well as uncalibrated containers.  Sand and stones found in inspection cartons.  Last year 13 990 cartons were rejected for mealy bugs. Producers to ensure stricter pest management in the orchards for mealy bugs and other quarantine pests for Korea.  Soft Citrus from SA are excluded from export in 2019  1 inspector will arrive in SA around the 01 st Week of April  Estimated approval date for the Korea database is 2 nd 0r 03 rd week of April  Any queries with regard to Korea shipments to contact the following DAFF official:  Mr Kasavan Naicker 031 369 6898 or 060 973 6021

  7. Special Market 1. CHINA  PUC list for China has been approved and its available on our DAFF website.  Break bulk vessels now allowed to China – option to co-load with Japan 4. USA Still awaiting approval from the USA for citrus from non CBS areas 5.THAILAND  The PUC list to be uploaded on the 11 March 2019 – can commence to pack with the presentation of import permit. 7

  8. PERMIT MARKETS & OTHER MARKETS 1. United Arab Emirates  Additional declaration on phyto – consignment free from Spodoptera frugiperda ( Fall Army Worm). No DAFF inspection required. 2. INDONESIA  Extension of the market to April 2021  Import permit maybe in place – exporters/agents to immediately forward to the DAFF 3. Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) ( Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyz and Kazakhstan )  Consult regulation 157 for the amended phytosanitary import conditions which came into effect from July 2017 4. JORDAN  Cold treatment where stipulated on the permit 8

  9. PERMIT & OTHER MARKETS Continue.. 5. SRI LANKA  Import permit ,cold treatment and no DAFF inspection 6. BANGLADESH  Import permit required and no DAFF inspection 7. India  Land based cold treatment still applicable or Methyl bromide fumigation  Awaiting reply from India to revert to in transit cold treatment 8. MAURITIUS  No inspection for B. dorsalis pest free areas - Western Cape, Eastern Cape & areas not under quarantine. 9

  10. PERMIT & OTHER MARKETS Continue.. 9. MALAYSIA  Import permit required and no DAFF inspection needed. 10. REUNION  Revised import conditions for reunion - adopted EU measures as prescribed in the EC Implementing Decision 2014/422/EU to comply with RU CBS risk management system 11. TAIWAN  No inspection by DAFF  Cartons to be marked “ TO TAIWAN REPUBLIC OF CHINA” + intransit cold treatment 10

  11. CHALLENGES AND WAY FORWARD: CHALLENGES (2018) RECOMMENDATIONS (2019) None adherence to the minimum consignment size Rejection of consignments Fruit diverted from PE to Durban Before you divert fruits communicate with regions for approval Incorrect info on Accompanying docs Rejection of consignments Requests made but no consignments at inspection point Billing for futile trip Samples not ready for inspections Billing for delays Using of other markets cartons for special markets Rejection of consignments ISPM 15 marking missing and not clear on the pallets Rejection of consignments 11

  12. EXPORT TARIFFS FOR 2019/2020 EXPORT TARIFFS FOR 2019/2020 TREASURY APPROVAL FA (19/20) DATED 30/11/2018 PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATES: NATURE OF SERVICE: TARIFF 2019/2020 ISSUING OF BLANK PHYTO’S TO AGENCIES : R220-00 VERIFYING / SIGNING OF PHYTO’S & VALIDATED COPY / RE- ISSUING OF PHYTO’S : Within official hours R220-00 Weekdays from 16:00 – 20:00 / 06:00 – 07:30 and Saturdays from 06:00 – 20:00 R333-00 Weekdays and Saturdays from 20:00 – 06:00, Sundays and public holidays R444-00 PHYTOSANITARY FIELD INSPECTIONS: NATURE OF SERVICE TARIFF FOR 30 MINUTES INSPECTIONS: Within official hours R220-00 Outside official hours: Weekdays from 16:00 – 20:00 / 06:00 – 07:30 and Saturdays from 06:00 – 20:00 R333-00 Outside official hours: Weekdays and Saturdays from 20:00 – 06:00, Sundays and public holiday R444-00 SPECIAL MARKET / PROGRAMMES: (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Mexico, Iran, Thailand {all far east countries}) NATURE OF SERVICE: TARIFF PER 30 MIN INSPECTIONS: Within official hours R220-00 Weekdays from 16:00 – 20:00 / 06:00 – 07:30 and Saturdays from 06:00 – 20:00 R333-00 Weekdays and Saturdays from 20:00 – 06:00, Sundays and public holidays R444-00 12

  13. E.C Region Contact Details 1) Regional Manager: KUBEN NAIDOO 031 3688502 or 0845828124 2) Technical Assistance: Charles Mntambo and Siyanda Ngema – 031 3688544 or 060 973 5660 – 031 3688537 or 060 974 1473 3) Admin: Euresha Ramlal 031 368 8509 13

  14. TAKE HOME MESSAGE  Maintain good relationship with DAFF Officials.  Take note of all recommendations made for 2019 citrus season.  Maintain Good Agricultural Practices all the time.  Familiarize yourself with DAFF procedures and adhere to them. 14

  15. THANK YOU END 15

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